Articles from 1969

Mission on a divine horizon “Missio Dei” seventy years later232023
H.E. Archbishop José Rodriguez Carballo, OFMThe Changing Landscape of Religious Missionary Life232023
Bro. René StockmanTowards Christmas: the feast of humility232023
Fr. Amedeo CenciniNew scenarios of Evangelization for
Consecrated Life in a
synodal-intercultural context
Marian Murcia, SFBThe changing landscape in religious missionary life232023
Didier Lawson, SMAGovernance — Animation — Finance232023
Adelson Araujo dos Santos, SJLaity: collaborators in the mission and involvement232023
Alain Mayama, CSSpWelcome and introduction232023
Amedeo CenciniNew scenarios of Evangelization for232023
Christian Tauchner, SVDConsecrated Life in a context232023
synodal-intercultural69/1196969/112/1/2024 0:00
Mission Theology Symposium69/1196969/113
Working groups for interviews and Developments etc.69/1196969/114-20
Invitation for Suggestions69/1196969/121-22
Itineraries of Superior General69/1196969/123
Dieter HanschePublications of Generalates of Religious Institutes69/2196969/224-36
Invitations to the mission Theology Symposium69/2196969/237-38
News from the field69/2196969/239
Mission Theology Symposium - progress report (Theologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps - Rome, 27-31 Mars1969)69/3196969/340
Arnulf Camps, OFM, NijmegenTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps - Document 10. Activité Missionnaire et Structures d'emprunt.69/3196969/341-45
Mission Theology of our Times - A Symposium sponsored by SEDOS, Program69/3196969/346-47
Assembly of Generals - Application for membership by Mission Etrangeres du Paris69/3196969/348
Working group for development - Report on Meeting69/3196969/349-52
Intermediate Technology group - Meeting in London69/3196969/353-54
Mgr. Dossing/ Dr. Koch/Miss AelvoetReport by MISEREOR on its meeting with SEDOS , Nov. 26, 1968.69/3196969/355-57
Medical work - Report on meeting69/3196969/358-61
working group for social communications and for Interviews69/3196969/361-62
Jean Frisque, ParisTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps-Document 6. Le Role du Developpement dans l'activite Missionnaire69/4196969/463-74
José Maria Gonzalez-Ruiz, MadridTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps, Document 12. Missionet Librerte de conscience69/4196969/475-80
Mission Theology Symposium - progress report./ Medical work69/4196969/481-83
Marie Thérèse Walsh, OSUXXII Assembly of Generals.69/5196969/584-86
John Schütte, SVDTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps - Document 3. Alors, Pourquoi la Mission?69/5196969/587-100
A. VannesteTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps, Document 13. Quelques reflexions au sujet de la Théologie des Missions.69/5196969/5101-102
Working group for development- Report of the meeting69/5196969/5103-108
James S. Tong, SJMedical work - Report from Bangalore69/5196969/5109-112
Invitations for suggestions; working group for interviews - report on meeting69/5196969/5113-115
Assembly of Generals: Discussion topics, candidates for the executive committee69/6196969/6116-117
Working group for development69/6196969/6118-120
Working group for interviews - Memorandum for Assembly69/6196969/6121-122
Varia - Education, Theology and social science for the mission.69/6196969/6123-125
D. Grasso, SJTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps, Document 7. Primaute de l'evangelisation dans l'activite Missionnaire69/6196969/6127-133
Clare Julien, SFBAssembly of Generals: Candidates for the Executive committee, Notes on Liaison officers69/7196969/7135-138
Working group for development: report on meeting.69/7196969/7139-140
A. M. Fiolet, AmsterdamTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps, Document 8- Vers une Theologie du developpement69/7196969/7141-153
Caroline CohenWorking group for social communications - Reports on Meetings69/8196969/8156-158
S. Lyonnet, SJTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps, Document 1 - La Nouveauté de l'Evangile.69/8196969/8159-174
Otto Semmelroth, SJ, FrankfurtTeologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps, Document 2. Révélation et Salut Hors de l'Evangile69/8196969/8175-189
Medical work - report on the visit of Mr. J.McGilvray69/8196969/8190-191
Invitations for suggestions69/9196969/9192-193
Jean Danielou SJTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 4. Les Religions non-chrétiennes et le salut.69/9196969/9194-199
Angel Santos, SJ, Comillas (Spain)Theologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 14. Los no cristianos y el Problema de su salvacion.69/9196969/9200-217
Wolfang KralewskiWorking group for documentation: Report on meeting, Dr. W. Kralewski's report69/9196969/9218-224
Working group for Interviews - Report on meeting69/9196969/9225-226
Medical work- report on Medeor, report on meeting69/9196969/9227-231
Working Group for Development69/10196969/10232-244
MissionTheology Symposium (report steering committee)69/10196969/10245
The Church and the Third World backgroud paper F. Arevalo, SJ69/10196969/10246-258
Religion in Taiwan.69/10196969/10259-276
Working Group for Social communications69/10196969/10277
Assembly of Generals - Report on meeting69/11196969/11278-281
Angel Santos, SJTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 15.Valores Positivos en las Religiones no Cristianas.69/11196969/11282-311
Angel Santos, SJ SpainTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 16. La Revelacion Primitiva y el Mundo no Cristiano69/11196969/11312-336
de la Potterie, SJ, RomeTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 17. (first evaluation of the texts)69/11196969/11337
André Seumois, OMI, RomeTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 18. Observation sur les Textes Presentes69/12196969/12338-347
D.S. Amalorpavadass, BangaloreTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 5. Apostolat Parmi les non-chretiens69/12196969/12348-378
Assembly of Generals69/13196969/13379-381
Executive Committee69/13196969/13382-387
Working group for development69/13196969/13388-393
Invitations- Fundraising conference, Evian ..69/13196969/13394-398
Theological Symposium - Letter Swiss Lenten Action69/14196969/14399
Invitation for Suggestions - Proposal for research on the future of the Mission69/14196969/14400-405
Medical work - Report meeting Contact group69/14196969/14406-407
Education - Ad hoc working group for education69/14196969/14408-410
Assembly of generals69/15196969/15411
C.G. Arevalo, SJTheological Symposium - Mission Theology Symposium69/15196969/15412-421
Social Communications69/15196969/15422
Documentation - Becoming operational in a world cities69/15196969/15423-433
Mgr. Th. Tshibangu, KinshasaTheologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 11. Theological Symposium - Mission et Responsabilite des Jeunes Eglises69/16196969/16434-448
Card. G. P. Agagianian, RomeTheologie de la Mission Pour Notre Temps. Document 20. Discours du Cardinal G. P. Agagianian69/16196969/16449-454
Varia - Study Session on planning69/16196969/16455
Forthcoming Seminars69/16196969/16456
Assembly of Generals - News from the Generalates69/16196969/16457
Working group for Development69/17196969/17458-459
Varia - Summary of discussion with professor Carly Taylor...69/17196969/17460-473
Assembly of Generals - The XXIII Assembly of Generals69/17196969/17474
Varia - Invitations for Suggestions ...69/18196969/18475-477
Theo Van Asten, PADevelopment - Evangelisation and church - sponsored devlopment69/18196969/18479-485
Medical Work - Why and how sedos became involved in the ecumenic medical effort69/18196969/18486-488
Assembly of Generals69/19196969/19489-497
Theologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 21. Theological Symposium - Report on the closed sessions- part 169/19196969/19498-512
Maryann Panevska, scmm-mWorking group for development - Report on Meeting69/19196969/19513
Dr. J. Van den DriesCredit Union Conference69/19196969/19514-515
Varia - Invitations for Suggestions69/19196969/19516
Assembly of Generals - Financial Statement69/20196969/20517-519
Documento per la discussione - Il Secondo Piano del Sedos - Affrontare l'avvenire, dopo l'esperienza del primo piano del sedos69/20196969/20520-527
Le Second plan de SEDOS - Perspectives après l'expérience du premier plan - Italian , French69/20196969/20528-538
Medical Work - Report on Meetings with representatives of Sedos etc..and Agenda meeting of Superiors General and other Delegates69/20196969/20539-547
Ad hoc working group fro Education69/20196969/20548-549
Assembly of Generals- Application for membership/ An offer from the CFX69/21196969/21550-552
Theologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 22 - Report on the closed Sesscions - Part 269/21196969/21554-563
Medical Work - Statistics of Personnel (Members) engaged in healing ministry69/21196969/21564-566
Invitations for Suggestions - Proposed Questionaire on Catechists69/21196969/21567-569
Mark Reuver O CarmSocial Communications - Statement of the Sedos Working Group for social Communications69/21196969/21570
Assembly of Generals - XXIII69/22196969/22571-575
Maryann Panevska, scmm-mWorking Group of Development - Report on Meeting69/22196969/22576-577
Credit Union Seminar69/22196969/22578-583
Mission Theology Symposium - List of Participants inthe open Sessions69/22196969/22584-596
Education - Memorandum of the Ad hoc group on education69/23196969/23597-599
Social Communications - Summary of the activities of the Catholic Instituions in the field of electronic media69/23196969/23600-611
Theologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps Document 23 - Report on the Closed Sessions - Part 369/23196969/23612-626
W. Goosens, CICMAssembly of Generals69/23196969/23627
Theologie de la Mission pour Notre Temps - Session Ouverte - Last part of discussion69/24196969/24628-636
Working Group for Development - Report on Meeting69/24196969/24637-639
Maryann Panevska, SCMM-MCredit Union Seminar Program69/24196969/24640-642
Medical Work - Report on Meeting69/24196969/24643-653
The Executive Committee Meeting69/25196969/25654-657
Mission Theology69/25196969/25658-660
Medical Work69/25196969/25661-662
Varia - Conference on Fund Raising69/25196969/25663-667
Development - Credit Union69/26196969/26671-673
Formation of Future Missionaries - A Proposal69/26196969/26674-678
Development - Sedos Misereor Scholariship Fund69/26196969/26679
André Seunois, OMIVaria - The Missionary Responsiblity of Bishops - A working Paper69/26196969/26680-690
Missionary Personnel - A Model Survey69/26196969/26691-693
John O'Brien, OSUEducational Work - Report from the ad Hoc Group69/27196969/27694-695
Vincent Gottwald, FSCEducational Work - Report on Education, Technical and Agricultural Situation in Madagascar69/27196969/27696-701
Formation - List of Pastoral Institutes69/27196969/27702-704
J.Joblin, SJVaria - The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Missions69/271969>69/27705-708
W.J.J. KustersAssembly of Generals69/28196969/28709-716
Executive Committee - Minutes of the Meeting69/28196969/28717-721
Varia - Missionaries and Migrants69/28196969/28722-731
Educational Work -An Invitation from the ad hoc group69/28196969/28732-736
Funeral Mass for Miss. Joan Overboss69/29196969/29737-743
Assembly of Generals - Report from Fr. Leo Volker, WF69/29196969/29746-748
Formation - - Proposal for a National Missionary Institute69/29196969/29749-764
Social Communications - Special Meeting with Mr. McMaster of Sodepax69/30196969/30765
Donald M. MacKaySocial Communications - Information Technology and Manipulability of Man69/30196969/30766-776
Benjamin TonnaDevelopment work - FAO Continuity Committee69/30196969/30777-778
Medical Work - Report on a meeting of the contact group69/30196969/30779
Assembly of the Superior General - Minutes of the XXIV Assembly69/31196969/31780-793
Varia - A Proposal for Sedos Branches69/31196969/31794-800
Educational Work - Results of the enquiry on priorities69/31196969/31801-802
Educational work - Invitation to the first meeting69/32196969/32805-806
Development Work - Candidates for the II World Food Congress69/32196969/32807-809
Visitors to the Secretariat69/32196969/32810-813
Leo Volker, PAVaria - Report on Evian-Action-Congress (Report on Fund Raising)69/32196969/32814-821
Medical Work in the Missions - Study session on how to activate the concept of Comprehensive health care69/33196969/33822-824
Benjamin TonnaCatechists - Report of the meeting on Catechists69/33196969/33825-828
Othmar F. RinkDevelopment work - Information paper on the Second Development Decade (2 DD of the UN.69/33196969/33829-837
Benjamin TonnaMeetings by Country - Report on Brazil69/34196969/34838-841
Development Work - FAO - World Food Congress69/34196969/34842-844
Documents Available at the Secretariat - ANBAR comprehensive documentation69/34196969/34845-850
Other Important documents69/34196969/34851-852
Social Communications - Report on the Sodepax Project69/35196969/35853-856
African Religious - The Church in Tanzania Today69/35196969/35857-862
Hans P. Merz, MisereorDevelopment Work - Criteria for the dispensing of aid69/35196969/35863-865
Educational work in the Missions69/36196969/36866-867
Formation of Missionaries - Report on the meeting69/36196969/36868-871
Formation of Missionaries - Missionary Institue London69/3619699/1/1936 0:00872-873
Meetings by Country - The Africanisation in the Church69/36196969/36874-875
Meetings by Country - Acts of the IX Plenary Assembly of th Bishops of Congo-Kinshasa69/36196969/36876-883
Executive Committee - Report on the Meeting69/37196969/37884-887
Victor Mertens, SJInvitation for cooperation - How to help major seminaries69/37196969/37889
Documentation and Development69/37196969/37890-899
Development - Final Recommendation of the 3rd Plenary Round Table Consulation of Justitia et Pax69/38196969/38900-903
Development and Documentation - Relationships between Sedos and Religious research program at Marquette university69/38196969/38904-912
Assembly of Superior General - XXV69/39196969/39913-941
Report of the Executive Committee Meeting69/39196969/39942-944
Sensitivity Traning and Team Work69/40196969/40945-947
Formation of Missionaries69/401969>69/40950-955
J. Masson, SJEpiscopat et Instituts69/40196969/40956-962
Development - Report on the meeting of 20 Nov. 196969/40196969/40963-967
Catechists - Report of the meeting on Catechists on Oct.3169/40196969/40968-970
Activities of the Catholic church in the field of Electronic Media- Sources- Radio and TV Stations70/1197070/16/2/2024 0:00
Productive Activities70/1197070/112/6/2024 0:00
Educational Radio, TV, Films70/1197070/113-16
Training Schools and Courses in Communication70/1197070/116-20
Promotional Activities in electronic media - International Level70/1197070/121-24
International Coordination Institutions for social Communication70/1197070/126-28
Suggestion - Positive and Negative side70/1197070/129-34
Annemaria de Vreede SCMM-MReport of the Plenary Meeting of the Medical Group70/2197070/235-36
J. H. HellbergPractical ways and means of moving our Missionary efforts in the direction of community oriented health care.70/2197070/245-57
Medical Contact Group - Report of the Meeting70/219700/258-59
Albertine Schellekens, SAThe Church in Tanzania Today - Seminar Study Year70/3197070/360-65
Education in the Missions - Reports70/3197070/366-81
News from the Generalates70/3197070/382-86
Minutes and Report of the XXV Assembly of Superiors General70/4197070/491-100
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee - Minutes of the Meeting70/4197070/4101-104
Sedos Working Groups for 197070/4197070/4105-109
Meeting by Country - Mainland China70/5197070/5111-113
Marie-Thérèse Walsh, OSUEducation in the Missions - Report on the Meeting70/5197070/5114-116
Michael Marie Keyes, SCMM-THealth Services - Report of the Medical contact group70/5197070/5117-118
News - Announcement/ Communications70/5197070/5119-121
Development - Sedos Misereor Personnal Development Program70/5197070/5123-126
Benjamin TonnaDevelopment - Relationship between Sedos and PWG AACHEN/GERMANY70/5197070/5127-130
Fr. HertsensCatechists - The Issue narrowed by PMV to three problems70/6197070/6131-140
Yves Perigny, OMISocial Communications70/6197070/6141-142
Fritz Gietmann, SVDServices - Offer for services for the missions .70/6197070/6143-144
Executive Committee Meeting70/619700/6148-150
Laszlo LandanyiMeeting by Country - The Situation in China and the Christian Churches70/7197070/7154-159
Franz - Joseph Eilers, SVDSocial Communications - Promising develpment in coordination70/7197070/7160-161
Maryann Panevska, SCMM-MWorking group for Development70/7197070/7162-167
Formation - Report on the last meeting70/7197070/7168-171
Benjamin TonnaAnnouncement - Second Sensitivity Training70/7197070/7172-173
Assembly of Generals- Discussion and Preparation70/8197070/8176-178
Aloysius Carmody, FSCEducation in the Missions - Report of the Meeting of Feb. 2370/8197070/8179-180
Phil JohnsonSocial Communications - A New style for a Conference70/8197070/8182-185
Joseph Joblin, SJMeeting by Country - Africa70/8197070/8186-199
Meeting by Country70/9197070/9200-203
Cours par Corresponance - ACISJF70/9197070/9207-211
J. Healey, MMSocial Communications70/9197070/9214-217
Catechists -70/9197070/9218-219
Assembly of Generals- XXVI -Minutes and Discussion of various groups70/10197070/10221-230
Meeting by country - Education in the Missions70/10197070/10231-239
Education in the Mission70/10197070/10240-241
Development - The minutes of the meeting70/10197070/10242-245
Annemaria de Vreede, SCMM-MFormation- Meeting of the Working Group70/10197070/10246-248
In Memoriam of Father Leo Volker, WF - The first President of Sedos70/11197070/11249-250
Health Services70/11197070/11251-252
L.H. Davey / Jean W. McNaugtonHealth Services - FAO Meeting - Nutrition Education in Developing Countries70/11197070/11251-264
Executive Committee Meeting70/11197070/11270
Formation of Missionaries - Ecumentical Institute in the Service of the Development of Peoples70/12197070/12271-291
Social Communications70/12197070/12292-294
Social Communications - Church -Communication - Development70/13197070/13295-298
Meeting by Country - Indonesia70/13197070/13299-300
Marcello Zago, OMIMissionaries, Qui Sommes-Nous?70/13197070/13308-317
Franz-Josef Eilers, SVDCommunication - Social Communications70/14197070/14320-326
Executive Committee Meeting70/14197070/14327-330
Meeting by country - Education in the Missions70/14197070/14331-335
Formation - Meeting of the Formation70/14197070/14336-338
Reunion par pays - Congo-Kinshasa70/15197070/15342-345
Reunions par pays - Bresil - Rapport de de la réunion70/15197070/15347-349
Hubert HoranSome thoughts on sisters in Parish work70/15197070/15350-355
Education - Meeting on Education70/15197070/15356-358
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals - Convocation of the XXVII Assembly70/16197070/16360
Meeting by Country - South Africa70/16197070/16362-364
Vincent F. Gottwald, FSCPersonal Development programme70/17197070/17381-383
New Documents - List of Bulletins, Magazines, Newsletters, Newspapers, etc. Display or on file at the Sedos Documentation service70/17197070/17384-389
Meeting by Country - Indonesia70/17197070/17390-393
Reunion par pays - Cameroun70/17197070/17394-396
Sedos - Social Communications Working group - Agenda . Appendix 1, 270/17197070/17397-402
L'Annonce concernant le programme du Dèveloppment du personnel Sedos Misereor70/18197070/18404-407
Reunions par Pays -70/18197070/18408-412
Education in the Missions\70/18197070/18415-418
Social Communications - Announcement70/18197070/18419-421
R. LameyNew documents70/18197070/18422
Sedos Member Institutes70/19197070/19424-426
Progress report on -Development through Credit Unions (DCU) Conference70/19197070/19427-434
Assembly of Generals - Financial Statement70/19197070/19437
Arthur McCormack, M.H.MAssembly of Generals - The Working papers for sedos Assembly of Generals70/19197070/19438-447
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting70/19197070/19448-450
Assembly of generals - working papers (Item B) - Possible cooperation SEDOS - CMC70/20197070/20451-454
Calendrier des Sessions, Congres et Retraites70/20197070/20455-458
Development - The Report of the meeting of May70/20197070/20459-462
Arthur McCormack, MHMDevelopment - Relationship between Evangelization and Development70/21197070/21476-496
Development - The Second World Food Congress70/21197070/21497-499
Congo - Kinshasa - The Catholic Church of the Congo over the Past ten years70/22197070/22504-508
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting - 17 June 197070/22197070/22509-511
Developpement - Questionnaire sur les rapports developpement - Mission70/22197070/22513-518
Social Communications -Meeting- 10 June, 197070/22197070/22519-523
Assembly of Generals- XXVII - Minutes70/23197070/23525-531
Development - The report of the "Plenary" meeting, at the CFX Generalate70/23197070/23532-536
Personal Development programme - (Misereor - Sedos)70/23197070/23537-538
Meeting By Country - Le Document d'Orientation (Cote D'Ivoire)70/24197070/24546-549
Babin, OMISocial Communications - L'audio-Visuel et la foi - et son équipe Monde et foi70/24197070/24555-556
Why Missions- Pourquoi les Missions70/24197070/24557-560
Missionary Opinion Survey - Report of the Enquiry - Pilot phase- 1966-196970/25197070/25563-590
Sr. Genevieve Samson, SADeuxieme Congres Mondial de l'alimentation - Rapport de la rapresentante de Sedos70/25197070/25591-593
T.B. MorganSedos / Health Services - Presentation du Travail du département de l'alimentation de la FAO et la relation entre Santé et alimentation70/26197070/26600-609
Sedos at the II World Food Congress - Réunions sur la Collaboration Missionnaires FAO70/26197070/26610-611
Assembly of Generals - Convocation of the XXVIII Assembly70/26197070/26614-617
Gerald J Schnepp, SMSEDOS - Reflections on the Membership Fee70/26197070/26618-619
Social Communications - Agenda of the meeting70/26197070/26622
Executive Committee - The Report of the Meeting70/27197070/27623-627
Information - Nomenclature des Principaux Mouvements et Organismes catholiques70/27197070/27629-638
Where you can stay (Italy) - Case di ospitalità e di riposo per il Clero70/27197070/27639-641
José Antonio MonteiroLe Developpement fait chez soi - Une Session oecuménique et mondiale pour la programmation des- 27 sett. - 2 otto.197070/28197070/28644-647
New Documents - Career Development for Priest and Religious70/28197070/28655-662
Gabriella Mulherin, MM (S)Do it Yourself Development - General Comments of Missionaries on Documents 1-5- From Korea, Indonesia, Nigeria, Taiwan etc..70/29197070/29664-683
J. Schotte, CICMAnalysis of the Comments70/29197070/29684-687
Do it Yourself Development - Action Programme - Asia, Latin America, Africa etc.70/30197070/30688-701
Le Developpement Chez Soi - Groupe de L'Asie, Latin America, Africa etc..70/31197070/31702-729
Nouvelle orientation de la Congregation pour l'evangelisation des peuples quant aux vocations religieuses sacerdotales70/31197070/31730-732
John Power, SMAMission Theology Today - Short and Long Description70/31197070/31734-735
Assembly of Generals- Minutes of the XXVIII Assembly70/32197070/32737-741
Report of the catholic delegation on the 22nd Annual Meeting of the commission on world mission (CWM) of the L.W.F70/32197070/32743-746
Africa - The Clergy - The text of Fr. Th. Van Asten's address to SECAM, The symposium of African Bishops, in August, 1970, in Abidjan70/33197070/33751-770
Sedos Executive Committee on October 21, 1970 - Minutes of the meeting70/34197070/34774-781
Sedos - Misereor- Personnel Development Programme70/34197070/34783-786
Prof. A.J. Bronkhorst /E. Jansen S.Services Medicaux - Assemblée de la FAO, 12 Mars 1970 - Education en Alimentation dans les pays en voie de Developpement70/35197070/35793-799
New Documents - Sedos Mission Symposium70/35197070/35801
Development - Meeting of the WG Development70/35197070/35803-808
Memorandum from Father Anthony Byrne, CSSp-70/35197070/35809-810
Chevillard Gérard, PAReunion par pays - Haute Volta: An important meeting on Mission work in a Francophone 5 million country70/36197070/36811-821
Education - Working group for education on 28th oct.70/36197070/36823-826
Announcement and News70/36197070/36827
Africa - Heads of African countries on the role of the church in africa70/36197070/36828-829
Health - A Memo on the coming Health Seminar - Mission and Medicine - The Great "TO WHOM"70/36197070/36831
Fr. SchotteFourth Seminar on International Voluntary Service - Nov. 14, 197070/37197070/37833-841
Social Communications- Report of the WG pf September 21, 197070/37197070/37842-850
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting on 16 Nov, 197070/37197070/37851-856
Benjamin TonnaWorld Council of Churches - Division of World Mission Evangelism (DWME)70/38197070/38858-867
Southern Africa working group Recommendations - Joint DICARWS/DWME Committee70/38197070/38868-871
Development - Report of the Plenary meeting of November 23, 197070/38197070/38872-876
Assembly of Generals - Agenda, Item 2 - Annual Report of the Executive Secretary for 197070/39197070/39879-885
Assembly of Generals - Agenda Item 3- Amendments to the Statues, re-election70/39197070/39886-899
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals - Agenda Item 4- The Budget for 197170/39197070/39900-903
Assembly of Generals - Agenda Item 6 - Contracts in Geneva70/39197070/39904
Assembly of Generals - Agenda Item 7 - The dates of the 1971 Assemblies70/39197070/39905-906
Francophone West Africa - Rapport de la Reunion du 5.Nov. 197070/40197070/40907-913
Report on the Activities of the Executive Secretariate - Nov. 4th 197070/40197070/40915-921
Brigid Flanagan, SFBEducation in the Mission - Evaluation of Sedos Report to PWG on catholic Schools in the countries of the Third World70/40197070/40922-923
Mission Theology - Homily at the concelebrated Mass and Conferring of the Mission Mandate to Fr. Rubem Habito. SJ70/41197070/41926-932
J. Pablo Basterrechea, FSCSocial Communications WG (III Sub Group) - English/ French70/41197070/41933-936
Philippines - Jesuit Seminary and Mission Bureau, New York70/41197070/41937-941
Justitia Et Pax - Round Table - Report of the Executive Secretary70/41197070/41942-946
Reunion Par Pays - in French - Mali and Senegal70/42197070/42948-974
Enseignment et Formation - Conclusions du IVSéminaire su le service volontaire International Strasbourg, 2-6 Nov. 197071/1197171/15/1/2024 0:00
Reunion par Pays - Liberia - Rapport de la réunion en Français du 20.11.'7071/1197171/16/14/2024 0:00
Announcement concerning the SEDOS-MISEREOR - Personnel Development Programme71/1197171/115-18
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee Meeting - Agenda for 20.01.'7171/1197171/119
Cantess - Canterbury Summer School 197171/1197171/121-24
Assembly of Generals- XXIX- Minutes of the 29th Assembly of Superior Generals71/2197171/225-28
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on 18.12.'7071/2197171/229-30
Development - Minutes of the Meeting of the Development Working Group (WG)71/2197171/231-44
J. Vankrunkelsven, PBNouveaux Documents - Développment et Jeunes Eglises d'Afrique Noire71/2197171/245-48
Antoinette Fernandez71/3197171/350-62
Bibliographical Suggestions Regarding Africanisation of Training71/3197171/363-65
News from the Generalates - The "Movements" of the Generalate71/3197171/366-70
Jan Devadder, CFXCommunication - Mission-minded Belgian Bishop - an inspiration to others71/3197171/371
Social Communications71/3197171/372-73
Development - Development Working Group (DWG) meeting of January 14th , 197171/4197171/477-83
Cote D'Ivoire - Rapport de la Reunion par pays71/4197171/484-99
Communications - Uganda - The role of a religious sister in pastoral work today71/4197171/4102
Application for membership of the sisters of the Holy Child71/5197171/5104
List of Candiates for election71/5197171/5106-107
Assembly of Generals - Priorities- Current misisonaries issue.71/5197171/5108
Assembly of Generals - Budget, Financial Report71/5197171/5109-116
Assembly of Generals - Cross Cultural Dimensions in Formation - An Asian View71/5197171/5117-122
Assemblee Generale - Dimensions culturelles divergentes et formation - French text71/5197171/5123-130
Assembly of Generals- English text71/5197171/5131-132
Francophone West Africa - Le Besoin d'adapter et la vie religieuse aux cultures non-Europeennes71/5197171/5133-136
Education - Preliminary Case-Studies - Presentation71/6197171/6138-146
Formation des Pretres Missionnaires - Rapport de la réunion du 22 Janvier '7171/6197171/6148-166
Audrey M. CapesFormation of Missionary Priests - Minutes of the English group71/7197171/7168-182
Executive Committee - Minutes of the Meeting71/7197171/7183-185
Coming Events - ICVA List of announcement for 197171/7197171/7186-188
Development - A Series of Spotlights on dark corners No. 1 - A Noose around the City71/7197171/7189-190
General Assembly XXX - Minutes of the Assembly and Group Meetings of February 16, 197171/8197171/8191-202
Audrey M. CapesHealth Services - Report of the Meeting of Feb. 12, 197171/8197171/8203-207
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners , No. 271/8197171/8209-210
New Documents - Available at SEDOS for consultation71/8197171/8211
Development - Minutes of the DWG Meeting of 12th feb.'7171/9197171/9213-218
Executive Committee - Minutes of the Meeting71/9197171/9219-220
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners, No. 3 - "The Landlords don't worry"71/9197171/9221-222
Christians in Dialogue with Men of Other Faiths - Two documents on Dialogue71/10197171/10225-235
Development - A Series of Spotlights on Dark Corners, No. 4 - Resolutions of the Asian Bishops' Meeting71/10197171/10237-238
Minutes of Talk given by Bishop Blomjous - Secularization, Nationalization and the Foriegn Missionaries71/11197171/11243-250
Audrey M. CapesEducation - Meeting of the Education working group71/11197171/11251-256
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners - No. 5 - The Agony of National Development in Brazil71/11197171/11257-258
Executive Committee - Minutes of the Meeting71/12197171/12261-263
Benjamin TonnaMissionaies and the Credit Union Movement Appendix A71/12197171/12264-267
Appendix B- Memorandum on the "Netherlands Organisation for International Assistance"71/12197171/12268
Development - Minutes of the DWG on March 12. on Spotlights on dark corners - No. 671/12197171/12269-274
Benjamin TonnaEducation -Report of WG meeting March 31st '71 with two Appendices.71/13197171/13277-280
Nationalization of Schools in Uganda and its Implications - Appendix A, B71/13197171/13281-288
Audrey M. CapesSocial Communications - Report of 01/02/197171/13197171/13289-293
Benjamin TonnaThe Urban and Industrial Mission of the World Council of Churches71/13197171/13294-298
Julio Cesar NEFFADevelopment - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 7 - Objectives and Strategy for development in Latin America71/13197171/13300-301
Annemaria de VreedeExecutive Committee - Minutes71/14197171/14303-306
Report on Meeting of the Development working Group71/14197171/14307-309
Education- Report on the Meeting of the Education Working Group71/14197171/14311-312
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners , No. 8 - "Outflow of Trained Personnel from Developing to Developed Countries"71/14197171/14313-314
Health Services - Report of the Meeting on 27. 04. 197171/15197171/15318-326
Groupe Medical - Rapport de la reunion du 27 Avril71/15197171/15327-335
Health Group Meeting - Summaries of the Discussion groups at the Meeting71/15197171/15336-342
Health Contact Group71/15197171/15343
Development - Spotlight on Dark Corners No. 9 - "Position of Colombian Bishops on National Strike" 8 March71/15197171/15346-347
H. Dargan, SJProposed Agenda - Meeting of assistans for East Asia71/16197171/16350
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 10 - Pastoral Letter on the Laity and Development71/16197171/16351-352
Gay TierneyBrazil Briefing session- Report71/16197171/16353-356
Assembly of Generals - Convocation of the 31st Assembly - XXXI71/17197171/17361
Benjamin TonnaMinutes of the Executive Committee Meeting71/17197171/17362-364
Thomas More, CFXReport to the Sed. Exec-Comm. World Council of Churches/ Roman Catholic Church Round-Table on Service and Development71/17197171/17367-369
Houdijk K, CSSPPastorale - Africanisation des structures de l'eglise locale - Agenda pour la réunion71/17197171/17371-374
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 11 - The Asian Christian Service Programme report 197071/17197171/17375-376
J. Pablo BasterrecheaSocial Communications - Report of WG Meeting71/17197171/17377-381
New Documents - Available at SEDOS for consultation71/17197171/17384
Tissa Balasuriya, OMIDevelopment - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 12 - Towards a Theology of Development.71/18197171/18388-389
New Documents - Available at SEDOS for consultation71/18197171/18390-391
Development - Report on the Meeting of DWG held at SEDOS71/18197171/18392-394
Appendix A./B - FAO- FFHC- Fertilizer programme - Fertilizer credit and cash pilot schemes71/18197171/18395-397
A. Ashford/Mlle Antoinette FernandezFormation of Missionary Priests - Report of the Meeting - English/French71/19197171/19403-410
Mlle Antoinette FernandezPastorale - Africanisation des structures de l'eglise71/19197171/19411-414
Gay TierneyReport on "Meeting of Assistants for East Asia".71/19197171/19415-416
Health - Contact Group - Report on the Meeting71/19197171/19417-420
Development - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 13 - Mission for the churches71/19197171/19421-422
New Documents available at sedos for consultation71/19197171/19423-424
A. AshfordCommunications within Institutes71/20197171/20426-428
Geneviève SamsonDevelopment - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 14 - Congres de la Haye - Compagne mondiale contre la faim71/20197171/20429-430
Appendice - Final Declaration of the second world food congress71/20197171/20431-432
Jean LarnaudUnesco and Mission71/20197171/20433-435
Development - Report of the meeting of the DWG held at Sedos on June 11, 197171/21197171/21441-444
Development - Spotlight on Dark Corners No. 15 Subversion and Development - The case of Latin America71/21197171/21445-446
Benjamin TonnaGeneral Assembly XXXI - Minutes of the Assembly71/22197171/22451-456
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee Meeting - Minutes and report71/22197171/22457-458
Benjamin TonnaGeneral Considerations on the Objectives of Sedos71/22197171/22459-465
Antoinette FernandezIslam - Rapport de la réunion sur l'Islam qui s'est tenue le 11 Juin.71/22197171/22466-468
J. Van NulandOn the International Program for Prisoners' Children71/22197171/22469-470
Leonard VercelesDevelopment - Spotlights on Dark Corners No. 16 - Second United Nations Development decade - Report of 2nd Committee71/22197171/22471-472
Common Services for documentation and Information71/23197171/23474-479
The Mission Today - Part II - What SEDOS could become71/23197171/23480-489
Gay TierneyMass Media and the Missions - Report of Meeting June 28 and Appendix71/24197171/24494-501
Gay TierneyMinutes - Meeting on "Are we Meeting the Apostolic and Religious Needs in the USA71/24197171/24502-507
Mozambique in brief - Document 1 and Document 271/24197171/24509-515
Dr. Rui PatricioDocument 3 - Press Conference of Portuguese foreign Minister71/24197171/24516-520
Document 4 and Document 571/24197171/24521-527
Document 6 - Press Coverage and Comment71/24197171/24528-530
P.L. Bano, FSCJNews from and for the Generalates71/25197171/25534-539
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Documents Received71/25197171/25540-543
The Situation - Development - Justice in the World71/25197171/25547-556
News from and for the Generalates71/26197171/26560-563
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Periodicals Received71/26197171/26564-568
Periodicals of Special Interest71/26197171/26569-572
Development - Pro Memoria - Cor Unum71/26197171/26573-575
La Situation - Communications Sociales71/26197171/26576-578
Assembly of Generals XXXII - Convocation of the 32nd Assembly of SEDOS71/27197171/27580
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee- Report71/27197171/27582-584
Gay TierneyNews from and for the Generalates71/27197171/27585-586
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Books Received71/27197171/27587-590
Gay TierneyThe Situation - The Pastoral Trend towards Small Groups71/27197171/27591-593
Gay Tierney/ Antoinette FernandezDocumentiation Services - A Proposal - Report on Meeting of Documentalists - English/French71/28197171/28596-602
Ann AshfordDevelopment - SEDOS DWG Report71/28197171/28603-605
Arthur McCormack, M.H.MThe Situation - The Population problem Today71/28197171/28606-610
Assembly of Generals-71/28197171/28613-615
F. Avons, SA..The Situation - The Role of the Missionaries Today and Tomorrow71/29197171/29619-625
Documents of Special Interest71/29197171/29626-628
Conclusions of International Catechetical Congress- English/ French71/29197171/29630-631
Gay TierneyAssembly of General - Minutes of the 32nd Assembly of Superior Generals71/30197171/30632-640
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Documents Received71/30197171/30641-643
La Situation - La Catechese Aujourd'hui - Congrès International de Catéchèse71/30197171/30644-656
Ann AshfordDocuments of Special Interest71/31197171/31659-662
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals received71/31197171/31663-665
L. Bano. SWorld Council of Churches - Programme unit on faith andwitness commisson on World Mission and Evanglisation71/31197171/31666-672
Documents of Special Interest71/32197171/32677-678
The Situation - Liberation, Development, Evangelization71/32197171/32679-690
Bartolucci E, FSCJTechniciens Volontaires et Laics Missionnaires - La Situation en Italie71/33197171/33692-698
Africanisation - by a group of African Brothers- English and Spanish71/33197171/33699-704
Special Announcement - Christian Zen Retreat71/33197171/33710
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee Report71/34197171/34712-713
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Documents received71/34197171/34716-717
Benjamin Tonna/ Ann AshfordHealth - Large Health Group meeting71/34197171/34718-723
News from and for the Generalates71/35197171/35725-726
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Periodicals Received during October '7171/35197171/35728-731
Andre Seumois, OMIThe Situation - Mission Theology- International Theological Conference of Nagpur, India.71/35197171/35732-749
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals XXXIII - Agenda71/36197171/36750
Sr. Jane Gates, SCMM-MExecutive Committee- Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting71/36197171/36751-753
Social Communications -Meeting71/36197171/36754-761
Othmar F. RinkThe Situation - Draft Report on "The United Nations Development System71/36197171/36762-765
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Books Received71/36197171/36766-767
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals Report of the Executive Secretary, 197171/37197171/37770-774
News from the Generalates -71/37197171/37775-778
Annemarie Oosschot, SCMMThe Situation - Analysis of survey on Organization of Information in the General houses of Sedos Members71/37197171/37779-783
Special Enclosure with Statistical sheet- Communications service Information71/37197171/37784-788
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals - Nomination of Counsellor71/38197171/38791
Gay TierneyMinutes of the Mission Secretaries Meeting, 26 Nov, 197171/38197171/38792-796
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Documents Received71/38197171/38797-800
Education - Nationalization of Schools in Africa and its Implications71/38197171/38801-806
Education - Nationalisation des Ecoles en Afrique et ses consequences71/38197171/38807-812
News from and for the Generalates71/39197171/39813
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals received71/39197171/39814-817
D.V.D. MeulenDocuments of Special Interest71/39197171/39818-822
The Situation - Lay Missionaries in Canada - Policy and guidelines of the General Council of the Scarboro Foreign Mission Society71/39197171/39823-828
Ann AshfordSocial Communications - Working group report71/39197171/39829-832
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee - Agenda71/39197171/39833
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals - Minutes of the XXXIII (33rd) Assembly of Superior Generals72/1197272/17/1/2024 0:00
The Situation - A Latin Amercian and an African view. What Kind of Priests and Religious we need.72/1197272/19/18/2024 0:00
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSList of Books Received During November and December72/1197272/119-20
Documents of Special Interest72/1197272/121-23
Social Communication work group72/1197272/124
Ann AshfordHealth - Report on Health Task Forse Meeting72/1197272/126-27
Benjamin TonnaReport of the Executive Committee Meeting72/2197272/228-31
News from and for the Generalates72/2197272/232-33
List of Documents Received during December 197172/2197272/234-35
Ann AshfirdDevelopment - Summary of DWG Discussion72/2197272/236-38
Situation report on the Urban Mission72/2197272/239-41
Benjamin TonnaDevelopment - Urbanization and Mission - Mission to the Cities of the Third World72/2197272/242-52
A Catholica Structure for the Urban Mission - The Asian Committee on Community Organization (ACCO)72/2197272/253-58
Benjamin TonnaInformation Cooperative - Final report on completed Questionnaires72/3197272/359-67
A. FernandezExchnge de L'information - Sommaire du rapport précédent en Anglais72/3197272/368-72
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee72/3197272/373-74
Pope Paul VI to the PIME General Chapter72/4197272/479-80
La Situation - Audio - Visuel72/4197272/483-84
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals received72/4197272/487-90
News from and for the Generalates72/4197272/491-93
Bernard JoinetThe Situation - Tanzania - The Role of Christians in Politics72/5197272/596-109
A. FernandezSommaire de l'article du Pere Bernard Joinet - Engagement politique comme une forme de participation dans le mystere pascal72/5197272/5110
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of the Documents Received during January72/5197272/5111-112
News from and for the Generalates72/6197272/6115-118
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals received during January72/6197272/6120-123
Yves Perigny, OMIAnnouncement of the Social Communications Work Group72/6197272/6125
George Lautenschlager, CMMThe Situation - Study of the Mission Vienna Seminar - The Church among nations - Young communities72/6197272/6126-130
Etude de la Mission - Seminaire de Vienne en Septembre 1971 - L'Eglise parmi les nations72/6197272/6132-133
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Generals XXXIV - Recommendations of the Ad hoc Committee on "Joint Venture" to the SEDOS Assembly of 29 197272/7197272/7136-137
Benjamin TonnaThe Role of the Overseas Missionaries in the Local Church.72/7197272/7138-140
Benjamin TonnaMinutes of the Executive Committee72/7197272/7142-143
Yves Périgny, OMIAnnual Meeting of the Catholic Media Council Kuratorium, London - Report by the Sedos Representative72/7197272/7144-149
Benjamin TonnaThe Situation - Guidelines for planning, Presenting and initiating a project in the Missions72/7197272/7150-155
Gay TierneyReorganization of Generalates secretariate systems72/8197272/8158-163
Reorganisation des Systeme dans le Generalat72/8197272/8164-165
Development - The Sedos Development work-Group72/8197272/8166-170
Mgr. Agré Evêque de ManPastoral Letter of Mons. Agre On Racism72/9197272/9171-176
Benjamin Tonna and Gay TierneyMinutes of the 34th General Assembly72/9197272/9186-190
La Théologie de l'Eglise Particulière72/9197272/9191-195
A. Bundervoet, MSCThe Theology of the Particular Church72/9197272/9196-200
Benjamin TonnaThe Changing Image of the Missionary72/9197272/9203-207
J. Hakan Hellberg, M.DHealth of Missionaries - With Special reference to Mental Hygiene and Human Relationships72/10197272/10212-218
Dr. Haken Hellberg, MDLa Situation - La Sante des Missionnaires72/10197272/10219-226
Social Communications work Group - Report72/10197272/10227-231
Appendix - Social Communications - African Initiatives in Communications72/10197272/10232
Africa - Formation Facilities/ Course de Formation72/11197272/11235-269
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee Meeting - Minutes and report72/12197272/12271-278
The Central Education Office - Its Facilities and their use72/12197272/12279-280
Development Work Group Report72/12197272/12289-290
La Situation - Mali - Development sessions D'Etudes 197172/12197272/12232-298
Mgr de Montclos, Evêque de SikassoAllocution de Cloture72/13197272/13298-300
Role of the Overseas Missionary in the Local Church - Report72/13197272/13301-313
Benjamin TonnaThe Social Situation in Asia72/14197272/14315-323
Mlle Antoinette FernandezLe Role du Missionnaire Etranger dans l'eglise Locale72/14197272/14324-327
Role of the Overseas Missionary in the Local Church72/14197272/14328-332
Benjamin TonnaThe Situation - Social Situation in Latin America72/15197272/15336-342
Agnetta, SSpSList of Periodicals received durning March72/15197272/15343-346
Jacqueline Dumont, SFBLe Role du Missionaire Etranger dans l'eglise Locale72/15197272/15347-350
Benjamin TonnaThe Situation - Social Situation in Africa72/16197272/16353-359
StockholmU.N. Conference on Human Environment - The implications of the current debate on Human Env. For the Missionary72/16197272/16360-362
Benjamin TonnaThe Social Situation - World Trends72/17197272/17368-375
Lists of Periodicals Received during April72/17197272/17376-379
Development - Development Working Group (DWG) met on 19th April 197272/17197272/17381-384
Executive Committee report72/18197272/18387-388
Pilar Gonzalez, SSpSThe Situation - Educational Planning at and through the Graduate School72/18197272/18389-394
Assembly of Generals - Documentation for the discussion on the role of Religious in the promotion of the African Laity72/19197272/19400-406
Dominic Sori PayidaSelection of some striking comments and quotations from..72/19197272/19406-410
A. FernandezConclusions of Generales et Orientations de la recontre panafricaines des Laics a Accra-Ghana72/19197272/19414-424
Br. Charles Henry Buttimer, FSCTen Questions by Bro. Charles Henry Buttimer, FSC - Involving the Laity in the growth of the church...72/19197272/19425-426
Development work group72/20197272/20427-430
The Role of the Overseas Missionary in the Local Church72/20197272/20431-434
The Rôle du Missionnaire Etranger dans L'Eglise Locale72/20197272/20435-438
Agrimission/FAO Consultation on work Programme in Kenya72/20197272/20439-440
Benjamin TonnaLes Communications Sociales et les Religieux72/20197272/20441-442
Assembly of Generals - Report of June 13 Meeting72/21197272/21451-462
L'Abbé David TraoréLa consecration religieuse, L'engagement defintif a la mission du Christ ont-ils encore un sens aujourd'hui.72/21197272/21465-467
Nigeria - Vitality of an African Church72/21197272/21468-470
America Latina - Cursos de Formacion Permanente72/22197272/22472-480
Report of Executive Secretary - Second Quarter72/23197272/23498-501
Health Group - Family living Programme72/23197272/23502-503
Announcement - Angelicum Social Training Centre72/23197272/23504-505
Agnetta, SSpSList of Periodicals received durning May72/23197272/23508-512
Ann AshfordSocial Communications - Internal Communications task force72/24197272/24520-522
Benjamin TonnaMission in the Context of Religious and Secularization - Report on the Driebergen Conference72/25197272/25534-542
Mgr. Maanieus,The resolutions of the Third Symposium of the Episcopal conferences of Africa and Madagascar72/26197272/26551-555
Laity Formation72/26197272/26557-560
Benjamin TonnaThe 36th Assembly of Superiors General- Agenda72/27197272/27572-579
First Communication workshop for Bishops in Africa72/271972>72/27580-582
Leonzio BanoEncore sur les Communautes de Base72/28197272/28589-595
David O. MobergDocumentation Cooperative - The Prospects72/29197272/29602
David O. MobergToward the Development of Cooperative information systems on religion72/29197272/29603-611
Internal Communications72/29197272/29612-614
Assembly of Generals 36th. -Pro Mundi Vita, S.E.C.A.M etc.72/30197272/30617-629
The Situation - Third International Conference of Adult Education - Tokyo 197272/31197272/31633
Ann AshfordDevelopment work group - Report of Meeting Sept. 2872/31197272/31634-635
People and Cities - Coventry Conference 196872/31197272/31636-641
Africanization of the Church in Tanzania and the Expatriate Missionary72/32197272/32647-650
The FMM Capitular Documentation Room72/33197272/33661-663
CICMResolutions and options of the major Religious Superiors of Zaire72/33197272/33664-665
L'Educcation Chretienne dans les societes Africaines en changement72/33197272/33669-671
Man, Culture and Religion/ Homme, Culture et Religion72/33197272/33672-673
Ongoing formation/ Formation Permanente72/33197272/33674-677
FSC Yaounde Conference- Reunion de Yaounde des Fsc - 197272/34197272/34679-686
Conferences Nationales des Superieurs Majeurs72/34197272/34687-689
Kaufmann, PBFormation Permanente72/34197272/34696-698
L. Kaufmann, PAM.E.P. Synode de Hong Kong - Le Role du Missionnaire Etranger dans l'Eglise Locale72/35197272/35703-710
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals received during October72/35197272/35713-716
Sharing a Novitiate in Rhodesia72/36197272/36722
P.F. Colombo, FSCJFormation Permanente72/36197272/36729-736
Argentina and the Salt of the Earth- (Text in English and in French)72/37197272/37741-743
L. Kaufmann, PARevelation in Christianity and other Religions72/37197272/37747-748
Poblets, SJContribution of Foreign Religious to the Latin American Church72/37197272/37749-751
Ramón Aguilò, SJBuenos Aires - Congreso Sobre Comunicacion y Desarrollo72/38197272/38761-763
Far east Meeting for Religious Women72/39197272/39769-770
Benjamin TonnaThe Role of Religious Women in the field of Evangelisation72/39197272/39771-780
Benjamin TonnaMinutes of the 37th Assembly of Generals72/40197272/40784-786
Benjamin TonnaAssembly of Superior General - Report of executive secretary for 197272/40197272/40787-788
A. FernandezSedos Assembly of Generals - Progress report on Ongoing Formation study meetings.72/40197272/40792-796
M.L.C Study group in English and French72/40197272/40805-819
Sedos Workshop on Change in Health care73/1197373/12/1/2024 0:00
Report of the Meeting on Ongoing Formation - English Group73/1197373/13
Report on Development73/1197373/15/4/2024 0:00
The Situation - The Function and Orientations of Caritas Internationalis73/1197373/112/9/2024 0:00
Rapport sur la Formation Permanente73/2197373/213-15
Report Executive Committee73/2197373/216-17
Questions on Missionaries in the Local Church73/2197373/218-20
A. Bundervoet, MSCLa Theologie de la Ville73/3197373/327-38
Houdijk, CSSpThe Urban Mission73/4197373/440-42
Mission in Asia- A first instalment on the E.S's impressions on the Far East73/4197373/445-48
Benjamin TonnaMission in Asia - Hong Kong - A Second instalment of B.T's impressions on the Far East73/5197373/554-60
Benjamin TonnaFinal Instalment of Executive Secretary'sImpressions after his exposure to the Orient - Macau, Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia etc.73/6197373/665-81
G. Linssen, CICMBangkok conference on Salvation Today.73/7197373/782-96
Gilmary Simmons, MMHealth Task Force report - Report of Activities for SEDOS/CIDSE, Geneva73/8197373/8102-106
Appendix - - Apostolic Community73/8197373/8108-110
Working Group Development - Appendix :A, B, C73/9197373/9114-125
Benjamin TonnaThe 38th Assembly of Generals Superiors73/10197373/10139-143
Marcello Zago, OMIComments on the Bangkok Conference - English and French73/10197373/10159-163
Lists of Documents received in February 197373/10197373/10164-168
Frontiers Situation for Evangelisation in Africa, 197273/11197373/11171-202
George H. Dunne, SJThe Missionary in China - Past, Present and Future73/12197373/12203-233
Evanglization Today - English/ French73/13197373/13238-239
Evanglization Today - Proposals for documentation and study programme73/13197373/13242-246
Appendix - A, B, C73/13197373/13247-250
Evangalisation of the Contemporary world at the next Episcopal Synod73/14197373/14268
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals Received during February73/14197373/14269-272
Benjamin TonnaSalvation Mission Evangelization73/15197373/15278-282
L. Kaufmann, PASalut - Evangelisation- Mission - USG Comm. VI Sedos - Réunion)73/15197373/15283-289
H.F.J. DanielUrban Industrial Mission - Extracts from the WCC Geneva Report73/15197373/15290-298
Internal Communications73/16197373/16300-306
SMANews from and for the Generalates - SMA73/16197373/16307-308
Benjamin TonnaNew Study group in Evangelization Today73/17197373/17319-320
Report on the Brainstorming Session on Evangelization of April 1773/17197373/17323-325
Synthesis of a Study on the Urban Mission73/18197373/18333-347
The Urban Mission - An Ecumenic synthesis73/18197373/18348-352
Ndingi Mwana a NzekiThe Role of the Overseas Missionary in the Local Church73/19197373/19373-376
Tom Cronin, MMMaryknoll Mission Research and Planning73/20197373/20387-389
Planned Parenthood - A Conference statement by Indonesian Bishop73/20197373/20390-391
Benjamin TonnaThe 39th Assembly of Superior Generals73/21197373/21409-415
Lists of Documents Received during May73/21197373/21418-420
Evangelization Today - West Africa73/22197373/22427-428
Evangelisation Aujourd'hui - Afrique Francophone73/22197373/22429-431
Evangelization Today - East Africa73/22197373/22432-433
Amecea Documentation Service73/22197373/22443-446
Documents of Particular interest73/23197373/23457-459
Paulus BaumelerA Special Catholic Problem in South Africa73/23197373/23460-461
Gustavo GutierezOrigin and History of the Theology of Liberation73/24197373/24463-474
A. FernandezLa Theologie de la Liberation73/24197373/24477-492
Benjamin TonnaReport of the executive Committee73/25197373/25493-495
The Mission Today - A Review of Spiritus 5373/25197373/25496-499
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Documents Recieved during June73/25197373/25td>
Victor Mertens, SJLa Place et l'attitude des Missionnaires Etrangers Aujourd'hui en Afrique73/26197373/26518-534
Missionary Commitment73/27197373/27536-539
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Books Received during July and August73/27197373/27540-551
Bishop Patrick KalilombeA Truly local Church in Africa73/28197373/28552-561
The Need for Missionaries73/28197373/28565-567
Card. François HoutartIndonesia - A Situation report on a vast country with diversified Missionary problems73/29197373/29568-574
Parig Digan, SSCTheological Implications of the New China - An Ecumenical Colloquium73/29197373/29575-576
Specialist or the Pastoral Worker - A Question of Priorities - A Further study of the Mission Survey 197273/29197373/29577-581
The Qualities Required in the Misssionaries of Today73/29197373/29582-585
José Pablo Basterrechea, FSCLa Notion de Salut73/30197373/30587-605
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting73/30197373/30606-609
Leonard Kaufmann, PAThe Theology of Salvation - Perspectives of Vatican II73/31197373/31610-622
Apostolic Communities - A Report from the Social Communications WG73/31197373/31623-627
G. Linssen, CICMSalvation and Evangelisation in the Biblical Context.73/32197373/32631-640
Sr. Agnetta, SSpSLists of Periodicals Received during September 197373/32197373/32641-643
VincentMinutes of the 40th Assembly of Generals73/32197373/32644-645
Frieda Avonts, SBLa place et l'attitude de la soeur Missionnaire dans l'Afrique Centrale Actuelle73/32197373/32646-652
A. Bundervoet, MSCSalut - Notion Centrale du Mystere Chretien.73/33197373/33653-663
G. Linssen, CICMReport on the 19 October meeting on Evangelisation Today73/33197373/33664-666
Marie-José Dor, SALa Semaine Missiologique de Namur - Liberte et Responsabilite de la Femme en Mission73/34197373/34667-673
Maertens, CICMLes Nouvelles Formes de Ministeres dans les communautes Chretiennes73/34197373/34674-681
List of Documents of th Pro Mundi Vita Colloquium 197373/34197373/34682-683
Atanasio H. Van der Weijden, OSASituazioni concrete di Non-Salvezzaa nel Mondo di oggi73/35197373/35685-690
Card. MalulaThe Lay Ministers73/35197373/35692-693
Development- What do we Want? - by a Thrid world inhabitant of the first world73/35197373/35696-698
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference (FABC)73/36197373/36704-706
Common Concerns for the Institutes - Thoughts inspired by the family bulletin of 197373/36197373/36707-720
Frank Moody, PAEvangelisation in the context of education73/36197373/36721-722
Sedos Social Communications73/37197373/37727-730
Frank Moody, PAChristian Communications Surveys - Africa73/37197373/37731
Benjamin TonnaEvangelisation Today - The Practical side73/37197373/37734-745
Evangelisation - Study of the Synod document73/38197373/38747-749
Annual Report of the Executive Secretary73/38197373/38755-763
Bro. Charles HenryMinutes of the Executive Committee73/39197373/39765-767
Evangelisation in East Asia Today - Conculsions of the Regional Assembly - (FABC)73/39197373/39769-774
CICM MissionariesDevelopment or Liberation in Guatemala73/40197373/40775-781
Many homes - One Family - Educ-International Seminar, Domus-Mariae73/40197373/40787-795
George Lautenschlager, CMMMinutes of the Annual General Assembly of 197374/1197474/13/1/2024 0:00
Benjamin TonnaMinutes of the Executive Meeting74/1197474/16/4/2024 0:00
Annemaria de Vreede, SCMM-MMemorandum - Election of New Officers74/1197474/111/7/2024 0:00
Amecea Plenary Assembly - East African Bishops face the future. first summary.74/2197474/218-19
Mullan, CMThe Missionary Today - An Optimistic view of the missionary role today and tomorrow.74/2197474/222-24
Timothy McCarthy, FSCTheology of Missions, Yesterday and Today.74/3197474/331-39
L. Skelly, SMADevelopment Working Group - Meeting74/3197474/340-47
L. Skelly, SMATeam -Mission - Special meeting to discuss the Bethlehem Mission Society's team-mission project74/4197474/452-57
Asandas Balchad, SJSalvific value of non-Christian Religions.74/4197474/459-60
Amecea- Guidelines for the Catholic Church in Eastern Africa in the 1980s.74/4197474/461-63
42nd Assembly of Superior Generals - Convocation and Agenda74/5197474/564-67
Benjamin TonnaConfessing Christ - This is Evangelization Today74/5197474/568-76
E. CastroAppendix A- Director's Report74/5197474/577-88
Benjamin TonnaMinutes of the Executive Committee meeting74/6197474/690-91
Benjamin TonnaUrban Mission in Rome74/6197474/694-96
Agnetta, SSpS/ Benjamin TonnaA Report on the meeting of the Cor Unum Working group on Information.197474/697-99
Development Working Group - Meeting74/6197474/6100-102
News from and for the Generalates SSND PIME74/6197474/6103
Aldo GecchelinFormation Facilities - Cours de Formation74/7197474/7108
Aldo GecchelinListe des Centres de Formation Permanente74/7197474/7110-144
Aldo GecchelinAfrica Formation Facilities - Cours de Formation74/8197474/8145-188
Aldo GecchelinLatin America Formation Facilities - Cours de Formation74/9197474/9189-197
Aldo GecchelinAsia Formation Facilities - Cours de Formation74/9197474/9198-216
Aldo GecchelinOceania Formation Facilities - Cours de Formation74/9197474/9217-218
L. Skelly, SMAMinutes of the 42nd Assembly of Generals74/10197474/10225-228
L. Skelly, SMAMinutes of the Executive Committee Meeting74/10197474/10229-234
Luciano TavazzaThe Urban Mission- How the Church of Rome sees its mission in the city- Syntheseis Report of the Convegno74/11197411/4/2024 0:00246-266
L. Skelly, SMADevelopment Working Group74/12197474/12267-269
Cardinal Kim StephenPrinciples of Evangelization in the East Asian Cultural Context74/13197474/13278-281
Archbishop Stanislaus Lo KuangTowars an East Asian Theology and the Indigenous Formaiton of Priests74/13197474/13282-285
Archbishop Stanislaus Lo KuangSituation Reports on Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Diff. People has contributed:74/13197474/13286-287
Bishop Peter LeiHongkong74/13197474/13288
Mons. Arquiminio Rodrigues da CoataSituation Reports on Macao74/13197474/13289-290
The 43rd Assembly of Superior General74/14197474/14299-300
L. Skelly, SMAExecutive Committee74/14197474/14301-306
Mary Motte, FMMThe Role of Women in Rural Development74/14197474/14307-310
A Latin American Look at Missions and Missionaries74/15197474/15321-336
Michael Fitzgerald, PAIslam and Christianity- Convergence and Divergence74/16197474/16342-351
G. Kenny, OPTendencies of Modern Islam74/16197474/16352-354
Card. RugambwaThe Church is always Revolutionary74/17197474/17361-365
Desmond SullivanA Church of the Grassroots74/17197474/17366-372
Bish. J.NjengaThe Church and African Customary Marriage74/17197474/17373-378
Adrian B. SmithConsultation on Evangelization in Africa74/17197474/17379-380
Extracts from the Indian Bishop's Coference Assembly of January 197474/18197474/18382-385
Assembly of Generals74/19197474/19393-394
Mary Motte, FMMNeighbourhood Meeting 1- In SVD Generalate74/19197474/19396-398
C. Ouelette, SCMM-MNeighbourhood Meeting 5- In FSCGeneralate74/19197474/19399-401
Cid and Kapusciak, CMNeighbourhood Meeting 4 - In SJ Generalate74/19197474/19402-404
Buhlmann, OFM Cap.Neighbourhood Meeting 3 - The General Assembly74/19197474/19405-409
Houdijk, CSSpNeighbourhood Meeting 2 - In SSpS Generalate74/19197474/19410-412
Gilmary Simmons, MMWhere we are as Church-Related Health Workers74/20197474/20413-419
Executive Committee -74/21197474/21429-431
Benjamin TonnaDevelopment Working Group - Meeting74/21197474/21432-434
Mary Motte, FMM43rd Assembly of Sedos74/22197474/22440-458
Marcello Zago, OMIAssemblee Pleniere des Conferences Episcopales D'Asie - Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C74/23197474/23459-469
Benjamin TonnaExecutive Committee - Half yearly Report of Executive Secretary74/23197474/23472-473
Health Working group74/23197474/23474-476
International Congress on World Evangelization -74/24197474/24477-487
All Africa Conference of Churches and the Lusaka Assemby (AACC)74/24197474/24488-492
News from and for the Generalates74/24197474/24493
Benjamin TonnaEvangelization Today - The Synod Document74/25197474/25498-502
The World Council of Churches Theological Education Fund74/25197474/25504-515
Benjamin TonnaReport on the International congress on world Evangelism74/26197474/26519-537
Francis Webster, SCMMReport on the Annual Meeting of the Christian Medical Council74/26197474/26538-540
Joseph M. Connors, SVDCan Catholics Subscribe to the Lausanne Covenant - In the light of Vat.II teaching.74/27197474/27541-544
John Musinsky, SVDObservations of Another Catholic Observer - At the Congress.74/27197474/27545-546
Gerard HoffmannA World Council of Churches - Response to Lausanne74/27197474/27547-548
Jacqueline Millet, FMMSituation Report - Christians in Communities for Dialogue with Non-Christians74/28197474/28557-569
The historical study of African Religions74/28197474/28567
Report on Black Africa Meeting74/29197474/29580-582
Oriental Religious Grou74/29197474/29583-584
Benjamin TonnaTrends in Evangelization Today in Africa, Asia and Latin America.74/29197474/29587-595
Benjamin TonnaEvangelization: The Sociological Dimension.74/30197474/30596-606
Nellie Murata Foshiko, FMMThe Role of the Foreign Missionary in the Asian Church Today and Tomorrow.74/30197474/30609-613
Evangelization Today - Report n° 1 on the 1974 Synod74/31197474/31614-617
Joseph M. Connors, SVDAgenda for Synod 197474/31197474/31619-621
The Synod and First Evangelization74/31197474/31622-623
General Assembly of SEDOS 44th74/31197474/31624-636
Evangelization Today report nr. 2 on Synod 197474/32197474/32637-659
Card. Karol WojtylaEvangelization Today report nr. 3 on Synod 197474/33197474/33660-686
Mgr. Angelo FernandesEvangelization Today report nr. 4 on Synod 197474/34197474/34686-725
Declaration of the Synodal Fathers74/36197474/36726-729
Leonard Kaufmann, PANew Patterns of Mission emerging in the period between Vatican II and to Episcopal Synod 1974.74/36197474/36749-759
Report on the Health Meeting74/37197474/37771-792
Joseph M. Connors, SVDSynod '74 - Failure or Success74/38197474/38796-800
Pedro Arrupe, SJReflections on the Synod '74 by Fr. Arrupe sj74/39197474/39818-819
Benjamin TonnaDocumentation for the Assembly - Pro Mundi Vita (PMV)74/40197474/40838-846
Bish. S. Nduigi MwanaAfricanization of the Church and the Role of the Expatriate Missionary74/41197474/41884-887
Evangelization today: contry files74/41197474/41859-859
B. Joinet, PAThe Insertion of the Missionary into the Local Community74/42197474/42888-895
Executive Committee - Memorandum of Proposals75/1197575/18/14/2024 0:00
Arthur McCormack, M.H.MThe United Nations World Food Conference as seen by an Expert75/2197575/230-34
Bish. James S. RauschWe Must find New ways of Sharing75/2197575/237-38
Catherine GilroyThe Youth Phenomenon75/3197575/342-46
C.H. Buttimer, FSCYouth and Evangelization75/3197575/347-50
Marcello Zago, OMIHistorique du Synode sur l'evangelisation et Prospectives pour la Mission.75/4197575/464-73
Bede GriffithsThe Universal Truth: The Mystery of salvation as seen by Christians and Hindus75/5197575/586-88
Sara Grant, RSCJHindu-Christian Encounter75/5197575/589-94
Bish. H. OkulluIndigenization of Christianity in Africa75/5197575/595-99
Finbar Synnot, OPSocial Renewal in the Church and Religious life75/7197575/7139-144
L. Skelly, SMAA Sign of the Times - Government by Terror75/7197575/7145-148
Azevedo deCarvalho, SJReligious Life and Evangelization75/9197575/9182-190
L. Skelly, SMASt. Patrick - How to create an Indigenous Church75/9197575/9193-196
H. OkulluChurch and Development of the Anglican Church in Kenya75/10197575/10204-210
Dr. Choan-Seng SongThe Significance of the Resurrection for Asian Christians - Hope in the living Christ75/11197575/11225-226
Sandra Schneider, IHMSelf Evangelization of Women Religious.75/11197575/11227-230
Aylward Shorter, PAAn Ecumenical Research Programme on Marriage in Africa75/11197575/11236-238
Arnold Zentano, SJA Theology of Liberation.75/12197575/12262-266
Bernard HäringSeeking the Signs of the Times.75/13197575/13271-273
Robert Faricy, SJThe Signs of the Times and Evangelization75/13197575/13274-280
Benjamin TonnaSigns of the Times - Discerning them in Community75/13197575/13281-287
K. McNamaraThe Local Church- The Dangers inherent in the concept.75/14197575/14295-297
James Puglisi, SAEcumenism in Evangelization - We Need deeds not words.75/14197575/14298-302
Marie-Josée Dor, SAWoman and Mission - What will be the place and function of Missionary Sisters Tomorrow75/15197575/15316-318
Carroll Stuhlmueller, CPWomen Priests? Today's Theology and Yesterday's Sociology75/15197575/15319-322
Charles ChauvinProstitution in South America - The result of a male dominated society75/15197575/15323-327
Arthur McCormack, MHMWomen and the Development of the Developing Countries75/16197575/16333-341
Sr. Valentine BuisseretWomen and the Ministry - The Priesthood not Excepted75/16197575/16342-344
Masson, SJThe "New Churches" as Agents of Evangelization75/16197575/16345-352
Pierre PradervandThe Population control Movement - A Campaign to deny social justice and Development75/17197575/17356-360
I.C.A.How does woman live and experience herself?75/17197575/17361-363
Domenico Grasso, SJEvangelization and the example of the Christian community75/17197575/17364-368
Samuel Rayan, SJFriendship - A Journey to compassion and understanding75/17197575/17369-374
Tim Ryan, SFMThe Continuing Quest for Identity75/18197575/18378-384
Jean VogelVietnam - A Local Church Stands Firm75/18197575/18389-390
Paulo FreireWhat is "Conscientisation"75/19197575/19399-405
Engelbert Zeitler, SVDHow the National Conference of Religious can help the development of the Indian church75/19197575/19406-408
D. Forbes, OMIAn Oblate Seminar on Islam - Singapore , March 1975.75/19197575/19409-410
I. de SouzaAfrican Tradition and Imported Religion75/19197575/19411-412
Benjamin TonnaChristian Marxist Dialogue - Openings75/19197575/19413-414
Jean Galot, SJA Theology of Woman75/20197575/20420-426
Archbishop GantinThe Young African Churches75/20197575/20427-429
Emilio CastroThe Moratorium Debate- The Issues become clearer75/20197575/20430-432
Barbara Hendricks, MMCommunity and Evangelization - What the New Testament Teaches us.75/20197575/20433-437
Bishop Edward J. Fernando, OMIEvangelization in Sri Lanka75/21197575/21454-458
L. Skelly, SMAPerceiving, and Availing of, The Signs of the Times: A Historical Conspectus.75/22197575/22469-476
Arthur McCormack, MHMPopulation or Development Programs - An Unrealistic choice75/24197575/24508-514
Sean McCarthy, SMAUnda and the Synod75/25197575/25524-529
Bishop James SanguIncarnating the Church in Africa.75/26197575/26548-553
Margaret Brennan, IHMDisturbing the Perceptual Patterns: A Reflection of the Liberation of Men.75/27197575/27567-578
Arthur McCormack, MHMThe Exploding Cities - An article inherently Explosive75/27197575/27579-581
Bishop James J. Komba, DDTowards an African Theology75/28197575/28609-610
Aylward Shorter, PAResearch Programme on Marriage in Africa197575/28611-612
P. A. KalilombeEvangelisation and the Action of the Holy Spirit75/31197575/31656-667
General Assembly 48th75/32197575/32670-676
Paul F. Moody, PAMarginalization and Liberation. by Paul F. Moody PA76/1197676/17/1/2024 0:00
Aloysius Pieris, SJAsia's search for Christ: A Theological Pardigm.76/1197676/112/11/2024 0:00
Paul Van Thiel, PAHoly year Symposium on Sacred Music76/1197676/113-16
Bishop Julio Xavier Labayen, OCDTheological Reflections on Social Dimensions. by bishop J.X. Layaban OCD76/2197676/234-35
Leonard Kaufmann, PAEvangelization in the Modern World - Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Nuntiandi".76/3197676/344-49
E. Jadot, SJNouvelles de l'Eglise au Vietnam-Sud.76/3197676/350-55
Joseph Vandrisso, PAA Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Tripoli.76/5197676/584-87
Lawrence MagesaAbout Zairian Authenticity.197676/588-91
Francis A. GomesThe Church of Vatican II is Pastoral.76/5197676/594-95
F. J. VerstraelenAn African View in Transition - From Missionary dependence to Mutuality in Mission76/6197676/6106-109
Dominic Mwambi MwasaruWhere to Begin? Moving toward Adequate Ministry76/6197676/6118-124
Francis Webster, SCMMSome Reflections on Death and Dying in the Western World.76/7197676/7128-143
Denise Maraval, WSMotivation for Mission.76/7197676/7164-171
Joseph Masson, SJPerplexties of a Missionary.76/7197676/7172-179
Aloysius PierisBuddhist Christian Dialogue in Sri Lanka76/10197676/10214-217
John EmmanuelSri Lanka - The Church in a Socialist State76/10197676/10218-224
J. W. M. BakerDialogue of Islam and Catholic Peoples in Indonesia76/11197676/11240-246
Joseph Pathrapankal, CMILocal Church and Universal Church in Pauline Theology.76/15197676/15349-354
George Soares PrabhuThe New Testament as a Model of Inculturation.76/16197676/16360-366
Kurian KunnumpuramInculturation in Vatican II.76/16197676/16367-374
Alberto AntoniazziEvangelization and Western Culture76/17197676/17384-392
Samuel RayanFlesh of India's Flesh76/17197676/17393-398
Habitat Conference77/1197777/11/20/2024 0:00
J. Dupuis, SJThe Mission of Inculturation of Religious in the Local Church.77/2197777/229-37
Marcello Zago, OMIThe Proclamation of the Christian Message in a Buddhist Environment.77/2197777/238-44
Walbert Bühlmann, OFM Cap.Summary of the History of Propaganda Fide.77/2197777/245-47
Victor Ochoa, F. McGourn, MMOne God or Many Gods.77/3197777/355-64
Francis Webster, SCMMFormation of African Sisters.77/4197777/495-96
G. GuantillekeEconomics of Social Injustice.77/5197777/5103-110
Alfred Diacre, PAPastoral Catechetics on the Missions77/5197777/5113-119
G. GuantillekeEconomics of Social Injustice (Part II)77/6197777/6133-148
Cristine Middelohoff, SA;Godellieve Prové, SCMMNew Insertions in Developing Societies where the role of women is changing.77/9197777/9211-225
Cristine Middelohoff, SA;Godellieve Prové, SCMMWomen in the Church77/9197777/9227-236
Concepts of Mission in Missionary Congregations77/11197777/11263-278
David BrownA New Threshold - Guidelines for the Churches in their relations with Muslim communities77/12197777/12287-295
Japanese Delegation to FABCMinistries in the Church in Japan77/14197777/14365-370
Bishop A. N. ZwaneJustice and Reconciliation - Human Relations77/14197777/14371-374
Gérard Eschbach, CongoAfricanisation de la Theologie- L'Aventure de la foi en Afrique Noire77/16197777/16407-414
Raymond WhiteheadChina - Evaluation of Maoist Lifestyles77/17197777/17443-152
Adolfo Nicolas, SJLiberating Mission in the World77/18197777/18453-460
Ken Williams, CSSRLay Missionaries77/18197777/18461-468
Helen Mendonça, FMMThe Woman in India- Yesterday and Today77/20197777/20495-496
Maya Vanti and Ralla RamIndia- Modernization and Muslim Indian Women77/20197777/20497-499
Maria José Tresch, SSNDThe Development of Lay-ministries in local ecclesial communities78/2197878/221-25
Christine Middelhof, SAThe Changing Role of Women78/2197878/229-34
Pedro Arrupe, SJA New service to the world of today78/3197878/345-55
Peter HenriotThe Church in Latin America ten years after Medellin78/4197878/473-75
Anton P. StadlerDialogue: Does it complement, modify or replace mission?78/5197878/581-94
Cardinal DuvalAlgerie: vers une action concertée pour le Création d'un Monde Nouveau78/5197878/595-97
Krien HoudijkAngola: the reconstruction from a liberation movement into a worker's party78/6197878/6115-119
Emilio CastroSome akward questions on Evangelism78/7197878/7121-125
Herman HocheggerEude du riuel ancestral Zairois78/7197878/7131-132
Lessie NewbigenRecent thinking on Christian Beliefs: Mission and Missions78/8197878/8141-148
Karl Muller, SVDA review of Dr. Spindler's "le Christianisme conjugé"78/8197878/8149
Edward CornishForty-one Future Problems78/9197878/9161-171
Paul Pang, OFMThe Local Church in Taiwan78/11197878/11201-205
M.R. SpindlerAspects oecuméniques de la Mission78/12197878/12221-233
Oscar Maldonado PerezEtat Actuel de L'Eglise78/13197878/13259-261
Lay involvement in Mission78/14197878/14278
Bernard F. Connor, OPEvangelization in South Africa - Future needs.79/1197979/111/1/2024 0:00
Donald F. BrophyLay Ministers for Tomorrow's Church.79/5197979/577-82
George Janssen, WFLiving among Muslims79/5197979/583-86
C.F. BeckinghamTwo Faces of Islam79/5197979/587-90
Arthur McCormack, MHMThe International Year of the Child79/5197979/591-96
A. VanistendaelSEDOS Se minar on Lay Involvement in Mission79/5197979/597-106
Isabelle FertéLaics dans la Mission ou Volontaires de la coopération au Développement79/5197979/5104-106
Théoneste Nkeramihigo, SJA Propos de L'Inculturation du Christianisme.79/8197979/8131-137
Donald M. Wodarz, SSCContemporary Missiology79/8197979/8138-140
Ralph BuultjensThe Global context of Mission - The current International framework79/9197979/9151-155
Frances Webster, SCMMThe International Conference of Primary Health care. II part79/9197979/9156-162
John Reilly, SJA Vision of the Future Church79/10197979/10169-175
Fr. Frank PonsiContemporary Concepts of Mission.79/11197979/11189-198
Walbert Bühlmann, OFM Cap.La Mission de l'Avenir, l'Avenir de la Mission.79/13197979/13231-240
Metropolitan AnthonyChristian Witness Today in a Socialist Society.79/14197979/14255-261
Thomas F. Stransky, CSPMission in the 1980's.79/14197979/14262-265
Paul L. Beirne, SVDA Model Cross-Cultural Training program for Seminary Students.79/16197979/16289-305
William Burridge, WFMission Awareness79/16197979/16306-308
Robert MullerThe Spiritual Dimensio of the World Order.79/17197979/17309-319
Krien HoudijkSocialism in Africa - A Call, A Challenge for the Church80/1198080/16/1/2024 0:00
Patrick D'Souza, BishopChurch and Mission in relationship to the Kingdom of God especially in a Third World context. Part I80/4198080/454-64
Patrick D'Souza, BishopChurch and Mission in relationship to the Kingdom of God especially in a Third World context. Part II80/5198080/573-82
Leo F. GoodstadtReligion in Contemporary Chinese Politics.80/6198080/6100-103
Oluf BohnInculturation.80/7198080/7109-114
Peter StamPlanning and Preparation for Mission in the 1980s from the conservative-Evangelical Perspective80/7198080/7115-118
M. Amaladoss, SJInternational Congress on Mission80/7198080/7119-124
Henri TeissierChristians and Non-Christians receiving the Kingdom of God Together.80/8198080/8129-137
Pietro RossanoWhat we mean by dialogue with Non-Christians80/8198080/8138-144
Richard Friedli, OPChrist within cultures- Dialogue in context80/9198080/9149-154
Peter Sarpong, BishopAfrican values that enrich Family life.80/9198080/9166-168
Pedro Arrupe, SJExcerpts from "Fraternal collaboration in the work of Evangelization".80/11198080/11187-191
Raul Gómez TretoNew Family code in Cuba.80/11198080/11192-196
Godelieve Prové, SCMMThe Missionary in the 1980s - Between Uncertainty and Expectation.80/13198080/13225-230
George Konings, CICMLay Missioners198080/13237-239
Arthur McCormack, MHMThe Practical Application of the Encyclical Humanae Vitae.80/14198080/14245-249
Colin Davies, BishopProblems in the Evangelization of Nomads.80/14198080/14250-256
Ambrose D'Mello, SJEvangelization -80/15198080/15265-269
Mike SingletonFamily Life and Christianity in Africa.80/15198080/15270-274
Thomas MampraFamily in the Indian Context.80/15198080/15275-280
Gabriele Ferrari, SXFamiglia Cristiana ed Evanglizzazione - Alcuni problemi della famiglia cristiana nell'attività missionaria oggi.80/16198080/16285-289
Brian Hearne, CSSPSynod 1980 on Family Life - Selected points and some Introductory comments on the "Instrumentum Laboris".80/16198080/16290-292
Francisco F. Claver, SJ. BishopNotes on Enculturation - Building up the local Church.80/16198080/16294-300
Joseph Hardy, SMALa Famille Chrétienne - Attentes "Missionaires" Vis-�-Vis de ce Synode.80/16198080/16301-303
Walter J. HollenwegerCharismatic Renewal in the Third World- Implications for Mission.80/17198080/17306-317
Guy Verhaegen, SJCharismatic Renewal in West Africa198080/17318-323
Karl Rahner, SJTowards a fundamental theological interpretation of vatican II.80/18198080/18325-334
Serge de Beaurecueil, OPDeux Rites pour un Même pain.80/18198080/18335-337
Simon Barrington-wardAn Echo from Melbourne.80/19198080/19343-346
Robert D. Luckhart, OMIHuman life and development, an overview on development.80/19198080/19350-356
F. Plissart, OSBAfrican Monasticism.80/19198080/19357-360
Giancarlo ColletLiberation unto freedom.81/1198181/17/1/2024 0:00
Marianne KatoppoConversion- An Asian woman's experience.81/1198181/112/9/2024 0:00
J. B. Libanio, SJExperiences with the base ecclesial communities in Brazil.81/1198181/113-16
Lesslie NewbiginMission in the 1980's.81/3198181/341-44
Richard Friedli, OPWays of peace and the Mission of the Church.81/3198181/345-49
Jon SobrinoMartyrdom in El Salvador81/3198181/350-53
Jean-Marc ElaDe l'Assistance a la Liberation.81/3198181/354-60
Jean-Marc ElaDe l'Assistance a la Liberation.81/4198181/463-68
Tissa Balasuriya, OMIProclamation and Witness.81/4198181/471-73
Godelieve Prové, SCMMNew Forms of Community- I - Kerala (India).81/4198181/474-75
Joseph Jansen, SMCommunities in Latin America 1980.81/4198181/476-77
Carlos MestersL'interprétation de la Bible dans Quelques communautés ecclésiales de base au Brésil.81/5198181/587-92
William Burrows, SVDFacing ministry and Evangelization dilemmas81/5198181/596-98
William Burrows, SVDFacing ministry and Evangelization dilemmas- Continuation81/6198181/699-104
R. H. LesserEccumenism in th Field - Problems and Possibilities81/6198181/6107-110
J. B. ChethimattamDevelopment, Dialogue and Evangelization.81/8198181/8154-159
Tom Peyton, M.MCombating the beast - Church and state in East Asia.81/8198181/8160-165
J. B. ChethimattamDevelopment, Dialogue and Evangelization. Part II.81/9198181/9169-174
Angelo S. Lazzarotto, PIMEThe Mission of the Local church in China.81/9198181/9178-184
Karl GasparLatin American Church Myths.81/9198181/9185-186
Angelo S. Lazzarotto, PIMEThe Mission of the Local church in China - Section v. One church but deeply wounded.81/11198181/11201-207
Paul RenaudPourquoi et comment je fais du Zen.81/11198181/11208-210
Michel de Verteuil, CSSPReligious orders Today.81/11198181/11211-214
Angelo S. Lazzarotto, PIMEThe Mission of the Local Church in China. Section vi. Is dialogue possible?81/12198181/12219-230
Pablo RichardChristianisme populaire subversif.81/13198181/13245-252
Raymond PannikkarIndirect Methods in the Missionary Apostolate - some theological reflections.81/13198181/13253-255
Gerald Griffin, SSCMaking the Good News relevant.81/14198181/14259-265
Ivan IllichThe Philosophy of Intercultural Formation.81/14198181/14266-269
Sulak SivaraksaIs Small Beautiful ? Buddhism and development.81/14198181/14270-271
Michel Legarin, CSSPLe 'Nombril du Monde' Oriental.81/14198181/14271-273
Leonardo BoffThe Need for political saints - From a spirituality of liberation to the practice of liberation.81/15198181/15280-288
V. Mertens, SJThe Church in Africa today and expatriate Missionaries' attitude.81/15198181/15289-299
Chrys McVey, OPThe Contemplative experience in Pakistan I.81/16198181/16301-303
Little Sister RehanaThe Contemplative experience in Pakistan II.81/16198181/16304-307
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a tree - A study paper on the emerging Church. Part\.I81/17198181/17322-334
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a tree - Part\.II81/18198181/18341-352
Vincent CosmaoEucharistie Aux dimensions du Monde.81/18198181/18353-356
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a tree. Part. III81/19198181/19366-370
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a tree. Part. Continued82/1198282/16/1/2024 0:00
Virgil Elizondo& Norbert GreinacherTensions entre les eglises du premier Monde et du tiers monde.82/1198282/111/9/2024 0:00
Robert J. Schreiter, CPPSIssues facing contextual theologies today.82/1198282/112/18/2024 0:00
B. Holmes, CSsRA Ten year Journey (Outline of an Analysis).82/3198282/343-49
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a Tree Part. Continue..82/3198282/353-56
Robert J. Schreiter, CPPSIssues facing contextual theologies today. Part II82/3198282/357-61
B. Holmes, CSsRA Ten year Journey Part II.82/4198282/464-70
Rosemary HaughtonThere is Hope for a tree - Conclusion.82/4198282/475-79
Marguerite Gemma, SAA Catechetical Opportunity in Kenya - Ecumenism in Action.82/5198282/588-91
Aloysius PierisMission of the local church in relation to other major religious Traditions. Part I82/5198282/592-96
Yves MorelL'Eglise en procès chez les jeunes africains.82/5198282/597-101
Aloysius PierisMission of the local church in relation to other major religious Traditions. Part II82/6198282/6103-109
Yves MorelL'Eglise en procès chez les jeunes africains.82/6198282/6110-114
Aloysius PierisMission of the local church in relation to other major religious Traditions. Part III82/7198282/7123-127
Breda NoonanTo Eat at Their Table82/7198282/7128-132
Simon E. SmithCreating a new missiology for the church82/7198282/7133-135
G. TaylorTalks on Marriage.82/7198282/7136-142
Godelieve Prové, SCMMMissionary Presence in Marxist Ethiopia82/8198282/8143-145
Filippo Commissari, PIMEAn Experience of Inter-religious Dialogue82/8198282/8145-147
Thérèse Mary Bernadett, SCMMExperience in the Development of Non-Institutional Ministries.82/8198282/8149-151
Mauraid Moran, RGSMinistry of Leadership (Thailand)82/8198282/8150-152
Steven Lindemans, CICMWho are the "Missionaries" of the Future.82/9198282/9167-168
Thomas MichelEducation for Dialogue82/9198282/9171-174
Leonardo BoffMysticism and Political Action. (Contemplativus in Liberatione)82/10198282/10185-193
Marcel BoivinNew Ministries - From Dream to Reality82/11198282/11203-207
Samuel Rayan, SJWhat is Eatwot? The irruption of the Third world - A challenge to Theology.82/11198282/11219-222
Christopher MwolekaA Demonstration plot.82/12198282/12223-231
Kevin Doheny, CSSPTowards a greater understanding of the plight of the disabled82/12198282/12234-237
J. Lebulu, Msgr.Christianity and the Tanzanian Revolution82/13198282/13243-251
Paul Evaristo, Cardinal ArnsOption for the Poor.82/13198282/13254-257
John Bonzanino, IMCMissionary Activity in Present day Ethiopia. Part I.82/15198282/15283-289
J. HeijkeMozambique, African Countries of Marxist Orientation.82/15198282/15296-301
John Bonzanino, IMCMissionary Activity in Present day Ethiopia. Part II.82/16198282/16304-311
Pete Henriot, SJSocial analysis in Africa82/16198282/16314-317
Natale Costalunga, SCJMarxismo e Missione in Mozambico.82/18198282/18344-350
Daniel Mellier, SMAMarxisme et Mission - Benin.82/18198282/18352-358
Mattli, SwitzerlandInter- Franciscan Message.82/19198282/19370-376
Vandana, RSCJChristmas in Rishikesh with Meister Eckhart.83/3198383/349-51
Bernardo G. Gremoli, OFM Cap.Our Presence among Muslim - A Pastoral letter.83/4198383/461-64
James W. Heisig.Interreligious Encounter in Eastern Asia.83/4198383/465-71
Aylward Shorter, PAFolk christianity and functional Christology.83/5198383/581-85
Arns CardinalTo opt for the Poor.83/5198383/586-89
David WalshThe Church in their own place83/6198383/6103-105
Orlando Octacilio Dotti. BishopChurch and the People - Seven words83/6198383/6111-113
Jan Van Cauwalaert, CICMGiving witness in active communities83/7198383/7124-126
William ShepardConversations in Cairo - Some contemporary Muslim views of other Religions83/7198383/7127-129
Mercy Amba OduyoyeThe Eucharist as witness83/7198383/7135-136
Ignatius HirudayamDialogue in Hinduism. Part. I (Sedos Seminar 1-5 Mars '83.)83/8198383/8147-148
IshpriyaDialogue in Hindus. Part. II (Sedos Seminar 1-5 March '8383/8198383/8149-150
Desmond HartfordDialogue with Muslims Part. I (Sedos Seminar 1- 5 March '83)83/8198383/8151-153
Eugenia d'CostaDialogue with Muslims Part. II. An Experience of Islam in Bangladesh83/8198383/8154-156
Michael FitzgeraldDialogue with Muslims in Africa83/8198383/8157-158
Jean Zoa, MsgrLe Dialogue avec les religions traditionnelles el Afrique83/8198383/8159-162
Maria ArlindaInsertion of Religious life in the midst of the poor83/8198383/8163-168
Luke Mbefo, CSSpBackground to Inculturation83/9198383/9181-185
Maria Rieckelman, MMTension in Mission83/10198383/10193-197
Joseph Gross CSSpDialogue dans la Mission- Sedos Seminar 1-5 Mars '8383/10198383/10201-204
Joseph Gross CSSpDialogue dans la Mission- Sedos Seminar 1-5 Mars '8383/11198383/11214-218
Gustavo Gutierrez sfReflects on 15 years liberation theology83/12198383/12229-232
Marcello Zago, OMIEvangelization to the Buddhists - Has the Gospel re-echoed in Asia?83/13198383/13243-249
Alfredo MarranziniRahner - Church power over ministries83/13198383/13250-253
Robert Gay, PBQuelle Mission? - Deux assertion ambiguës83/13198383/13257-258
Marcello Zago, OMIDialogo Christiano Buddhista83/14198383/14261-266
Arnulf CampsBuddhism - Experiencing the transiency of all things83/14198383/14267
Joseph M. Picardi, MMPsychosocial aging83/14198383/14270-272
P. Ezio Sorio, MCCJMozambico - Quale futuro?83/14198383/14273-276
Laurent MagesaDoctrine and the limits of language83/14198383/14277
Gerry Pantin, CSSpCommunity in Education83/15198383/15281-286
Jean VernetteLes "Nouveaux Paiens" et la Mission83/15198383/15286-290
Fernand Jette, OMIReconciliation83/15198383/15291-293
J. G. Goulet and A. PeelmanThe Amerindian Reality and the Catholic Church in Canada83/15198383/15294-298
Simon E. Smith, SJThe Future of Mission83/16198383/16302-307
Mary Motte, FMMSixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches Vancouver, B.C.83/16198383/16314-317
Marcello Zago, OMIA General Introduction to dialogue with Buddhists To-day83/17198383/17321-323
Marcello Zago, OMIAn Analysis of Dialogue with Buddhists in South East Asian Theravada Countries and in the Far83/17198383/17324-330
Marcello Zago, OMIA Selected Bibliography on Buddhism83/17198383/17331-333
E. Malone, MMThe Federation of Asian Bishop's Conferences and Dialogue83/17198383/17334-335
Simon E. Smith, SJThe Future of Mission. Part II83/18198383/18341-345
Eugene Elochukwu Uzukwu, CSSpReconciliation and Inculturation - A Nigerian (Igbo) orientation83/18198383/18346-349
Harry Hoeben, SMAAfrica'opaque reality - Marxism and Christianity83/18198383/18356-358
Christine Von Weizs�cker-RadtkePost Christian Youth at the Verge of De-Secularisation?83/19198383/19362-366
Jean Yves Calvez, SJDialogue with "Post-Christians"83/19198383/19367-372
Jan Schotte, CICMThe Hypothesis of Peace83/19198383/19367-377
Thomas Cullinan, OSBA Spirituality for conflict84/1198484/112/3/2024 0:00
Michael Cahill, CSSpForeign Missionaries - What's in a Name?84/2198484/227-29
James Cooke, OMIInvestment Policies?84/2198484/230-31
René Dionne, WFAware of our Position84/3198484/349-50
Mgr. Jan Van Cauwelaert, CICMNicaragua un 'Test-Case' pour l'Eglise et pour le monde84/3198484/351-53
Mgr. BududiraExperiences and results with base Ecclesial Communities in Burundi84/3198484/354-56
David J. BoschThe Scope of Mission84/3198484/357-60
Dionsio BorobioMinistry and the local Church84/3198484/361-64
Christian DuquocVatican II and Crisis in Ministry84/4198484/467-70
Melinda Roper, MMFaith and Pluralism in Global Mission Experience84/4198484/471-72
Desmond O'Donnell, OMIThe Success of the Sects84/4198484/473-76
Adolphe FurstenburgLa Penurie de Pretres, "Une benedication deguisee"84/4198484/477
Albert Nolan, OPTowards aNew Model of Church84/4198484/478
Dionisio BorobioMinistry and the local Church (conclusion)84/4198484/479
Albert IllombaDieu n'a pas de couleur!84/4198484/480-81
René Stormacq, CICMSocio-Economic Conditions in Brazil84/4198484/482-83
David J. BoschThe Scope of Mission (continuation)84/5198484/589-93
Desmond O'Donnell, OMIOngoing Formation as Attitude Change84/5198484/594-97
David J. BoschThe Scope of Mission (Conclusion)84/6198484/6111-116
Pearl DregoWomen in the Church84/7198484/7129
John Kobler, CPThe Church which Civilizes by Evangelizing84/7198484/7130-137
V. CosmaoDieu Parle par les Pauvres84/7198484/7138-140
Ray ToweyAction for Peace84/7198484/7141-142
Joan Sauvigne, MMShamanism and Healing84/7198484/7143-144
Emilio CastroConversion84/8198484/8156-162
David N. Power, OMIMinistry in a Dynamic Local Church: Theological Assessment of the Current Situation84/9-10198484/9-10214-232
Robert J. Schreiter, CPPSThe development of ministries in their historical contexts84/9-10198484/9-10233-246
James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSpA New Era of Evangelization in Nigeria III84/9-10198484/9-10255-263
James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSpA New Era of Evangelization in Nigeria I84/12198484/12275-279
Anita Camplese OberrightJourneys into Mission - Marriage and Mission go Hand in Hand84/12198484/12280-283
James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSpA New Era of Evangelization in Nigeria III84/13198484/13298-303
Michael Amaladoss, SJInculturation84/13198484/13304-307
Peter Henriot, SJService of Faith and Promotion of Justice84/14198484/14315-319
Michel de VerteuilThe New Age of Mission84/16198484/16356-360
Mgr. Isidore de SouzaLa Mission d'Aujourd'hui. Quest-ce que c'est?84/16198484/16363-367
Mission and Refugees, report from the Sedos Seminar84/17198484/17374-382
Mgr. Isidore de SouzaLa Mission d'Aujourd'hui. Quest-ce que c'est?84/17198484/17387-392
Pierre DeloozPastoral Care in Supercities84/18198484/18399-403
Gustavo Gutierrez25 years in the Theology of Liberation84/19198484/19415-417
Emilina Villegas, ICMInvolvement with the Urban Poor84/19198484/19418-422
Plenary Council of OFMThe Gospel challenges us84/19198484/19425-432
Urbanisation and Mission85/1198585/14/17/2024 0:00
Albert Nolan, OPEvangelization and Human Liberation85/3198585/359-64
Cesar Jerez, SJJustice and Evangelization in Situations of Violence85/5198585/577-82
John Fuellenbach, SVDSome basic remarks about the Theology of Liberation85/5198585/584-91
Horacio Simian Yofre, SJJustice in the Prophets85/6198585/697-101
Raymond RossignolA moi la prière85/6198585/6102-103
Albert Nolan, OPSpiritual Growth and the Option for the Poor85/6198585/6104
Justice and Evangelization Sedos Seminar Report85/7-8198585/7-8117-179
Julienne De Wolf, ICMWith the farmworkers in California and North Carolina: an experience85/7-8198585/7-8123-128
Heloisa Da Cunha, RSCJMy experience of the search for an evangelising and liberating mission85/7-8198585/7-8129-136
Henri Volken, SJOut of the Tombs, set free on the path of life85/7-8198585/7-8137-141
Mgr. Bakole Wa IlungaL'Experience d'un pasteur du Zaire85/7-8198585/7-8142-149
Michael Schultheis, SJJustice and Evangelisation: reflections on the shared experiences, an economic viewpoit85/7-8198585/7-8150-157
Dominick CoyleJustice and Evangelization: a reflection on the shared experiences, a communication viewpoint85/7-8198585/7-8158-164
Jacques Van Nieuwenhove, PAJustice et Evangelization: un apport dans la perspective de la theologie de la libertion85/7-8198585/7-8165-170
Maureen Flood, SSSThe Woman at the Well: a reflection at the eucharistic celebration85/7-8198585/7-8171-173
Michael Fitzgerald, PAA moderator's meditation85/7-8198585/7-8174-175
Kathleen England, OSUBuddhism in Europe85/9198585/9183-185
Mgr. Henri TeissierUne Eglise dans la maison de l'Islam85/9198585/9186-192
Helena Maria Bianchi, CSJThe Proliferation of Sects in Latin America: some characteristics85/9198585/9193-195
Maurice L. Monette, OMIThe Spiituality of Grassroot Christian Community85/9198585/9196-198
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Task of Mission in relation to various cultures, traditions and other peoples of faith85/10198585/10203-207
Mgr. Robert RweyemamuEvangelization and African Religions85/10198585/10210-214
Mgr. Bakole Wa IlungaAnimateurs spirituels pour les grands seminaires, Kananga, Zaire85/10198585/10215-216
E. Elochukwu Uzukwu, CSSpChurch and Inculturation: A century of Roman Catholicism in Eastern Nigeria85/10198585/10217-222
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Task of Mission in relation to various cultures, traditions and other peoples of faith part II85/11198585/11225-230
Edward K. BraxtonAn AFrican Church for African Peoples85/11198585/11231-234
Gerald Arbuckle, SMCulture, Conflict, Confusion: Breakdown of Social Norms85/11198585/11235-242
Jeanne Devos, ICMTowards a Theology of Humanhood - Women's Perspective85/12198585/12249-251
Mgr. Julio X. Labayen, OCDBecoming the Church of the Poor85/12198585/12252-256
The Cost of Witness85/12198585/12257-262
Betsy Brock, ICMEducation for Life85/13198585/13277-279
Roger Grealish, SSCInculturation and the Bible85/14198585/14302-306
Sedos Seminar on Bible and Mission, Reports85/16198585/16331-352
Assessing the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops about 20 years after Vatican II86/1198686/115-28
William T. Knipe, MMHow shall Interfaith Dialogue affect our planning for Christian Mission?86/2198686/233-39
Donal Dorr, SPSThe Church's Teaching on Justice and Peace - Twenty Years after Vatican II86/2198686/240-46
John Fuellenbach, SVDThe Appropriation and Rejection of Marxism in Liberation theology86/2198686/247-53
Mgr. Anselme Titianma SanonHeritiers du Concile86/2198686/254-58
Donal Dorr, SPSThe Church's Teaching on Justice and Peace - Twenty Years after Vatican II (part II)86/3198686/361-68
Paul F. KnitterCatholic Approaches to Religions: Development and other tensions86/3198686/370-75
John Fuellenbach, SVDThe Appropriation and Rejection of Marxism in Liberation theology (part II)86/3198686/376-82
Mgr. Tomas Balduino, OPMission in Dialogue with Ancestral Religions86/3198686/383-84
John Fuellenbach, SVDSome basic elements in the emerging spirituality of liberation theology86/4198686/489-93
Robert Schreiter, CPPsA theology of Christian Presence in a secular society86/4198686/494-100
Card. G. DanneelsEvangelizing secularized europe86/4198686/4101-103
Francisco P. Claver, SJThe Church in Asia - Twenty years after Vatican II86/5198686/5109-114
Francisco P. Claver, SJTowards a Servant Church - Building up the local church86/5198686/5115-116
Seminar on Third World Theologies86/6198686/6139-197
Michael Amaladoss, SJQuestiona from the Asian Churches86/6198686/6141-146
BOka di Mpasi Londi, SJA propos de la theologie d'eglises africaines86/6198686/6147-157
José Marins and othersThe Church in Latin America: basic ecclesial communities86/6198686/6158-168
Daniel Delanote, CICMKinshasa - Ten Years of Lay Ministry86/7198686/7207-209
Marcello Zago, OMIThe Laity in the Churches of Asia86/7198686/7210-213
Luise Ahrens, MMDirections in Mission86/7198686/7214-221
Lester R. Brown and Edward C. WolfReversing Africa's Decline86/7198686/7222-230
Daniel FlahertyAn alternative-style Parish, the Denver experience86/8198686/8235-236
Michael Bickey, CSSpPastoral counselling skills, Kenema Pastoral Centre, Sierra Leone86/8198686/8237-238
Sarah Summers, MMS Mary Pawath, MMSGovernment in Mission Societies today86/8198686/8239-243
Gerald A. Arbuckle, SMThe evolution of a mission policy86/8198686/8250-254
Jean-Marc ElaAmbiguities of Mission86/9198686/9257-259
Seamus Farrell, SPSThe How and Why of Mission86/9198686/9260-261
Lester BrownMilitarization of the World Economy86/9198686/9262-268
Joseph A. KomonchakTowards a Theology of Local Church, Part I198686/9269-274
Joseph A. KomonchakTowards a Theology of Local Church, Part II86/10198686/10283-287
Adrian HastingsThe Growth of Local Churches86/10198686/10288
Cardinal HumeThe Role and Mission of the Laity86/10198686/10289-291
Helene O'Sullivan, MMInternational Debt Crisis86/10198686/10292-298
Giovanni CeretiReligions and Peace86/11198686/11313-318
Principe Aboldhassen AminiReligious Tolerance in Islam86/11198686/11319-320
Armand Garon, WFThe Peace of Islam86/11198686/11321-325
Vincenzo PigaBuddhist Pacifism86/11198686/11326-328
Séan Fagan, SMVocation and Mission of the Laity in the Church and in the World Twenty Years after the Second Vatican Council87/1198787/117-26
Emma CavallaroA preparatory consultation for the synod on the laity from the Italian National council for the Lay Apostolate87/1198787/127-32
Margaret HebblethwaiteSome Lay Consultation in England for the 1987 Bishop's synod on the vocation and mission of the Laity87/1198787/133-37
Terry DonnellyReconceptualizing the Missionary Calling87/2198787/241-43
Clodovis BoffThe Way forward for the first world Church in Europe87/2198787/251-57
Albert Nolan, OPThe Option for the Poor in South Africa87/3198787/390-97
Claude OrtemannHow did Jesus react to suffering?87/3198787/398-101
Josantony JosephIs co-responsability possible in our Church?87/4198787/4105-113
Jan Kerkofs, SJChurch Ministires for the Laity87/4198787/4114-119
Helene O'Sullivan, MMTaking a corporate stance: sings of hope in the US Church87/4198787/4120-125
Seminar on Laity in Mission87/5198787/5139-191
Anthony J. Gittins, CsspTomorrow's World: Training for Mission87/6198787/6201-210
Peter Henriot, SJGlobal Debt: A Human Problem87/6198787/6211-215
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Laity: Some Questions before the Synod87/6198787/6216-224
Christoffer GrundmannHealing as a Missiological Challenge87/7198787/7227-235
Felix WilfredReligion in the Texture of Asian Life87/7198787/7236-243
Jerome Heyndrickx, CICMThe Emerging Local Catholic Church in China87/7198787/7244-246
Magda Meeusen, ICMBasic Ecclesial Communities in Annotto Bay, Jamaica87/7198787/7250-252
Urban Mission87/8198787/8258-266
Pedro Arrupe, SJThe Refugee Crisis in Africa: Opportunities and challenges for the Church87/8198787/8267-271
P.A. Kalilombe, WFThe Place of Missionary Societies in Africa today87/8198787/8272-277
Julien Saldanha, SJConversion without change of Community87/8198787/8278-282
Albert NolanThe Eschatology of the Kairos Document87/9198787/9285-292
Mgr. Antonio FragosoDiocesan Pastoral Planning with Base Communities87/9198787/9293-295
Tom Michel, SJThe vows of religious life in an Islamic context87/9198787/9296-302
Bob McCahill, MMThe Apostolate of Presence is not enough87/9198787/9303-304
Thomas BerryReligions, Ecology and Economics87/9198787/9305-309
Jacques Dupuis, SJThe Synod on the Laity87/10198787/10333-336
Paul G. HiebertCritical Contextualization87/10198787/10337-345
Michael Amaladoss, SJEvangelization in Asia: A New Focus87/11198787/11350-358
Mgr. Antonio FragosoBase Communities and Political practice87/11198787/11359-361
Smangaliso MkhatshwaThe situation in South Africa87/11198787/11362-371
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJSocial Apostolate87/11198787/11373-378
Fernando Galbiati, PimeP'eng P'ai and the Hai-Lu-Feng Soviet87/11198787/11379
Daphne Bronkhurst, FMMSeminar Building Inter-cultural communities: Mission in Coventry88/1198888/110/5/2024 0:00
Edward Van Merrienboer, OPBuilding Inter-cultural communities: Toward multi-cultural community88/1198888/111/19/2024 0:00
Desmond O'Donnel, OMIThe Vowed Life: Announcing the good News to a secularized world88/1198888/120-26
Peter Schineller, SJInculturation and Modernity88/2198888/243-47
Richard T. KnowlesPsychological characteristics of the modern person88/2198888/248-52
Jean Bruls, SAMSecularization and the Third World88/2198888/253-57
Marcello de Carvalho Azevedo, SJModern and non-modern societies88/2198888/258-62
Amata Miller, IHMMissionary Institutes and Social Transformation88/2198888/263-64
Wilfred SmithTraditional religions and modern cultures88/2198888/265-71
Marcello de Carvalho Azevedo, SJModernity and Technology88/2198888/272-76
Janet Richardson, CSJPThe 21st Century: Challenge to Mission88/3198888/385-89
S. Wesley AriarajanObservations on Dialogue88/3198888/390
W. Van Frankenhuijsen, SMAEcology A Missionary Concern88/3198888/391-93
Norman E. ThomasEvangelization and church growth: the case of Africa88/3198888/394-99
Mgr. Bienvenido TudtudSome Reflections on Dialogue88/3198888/3101-102
Edwina Gateley, VMMMessengers of Love and Healing88/3198888/3103-104
Bob McCahill, MMMuslims, Money and a Missioner88/4198888/4116
Enrique DusselThe Ebb and Flow of the Gospel: when the evangelized poor become evangelizers88/4198888/4117-121
Maria Rieckelman, MM Jack Sullivan, MMMissionaries in Transition88/4198888/4122-125
Felix WilfredDialogue Gasping for Breath? Towards new frontiers in Inter-religious dialogue88/4198888/4126-134
Seminar Evangelization: The Challenge of Modernity88/5198888/5139-204
Desmond O'Donnell, OMIA process of evangelization for the modern person88/5198888/5160-164
Marcello Azevedo, SJChallenges to inculturated evangelisation88/5198888/5171-178
Ngindu MusheteL'Evangelisation a l'epreuve de la modernite: questions venues de l'Afrique88/5198888/5179-201
Karl Gaspar, CSsRForeign Missionaries? What kind of presence?88/6198888/6208-215
Maria Riley, OPWomen in the Mission of Jesus88/6198888/6223-227
M. Amaladoss, SJThe Role of Theology in a Wholistic Faith Commitment88/6198888/6228-232
David BarrettStatus of Global Missions, 198888/7198888/7238-239
Sean Dwan, SSCTaking the Exotic out of Inculturation88/7198888/7240-244
Thomas KwanInculturation: a Chinese perspective88/7198888/7245-247
Michael Amaladoss, SJCollaboration in Mission88/7198888/7248-250
John HickIs Christianity superior?88/7198888/7250-260
Paul Vaz, SJThe Gospel BIT by BIT88/8198888/8270-276
Sarah SummersJustice and Health88/8198888/8277-282
Kenneth EnangSalvation, an African Experience88/8198888/8283-292
Thomas BerryThe Dream of the Earth, our way into the Future88/9198888/9300-308
Jyoti SahiEve: the ecological voice of the earth88/9198888/9309-313
Luis MaldonadoPopular Religion: Its dimensions, levels and types88/9198888/9318-324
Marija Sres MishkabenA woman observed88/10198888/10334-339
Little Sister BrigedA Religious Presence within South Africa's Struggle88/10198888/10340-343
Ben KimmerlingWomen and the Church88/10198888/10344-351
Peter Cheung Ka-hingA reflection on society and the catholic church in Hong Kong 1950's to 1980's88/10198888/10352-354
Maria Riley, OPWoman's Role88/10198888/10355-356
John O'Frian, CsspFacing the challenge of mission together88/10198888/10357-359
Rajini ReberaA woman's hands88/10198888/10360
Sdos Seminar Report: Integrity of Creation, a missionary imperative88/11198888/11361-380
Bernard Przewozny, OFMConvIntegrity of Creation: A missionary imperative88/11198888/11363-373
John Mutiso-MbindaIntegrity of Creation: A missionary imperative in Kenya88/11198888/11374-377
Millicent Francis, RSCJThe Integrity of Creation88/11198888/11378-380
Hans-Jurgen PrienPopular Piety in Latin America88/11198888/11383-387
Richard NebelChristological Aspects of the Ancient Mexican-Christian Popular Piety in Modern Mexico88/11198888/11388-393
Matilda Handl, OSBPartnership in Mission, Women and Men - Introduction21/119891/21/2024 0:006
Paul Van Parijs, CICMThe Biblical Basis of Partnership in Mission. Old Testament21/119891/21/2024 0:0010/7/2024 0:00
Matilda Handl, OSBThe Biblical Basis of Partnership in Mission. New Testament21/119891/21/2024 0:0012/10/2024 0:00
Matilda Handl, OSBSome Historical Aspects of Partnership in Mission21/119891/21/2024 0:0013-15
Matilda Handl, OSBExperiences of Failure in Mission21/119891/21/2024 0:0016-18
Paul Van Parijs, CICMFormation for Partnership in Mission21/119891/21/2024 0:0019-20
Matilda Handl, OSBPositive Experiences of Partnership in Mission21/119891/21/2024 0:0021-24
Maria Leo Susenburger, OSBThe Pillar Bearer21/119891/21/2024 0:0025-26
Felix WilfredChristian Inculturation and World Religions21/119891/21/2024 0:0037-44
Michael Amaladoss, SJPopular Religion, Some Questions21/219892/21/2024 0:0049-57
Tom Stransky, PaulistUnity in Mission, Mission in Unity21/219892/21/2024 0:0058-59
Gabriele Ferrari, SXMission Challenge in the Nineties21/219892/21/2024 0:0060-71
Sara Grant, RSCJThe Bread of Life21/219892/21/2024 0:0072-74
Brendan Lovett, SSCPopular Religiosity21/319893/21/2024 0:0079-82
Paul ParathazhamCatholic Priests in India: Reflections on a Survey21/319893/21/2024 0:0083-91
Leadership Conference of Women ReligiousRacism Awareness in Missionary Institutes21/319893/21/2024 0:0092-95
David A. KerrA Personal Pilgrimage with Islam21/319893/21/2024 0:0096-102
Kathleen Coyle, SSCFormation for Mission - an Asian Perspective - a Program for Women21/419894/21/2024 0:00113-122
Albert Nolan, OPDoing Theology in the South African Context21/419894/21/2024 0:00123-126
World Council of Churches... San AntonioYour Will Be done: Mission in Christ's Way21/419894/21/2024 0:00127-131
Cardinal Stephen Kim Sou HwanEvangelization in Asia: Keynote Address to BIMA 198821/419894/21/2024 0:00132-135
A Group of Evangelical MinistersSouth Africa: Evangelistic Groups and Mission Theology21/419894/21/2024 0:00136-139
Jyoti SahiPopular Spirituality in India21/519895/21/2024 0:00146-154
Mgr. Samuel RuizPopular Religiosity and Evangelization in Latin America21/519895/21/2024 0:00155-166
Sidbe Sempore, OPChristianisme populaire en Afrique21/519895/21/2024 0:00167-176
Breda Eustace, CPPopular Religion: Some Aspects from Europe21/519895/21/2024 0:00177-182
Felix WilfredInculturation: Reflections in the Asia Context21/619896/21/2024 0:00185-194
René Brossard, MAMarriage in Successive Steps among the Karimojong of Uganda21/619896/21/2024 0:00195-197
Anastasia Lott, MMRecovering the Word of God Today with and among the Poor21/619896/21/2024 0:00198-204
Hugh MacMahon, SSCClarifying Missionary Identity21/619896/21/2024 0:00205-207
Margaret F Loftus, SNDThe Earth is the Lord's": Reflections on a Sub-theme of the 1989 WCC... On Mission and Evangelism21/619896/21/2024 0:00208-212
William E. Biernatzki, SJIntercultural Communication21/719897/21/2024 0:00219-227
Monica K. Hellwig21/719897/21/2024 0:00228-235
Laurenti Magesa C.Some Critical Theological and Pastoral Issues Facing the Church in East Africa Today21/719897/21/2024 0:00236-245
Monique HébrardDiocesan Synods Yesterday and Today in France21/719897/21/2024 0:00246-250
G. Douglass LewisResolving Conflicts21/819898/21/2024 0:00253-264
Chukwuma Okoye, CSSpEvangelical Poverty and Culture21/819898/21/2024 0:00265-273
David B. BarrettAnnual Statistical Table on Global Mission: 1989 Update21/819898/21/2024 0:00274-275
Jerome Heyndrickx, CICMA Church in Tears in a China in Tears21/819898/21/2024 0:00276-281
Felix WilfredA Power that Draws - Reflections on the Church and the Exercise of Power21/919899/21/2024 0:00287-297
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Feminine - The Future of Humanity21/919899/21/2024 0:00298-305
William W. MegenneyAfrican - Brazilian Religiosity - Sudanic/Bantu/Portuguese Syncretism in selected chants from Brazilian Umbanda and Candomble21/919899/21/2024 0:00306-312
Kin Tanabe, RSCJIntercultural Communication - A View from Japan21/10198910/21/2024 0:00319-324
Ed Van Merrienboer, OPIntercultural Decision-Making at a General Chapter: a North American Perspective21/10198910/21/2024 0:00325-329
Rose Sumah, OLAProcesses of Decision-Making in an International Missionary Institure: a View from Ghana21/10198910/21/2024 0:00330-335
Francios Nicolas, CSSpVers une type de communication interculturelle: la rédaction d'une "Règle de Vie"21/10198910/21/2024 0:00336-343
Michael Amaladoss, SJMission: from Vatican II into the Coming Decade21/11198911/21/2024 0:00353-362
25 Years in Mission, 1964-1989 - Historical Notes21/11198911/21/2024 0:00363-376
William Jenkinson, CSSpAnnual Report ot the General Assembly21/11198911/21/2024 0:00377-387
Frans Timmermans, CSSPRight-wing Religious Sects and Church-related Groups in Southern Africa22/119901/22/2024 0:008/17/2024 0:00
Desmond O'Donnell, OMIReligion and Conservatism22/119901/22/2024 0:0018-21
Kay Lawlor, MMM;DMD; MPSEducation for Life: a Behavior Process for Groups22/119901/22/2024 0:001/21/2024 0:00
Maria Clara BingemerWomen in the Future of the Theology of Liberation22/219902/22/2024 0:0025-29
Hugh McMahon, SSCThe Future of Missionary Societies22/219902/22/2024 0:0030-32
Paul KalandaMissionary collaboration with Local Churches22/219902/22/2024 0:0033-36
Donald NichollThe Search for Truth: a Missionary Imperative22/219902/22/2024 0:0037-41
Jonathan J. BonkReflections on Recruiting Missionaries Today22/219902/22/2024 0:0042-47
Denis GouletEthics in Development Work22/319903/22/2024 0:0053-59
Paulo Suess, SJEvangelization and Tribal Cultures: an Analysis from Brazil22/319903/22/2024 0:0060-67
Peter G. HorsfieldEvangelization and the Mass Media22/319903/22/2024 0:0068-74
Justice Peace and the Integrity of Creation: The Ecumenical Significance of the...Seoul, Korea22/319903/22/2024 0:0075-76
Justice Peace and the Integrity of Creation: Between the Flood and the Rainbow: Covenanting for JPIC22/319903/22/2024 0:0077-78
John Surette, SJInvitations for the Spirituality in the Ecological Age22/319903/22/2024 0:0079-80
Earth Covenant - A Citizens' Treaty22/319903/22/2024 0:0081
Felix WilfredLocal Church: Practices and Theologies from Asia22/419904/22/2024 0:0087-103
Ivone GebaraLocal Church: Practices and Theologies Reflections from Brazil22/419904/22/2024 0:00104-113
Teresita Weind, SSNDLocal Church- Practices and Theology Reflections from the Church in the U.S.A.22/419904/22/2024 0:00114-118
Efoé-Julien PenoukouThe Churches of Africa: Their Identity? Their Mission?22/419904/22/2024 0:00119-125
Carlos Pape, SVDThe Fifth Centenary of Latin America22/519905/22/2024 0:00131-138
Daniel Corijn, OMINorth-South Dialogue: One SEDOS Institute Moves Ahead22/519905/22/2024 0:00139-143
Emefie Ikenga-MetuhContextualization: Missiological Imperative for the Chruch in Africa in the Third Millennium22/519905/22/2024 0:00144-151
Donald Senior, CPUrban - Based Formation22/519905/22/2024 0:00152-154
The Global Trend Towards Urbanization (charts)22/519905/22/2024 0:00155
Etienne Renaud, MAfrOn-going Formation22/619906/22/2024 0:00159-162
Hans Küng /Julia ChingChristianity and Chinese Religions22/619906/22/2024 0:00163-167
Pierre Haas, CSSpBehold, I Make All Things New22/619906/22/2024 0:00168-169
Frank Nubuasah, SVDThe African Missionary to Africa22/619906/22/2024 0:00170-172
Clodovis BoffFeet -on-the-ground Theology22/619906/22/2024 0:00173-182
James H. Kroeger, MMVocation Recruitment in the Local Church22/619906/22/2024 0:00183-185
Jerome Heyndrickx, CICMInternational Conference on Historiography of The Catholic Church in China22/619906/22/2024 0:00186
Sarah Summers, MMS, Mary Pawath, MMSHealth in a Search for Wholeness: an Initial Exploration22/719907/22/2024 0:00191-202
Justo Lacunza Balda, MAfrMuslim - Christian Dialogue: 'The Salman Rushdie Affair'22/719907/22/2024 0:00203-214
A.F. PeetersThe "South" and the European Community22/719907/22/2024 0:00215-220
Cardinal Jaime L. SinRecruiting vocation in the Local Church22/719907/22/2024 0:00221
Maryknoll Sisters in NicaraguaReflection on Our Experience of Violence and Conflict22/819908/22/2024 0:00227-228
Abdul JalilIslam Explained22/819908/22/2024 0:00229-232
Mario Bianchi, IMCLatin America, from your Faith Send Missionaries" : The 4th L. A. Congress, Lima, Feb. 199122/819908/22/2024 0:00233-234
A message from the ConferenceThe Search for a Liberation Spirituality: the EATWOT Asia Experience22/819908/22/2024 0:00235-238
Mary Em McGlone, MMSSpiritual Healing: an Attitude toward Life22/819908/22/2024 0:00239-243
Walter J. HollenwegerThe Theological Challenge of Indigenous Churches22/819908/22/2024 0:00244-246
Behold I make all things New - The Bible and the New Evangelization22/919909/22/2024 0:00251-256
Charles HandyThe Age of Unreason22/919909/22/2024 0:00257-264
Willi Henkel, OMIThe Native Priesthood in South America22/919909/22/2024 0:00265-267
Wilbert R. ShenkNew Religious Movements - Their Contribution to Missiology22/919909/22/2024 0:00268-274
Reshaping Europe - A Letter from Gerhard Linn, An address by Peader Kirby22/919909/22/2024 0:00275-280
Ivo LorscheiterMissionary outreach of the Latin American Church22/10199010/22/2024 0:00285-294
Romeo Ballan, MCCJMissionary outreach of the Latin American Church and the Fourth L.American Missionary Congress22/10199010/22/2024 0:00295-302
Alfons Merten, SVDThe Missionary Dilemma- A Ghanaian Experience22/10199010/22/2024 0:00303-305
International St. Francis Prize for the Environment- Canticle of all Creatures- Our Common environment in the Spirit of Assisi22/10199010/22/2024 0:00306-310
June JohnstonSeasons of Motherhood22/10199010/22/2024 0:00311-313
Leonard Kasanda Lumembu, CICMThe Outreach of African particular Churches to the Universal Mission - The Role of the Missionary Institute22/11199011/22/2024 0:00323-334
William Jenkinson, CSSPAnnual Report to Sedos General Assembly 199022/11199011/22/2024 0:00335-341
Valentino SalvodiAfrican Synod - An Interview with Bishop Agre22/11199011/22/2024 0:00342-343
Arnold SprengerA New Vision for China: A meeting of scholars in Beijing, April 27, 198923/119911/23/2024 0:0010/3/2024 0:00
Michael Y. Allard, SVDGreat Britain, Ireland, the U.S. and Australia: the Church's response23/119911/23/2024 0:0011/18/2024 0:00
Laurenti MagesaAfrican Culture: a Challenge to the Church23/119911/23/2024 0:0019-25
Carlos Pape, SVDMissionaries of the "First Hour" in Latin America23/119911/23/2024 0:0026-28
Mgr.Henri TeissierIslamo-Christian Dialogue: a Renewal23/219912/23/2024 0:0035-41
Leonardo BoffThe Amerindian Gospel: The Liberating Method of Our Lady of Guadalupe23/219912/23/2024 0:0042-45
Alfio FilippiA Synod for the Many Faces of Africa23/219912/23/2024 0:0046-54
Casimir Paulsen, CMMSouth African Update23/319913/23/2024 0:0063-64
Institute for Contextual Theol., JohannesburgViolence: The New Kairos - Challenge to the Churches in South Africa23/319913/23/2024 0:0065-70
Josefa Marinez & Beverly Lacayo, MSOLALatin America Missionary Congress: COMLA 4. Lima, February 199123/319913/23/2024 0:0071-78
Tom Michel, SJHistorical Background and Religious Aspects of the Gulf War23/319913/23/2024 0:0079-84
Francis Grossin, SMMissionary Outreach of the Churches in the South Pacific23/319913/23/2024 0:0085-90
Elochukwu E.Uzukwu, CSSpThe African Synod: A View-Point on the Lineamenta from English-speaking Africa23/419914/23/2024 0:0097-104
Chrys McVey, OPThe Conference of Asia-Pacific Pastoral Institutes (CAPPI)23/419914/23/2024 0:00105-108
Laënnec Hurbon,The Slave Trade and Black Slavery in America23/419914/23/2024 0:00109-114
Mgr. J. Holmes-Siedle,Small Christian Communiies in Eastern Africa23/419914/23/2024 0:00115-117
J. Bryan HehirThe World Bank and Poverty alleviation23/519915/23/2024 0:00125-129
J. Bryan HehirInterdependence for all- A Decade to Remake the World23/519915/23/2024 0:00130-132
L. Kasanda Lumembu, CICMInculturation in Action - African Rites and Liturgies23/519915/23/2024 0:00133-138
Bishops & Missionaries of Panama1992, The year of Grace of the Lord23/519915/23/2024 0:00139-141
Cecily Paul, FMMMissionary Outreach of the Churche in India23/519915/23/2024 0:00142-147
Franz NuschelerThe Worlwide Mass Exodus - Refugees Converge on Islands of Affluence23/519915/23/2024 0:00148-150
J. Bryan HehirPROPHETIC MISSION IN A CHANGING WORLD: i. Social mnistry in a 'First World' Setting23/6-719916/23/2007159-168
J. Bryan Hehirii. The Prophetic Challenge of Religion and Politics: A Case Study: The U.S. Bishops in the 1980's23/6-719916/23/2007169-180
J. Bryan HehirIII. Future Challenges: Internationalisation and Prophecy in Politics, Church and Missionary23/6-719916/23/2007181-192
Edwina GateleyI. Prophetic Mission - Sniffing Out the Kingdom23/6-719916/23/2007193-205
Edwina GateleyII. Healing, Nurturing, Birthing23/6-719916/23/2007206-214
Edwina GateleyIII. Empowering to Mission23/6-719916/23/2007215-225
Rose Sumah, OLAPrimary Health Care23/819918/23/2024 0:00231-234
Emily Mullen, SNDElements of Health Ministry in Developing Countries23/819918/23/2024 0:00235-239
SVD Study GroupSecularization, Inculturation and Dialogue in Today's World: Towards a Turn of the Millennium and Beyond23/819918/23/2024 0:00240-246
James Hug, SJHeritage and Hope: Evangelization in America: Comments on the Pastoral for the 5th Cent...23/819918/23/2024 0:00247-250
Catholic Higher Ins. of AfricaSynod of Bishops for Africa23/819918/23/2024 0:00251-254
Mgr. Jose Maria PiresThe Black Population in Brazil23/919919/23/2024 0:00261-266
James Hug, SJCentesimus Annus: Dramatic Call for Epochal Change23/919919/23/2024 0:00267-269
Los Angeles Interreligious GroupBuddhist - Catholic Dialogue: an Early Journey23/919919/23/2024 0:00270-277
Mary Evelyn Jegen, SNDA Dwelling Place: "It is in the Shelter of Each Other that People live"23/919919/23/2024 0:00278-282
Archbishop HunthausenA Time of Transition and Change23/919919/23/2024 0:00283-286
Peter HebblethwaiteRerum Novarum to Centesimus Annus: Implications for Mission23/10199110/23/2024 0:00293-302
Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga, CMFCentral America: the Great Causes23/10199110/23/2024 0:00303-308
Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer,Solidarity or Conflict: Catholic Social Thought and Liberation Theology23/10199110/23/2024 0:00309-313
Rodrigo Mejía, , SJThe African Synod: Lay Christians23/10199110/23/2024 0:00314-316
Michael Amaladoss, SJEurope - Mission as Prophecy23/11199111/23/2024 0:00325-327
Maria Brünhild Teufel, SSNDMission of the Church in Eastern Europe23/11199111/23/2024 0:00329-333
Teresa Clements, DMJMission of the Church in Western Europe23/11199111/23/2024 0:00334-340
Mac ChapinContemporary Indians and the Quincentenary23/11199111/23/2024 0:00341-345
Dr. Peter HebblethwaiteRerum Novarum to Centesimus Annus (report of discussion)23/11199111/23/2024 0:00354-355
John P. Kirby, SVDLanguage and Culture Learning Is Ministry24/119921/24/2024 0:008/3/2024 0:00
AMECEA Seminar NairobiProposals for the African Synod24/119921/24/2024 0:0012/9/2024 0:00
Angelo Lazzarotto, PIMEThe Church in the Socio-Political Context of Today's China24/119921/24/2024 0:0013-17
Aloysius B. Chang, SJOn Being a Bridge Church for China24/119921/24/2024 0:0018-23
Anthony J. Gittins, CSSpBrave New World24/219922/24/2024 0:0035-43
Janet Malone, CNDInternationality - At What Price?24/219922/24/2024 0:0044-47
Meetings on African Collaboration (MAC)24/219922/24/2024 0:0048-49
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conf. (FABC)Some Theological Reflections on the Asian Context of Evangelization24/219922/24/2024 0:0050-55
Gustavo Gutierrez500th Anniversary : Reflections from Peru24/219922/24/2024 0:0056-58
Carlos MaestersIndian Myths and the Old Testament24/319923/24/2024 0:0067-73
Michel Decraene, CICMA Rising Tide in Africa: Zaire24/319923/24/2024 0:0074-79
James H. Kroeger, MMRenewing Mission Through Dialogue24/319923/24/2024 0:0080-82
OrtkemperA Simple Method of Bible Sharing24/319923/24/2024 0:0083-86
Amecea Documentation serviceEATWOT: Third General Assembly (Nairobi, January, 1992)24/319923/24/2024 0:0087-89
Léonard Kasanda Lumembu, CICMMesse aux suffrages des victimes du 16 février 1992 Kinshasa-Zaire: Homélie24/319923/24/2024 0:0090-92
Joseph Bragotti, MCCJ500th Anniversary - the Church in Angola: a New Situation24/419924/24/2024 0:0099-103
Dom. Paulo Evaristo ArnsBrazil - Social Justice and Ecumenism24/419924/24/2024 0:00104-107
Jane Dwyer, SNDBrazilian Diary24/419924/24/2024 0:00108-109
Pierre DeloozThe Influence of Perestroika on the Church: Some Plausible Conclusions24/419924/24/2024 0:00110-112
Andrien Pekò, SSNDThe Catholic and Orthodox Churches: Towards a Constant Improvement in Relationships24/419924/24/2024 0:00113-116
John Olorunfermi OnaiyekanChristian-Muslim Relations in Africa: A Nigerian Perspective24/419924/24/2024 0:00117-121
Henri TeissierBeing the Church in an Islamic Society: the Algerian Experience24/419924/24/2024 0:00122-124
Virgilio ElizondoUnmasking the Idols24/519925/24/2024 0:00131-140
Thomas Michel, SJIslamic Fundamentalism24/519925/24/2024 0:00141-150
Jon Sobrino, SJ500 Years: Structural Sin & Structural Grace24/519925/24/2024 0:00151-156
Major Religions Oppose Apartheid24/519925/24/2024 0:00162-164
Gustavo GutiérrezI - The Quincentenary24/6-719926/24/2007169-175
Gustavo Gutiérrezii - Preferential Option for the Poor24/6-719926/24/2007176-181
Gustavo GutiérrezIII - New Evangelization - A Theol. Reflection on the Latin American Church - Santo Domingo24/6-719926/24/2007182-197
Maria Clara Luchetti BingemerI - Popular Religion and the Church: Hopes and Challenges at the Dawn of the 5th Centenary24/6-719926/24/2007198-204
Maria Clara Luchetti BingemerII - The Laity in Today's Latin American Church24/6-719926/24/2007205-209
Maria Clara Luchetti BingemerIII - The Difference in the Way of Knowing and Speaking about God24/6-719926/24/2007210-217
Carlos Mesters, O. CarmIndian Myths and the Two Testaments24/819928/24/2024 0:00227-232
Michael Amaladoss, SJSecularization and India: Modernization and Religion in an Eastern Country24/819928/24/2024 0:00233-240
Chukwuma J. Okoye, CSSpThe Synod for Africa: Five Themes and Some Issues at Stake24/819928/24/2024 0:00241-251
Roberta Ryan, SSCWomen in Japan: A Report of a Workshop24/819928/24/2024 0:00252-254
Samuel RyanThe Kingdom of God, Religious Pluralism and Communalism24/919929/24/2024 0:00261-267
Ofelia OrtegaLatin American Women - A History of Rebellion24/919929/24/2024 0:00268-273
Elochukwu E. Uzukwu, CSSpHuman Rights in Africa - A Contextual Theological Reflection24/919929/24/2024 0:00274-282
Patricia McMenamin, OLAFocus on Sudan24/919929/24/2024 0:00283-284
Joe Nwaokoro, SJFrom Confrontation to Conversation24/919929/24/2024 0:00285-286
Michel de Verteuil, CSSpTheological Background to Inculturation - Lectio Divina24/10199210/24/2024 0:00293-308
New World: New Creation "Mission in Power and Faith" VIII IAMS Conference (Hawaii 1992)24/10199210/24/2024 0:00309-311
John Mansford Prior, SVDRevelation: A Missionary's Journey24/10199210/24/2024 0:00312-316
Donal O'Mahony, OFM Cap.1. International Debt and Ecological Connections: Relationality and Responsibility24/11199211/24/2024 0:00325-339
Donal O'Mahony, OFM Cap.2. International Debt and Ecological Connections: Earth Summit and Global Forum24/11199211/24/2024 0:00340-349
William Jenkinson, CSSpAnnual Report to the 1992 Sedos General Assembly24/11199211/24/2024 0:00350-357
Peter Schineller, SJInculturation and Syncretism: What is the Real Issue?25/119931/25/2024 0:008/3/2024 0:00
George TinkerThe Full Circle of Liberation: an American Indian Theology of Place25/119931/25/2024 0:009/13/2024 0:00
Anastasia Lott, MMThe Relationship between Evangelization and Development25/119931/25/2024 0:0014-18
Seamus Murphy, SJThe Work of Justice and the Option for the Poor25/119931/25/2024 0:0019-22
From the Pakistan Catechetical Conference25/119931/25/2024 0:0023-24
Klara Sietmann, MSCSanto Domingo and Beyond25/219932/25/2024 0:0031-35
Bruno Secondin, O.CarmSanto Domingo: and Interpretation25/219932/25/2024 0:0036-45
Africa: Pastoral Care of Refugees25/219932/25/2024 0:0046-50
Robert Schreiter, CPPSReconciliation and the Church in China25/219932/25/2024 0:0051-56
Simon S. MaimelaAfrican Anthropology and Christian Theology25/319933/25/2024 0:0063-67
Rabbi Norman SolomanChristian-Jewish Relations in a New Europe25/319933/25/2024 0:0068-76
Dain Inglis, FDNSCLiberia: the Forgotten War25/319933/25/2024 0:0077-80
John TongToward 1997: the Catholic Church in Hong Kong25/319933/25/2024 0:0081-88
Renato Kizito Sesana, MCCJAn African Synod in Rome: (open letter to Pope John Paul II)25/419934/25/2024 0:0095-100
John Mansford Prior, SVDEarhquake in Indonesia: "I Escaped by a Couple of Seconds"25/419934/25/2024 0:00101-103
Mgr. Donatus Djagom, SVDAfter the Earthquake: Birth of a New Church?25/419934/25/2024 0:00104-110
Peter J.Henriot, SJThe Challenge of True Development25/419934/25/2024 0:00111-114
Jacques Dupuis, SJDialogue and Proclamation25/419934/25/2024 0:00115-119
Dom Demetrio ValentiniSanto Domingo - The Fruits Beyond the Struggle25/519935/25/2024 0:00127-133
P.N. WachegeAfrican Inculturation - Liberation Theology25/519935/25/2024 0:00134-139
Lucie Pruvost, MSOLAWoman in Islam25/519935/25/2024 0:00140-143
Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIMEThe Philippines: Muslim-Christian Relations - Peace and Jihad in Islam25/519935/25/2024 0:00144-148
Rigoberta Menchú,A Voice of Resistance25/519935/25/2024 0:00149-152
Tresa Okure, SHCJThe laity - People of God, In An African Reality25/6-719936/25/2007161-166
Tresa Okure, SHCJThe Role of Women in the African Church25/6-719936/25/2007167-173
Tresa Okure, SHCJPastoral Expectations for the African Synod25/6-719936/25/2007174-180
Bishop Anselme SanonThe Church Challenged by the African Situation25/6-719936/25/2007181-187
Bishop Anselme SanonThe Challenge of inculturation25/6-719936/25/2007188-193
Libanos Ayele, SMCAfrica - Questions and Proposals to the Church - A Response to the Sedos Seminar25/6-719936/25/2007194-196
Michael Amaladoss, SJReligious and Mission25/819938/25/2024 0:00207-213
Maria Teresa Porcile SantisoWomen Bearing Witness to the ever-new and Life-giving Gospel25/819938/25/2024 0:00214-221
Herman Wijtten, SVDThe Synod o Africa - Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation25/819938/25/2024 0:00222-226
Alysius Pieris, SJAn Asian Paradigm - INter-Religious Dialogue and Theology of Religions25/819938/25/2024 0:00227-232
Pieter C. EmmerWe Are Here, because You Were There": Intercontinental Migration25/919939/25/2024 0:00239-244
Peter J. Henriot, SJZambia - Analysis of a "Second Independence"25/919939/25/2024 0:00245-251
K.M. Matthew, SJIn Search of a Theology of the Environment - The Message of the Earth Summit25/919939/25/2024 0:00252-255
Hipólito Tshimanga Muanza, CICMAfrica and the Americas: the Cultural Connection25/919939/25/2024 0:00256-261
Guy ArnoldWhy IMF and World Bank Need Reforming25/919939/25/2024 0:00262-264
AMECEA Documentation ServiceReligious Leaders: Peacemaking and Social Change in Africa25/10199310/25/2024 0:00271-276
Joseph Puthenpurakal, SDBAsia: Missionary Challenges25/10199310/25/2024 0:00277-282
Jon Sobrino, SJLeonard Boff: An Apostolic and Pastoral Crisis25/10199310/25/2024 0:00283-287
Paris Foreign Mission societyMission - An Unending Journey25/10199310/25/2024 0:00288-293
Magda Van Hoyweghen, MMSAids - 9th International Conference25/10199310/25/2024 0:00294-296
Bishop Paride TabanDo not Cheat Yourself and Others25/11199311/25/2024 0:00303-305
Mark Raper, SJAccepting the Outsider: Refugees and Asylum25/11199311/25/2024 0:00306-312
Marcello Azevedo, SJSemantics of the Option for the Poor25/11199311/25/2024 0:00313-316
Haitian Religious Conferences25/11199311/25/2024 0:00317-319
Walter Von Holzen, SVDAnnual Report to the 1993 Sedos General Assembly25/11199311/25/2024 0:00320-326
Dominique Samne, FSCAfrique: formation inculturée des frères - Assemblée annuelle SEDOS26/119941/26/2024 0:009/3/2024 0:00
Alexander Motanyane, OMIInculturated Formation of our African Religious Priests - SEDOS General Assembly - 199326/119941/26/2024 0:0010/13/2024 0:00
Meinrad Hebga, SJAfrique: Synode Africain et mariage - Dieu s'est-il arrêté en Occident?26/119941/26/2024 0:0014-19
Jef Van Gerwen, SJRefugees and Migrants in Europe26/119941/26/2024 0:0020-26
Aiban WaguaIndigenous Priest Reflects on Evangelisation26/119941/26/2024 0:0027-28
Francis AudiauLes Ashrams chrétiens en Inde26/219942/26/2024 0:0035-39
Anthony Rogers, FSCThe Church in Asia - Towards the 21st Century26/219942/26/2024 0:0040-46
Jeanne Amina Tetani, FMMAfrique: formation inculturée des religieuses (Assemblée annuelle SEDOS26/219942/26/2024 0:0047-52
Maureen O'Brien, SNDAfrica - Questionnaire: Women in Church and in Society26/219942/26/2024 0:0053-56
Rev. Alan C. Clark, Metropolitan Elias AudiEcumenical Formation: Reflections and Suggestions26/219942/26/2024 0:0057-61
Initiative Kindugu and othersAdmission of Guilt26/3-419943/26/200468
Aylward Shorter, MAfrDialogue with African Traditional Religions26/3-419943/26/200469
Gotthard Rosner, MAfrEvangelisation26/3-419943/26/200471-72
Daniel Mellier, SMAL'Inculturation26/3-419943/26/200473-74
GodfreyOdigbo, CSSpMission and Inculturation26/3-419943/26/200475-77
Marie Angèle Kitero, SNDInculturation de la vie religieuse en Afrique26/3-419943/26/200478-80
L. Kasanda Lumembu, CICMVie religieuse africaine et mission26/3-419943/26/200481-82
P. Meinrad Hebga, SJInculturation du mariage chrétien26/3-419943/26/200483
Veronica Openibo, SHCJThe Challenge of Christian-Muslim Co-Existence26/3-419943/26/200484-86
Maria del Pilar Benavente, MSOLAFemmes religieuses en dialogue avec l'Islam26/3-419943/26/200487-89
Libanos Ayale, SMCInculturated Formation26/3-419943/26/200490-91
Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVDFormation in Africa Today26/3-419943/26/200492-93
Renato Kizito Sesana, MCCJThe Challenge of Communication in Africa26/3-419943/26/200494-95
Judith Mbula BahemukaAfrican Woman - Roles and Needs26/3-419943/26/200496
Patricia McMenamin, OLARole of the sister in the African Church26/3-419943/26/200497-98
Celine Namalambo, HBVMAfrican Women in Politics26/3-419943/26/200499
Elochukwu Uzukwu, CSSpTrends in African Theology26/3-419943/26/2004100-101
Chukwudum B. OkoloAfrican Liberation Theology: Concept and Necessity26/3-419943/26/2004102-103
Laurenti MagesaWhat Ecclesiology for Africa?26/3-419943/26/2004104-105
Rose Sumah, NDAChurch in the Service of Justice26/3-419943/26/2004106-107
Peter J. Henriot, SJAfrica and Structural Adjustment Programmes26/3-419943/26/2004108-109
Ellen Gielty, SNDThe Church and the Refugees in Africa26/3-419943/26/2004110
William T. Knipe, MMThe Church and Urbanization in Africa26/3-419943/26/2004111
Dieter Eduard Skweres, SVDL'Apostolat biblique en Afrique26/3-419943/26/2004112-114
Mbuka Cyprien, CICMZaire: une heure de témoignage26/3-419943/26/2004115-117
Marie-José Baranyaka, DMJL'Église comme sacrement de l'unité - Le Rôle de l'Église dans les conflits ethniques26/3-419943/26/2004118-119
M. RoncinDette - Misère - Drogue26/519945/26/2024 0:00125-128
Current trends in the CEBs in Latin America26/519945/26/2024 0:00129-132
Paul IngramTibet: Children of Despair26/519945/26/2024 0:00133-138
James H. Kroeger, MMConduits par l'Esprit à l'intérieur du Mystère Pascal26/519945/26/2024 0:00139-142
Felix A. MachadoThe "Unpossessable" Good News26/519945/26/2024 0:00143-147
Timothy Radcliffe, OPChallenges to Our Mission in the First World26/519945/26/2024 0:00148-150
Ms Michiko OtaThe Church in Japan26/6-719946/26/2007158-170
George Soares-Prabhu, SJThe Indian Church Challenged by Poverty and Caste26/6-719946/26/2007171-182
George Soares-Prabhu, SJThe Indian Church Challenged by Pluralism and Dialogue26/6-719946/26/2007183-193
John TongThe Developing Catholic Church in China26/6-719946/26/2007194-210
Rembert G. Weakland, OSBLe Dialogue Nord-Sud: un défi à la paix26/819948/26/2024 0:00217-223
Joao B. Libanio, SJThe Latin American Church: Balance, Tensions and Perspectives26/819948/26/2024 0:00224-229
Jo Marie GriesgraberBretton Woods: After 50 years, Time for a New World Vision26/819948/26/2024 0:00230-232
Pablo RichardPour un renouveau de la théologie de l'espérance26/819948/26/2024 0:00233-238
Joy Thomas, SVDThe Evolution of the Concept of Mission in the Bible26/819948/26/2024 0:00239-244
Pierre-Henri ChalvidanL'Église entre en économie26/919949/26/2024 0:00249-255
Bryant L. MyersState of the World's Children: Critical Challenge to Christian Mission26/919949/26/2024 0:00256-259
(FABC International...Theol...April 1994Being Church in Asia: Journeying with the Spirit into Fuller Life26/919949/26/2024 0:00260-266
Conseil permanent de l'épiscopat brésilienLettre aux communautés ecclésiales de base26/919949/26/2024 0:00267-269
Beverly Lacayo, MSOLASisterhoods and Empowerment of Women in Central and East Africa26/919949/26/2024 0:00270-275
Bro. Hermann Schalück, OFMOur Identity is Mission26/10199410/26/2024 0:00281-288
France DelcourtL'Europe dans l'an 2000 - Nouveau défi missionnaire pour la vie religieuse26/10199410/26/2024 0:00289-293
Cyprien Mbuka, CICMSynode pour l'Afrique ou synode africain?26/10199410/26/2024 0:00294-301
Doris Gottemoeller, RSMApostolic Religious Life: Ecclesial Identity and Mission26/10199410/26/2024 0:00302-307
Dominick CoyleThe World Debt26/11199411/26/2024 0:00313-319
Sergio SchlesingerExternal Debt - A Third World Perspective26/11199411/26/2024 0:00320-326
Mgr. Raymundo Damasceno AssisPastorale urbaine en Amérique Latine26/11199411/26/2024 0:00327-330
Archbishop Gabriel Zubeir WakoInter-Religious Dialogue in the Sudan: Can We Sustain It?26/11199411/26/2024 0:00331-335
L. Kasanda Lumembu, CICMInstituts missionnaires dans l'Évangélisation de l'Afrique26/11199411/26/2024 0:00336-337
Walter von Holzen, SVDAnnual Report to the 1994 Sedos General Assembly26/11199411/26/2024 0:00338-341
F. Michel, SMAlgérie - Quelle croisade?27/119951/27/2024 0:003/2/2024 0:00
Mgr. Henri TeissierAlgérie: un lieu pour vivre les Béatitudes27/119951/27/2024 0:007/5/2024 0:00
Laurenti MagesaA Note on the Future of the African Synod - the End of the Assembly27/119951/27/2024 0:008/14/2024 0:00
Frank Carey, MAfrAids and Orphans27/119951/27/2024 0:0015-18
Konrad RaiserGospel and Cultures27/119951/27/2024 0:0019-23
Gisèle Bellemare, MSOLARwanda - Quelle suite?27/119951/27/2024 0:0024-26
Mission Moment - Children without Childhood - Hong Kong27/119951/27/2024 0:0031
Brother John Johnston, FSCOur Prophetic Role in a Changing Church and Changing World27/219952/27/2024 0:0035-41
Michael Amaladoss, SJLe Nouveau visage de la mission27/219952/27/2024 0:0042-48
Michael Traber, WACCThe Marginalisation of Africa by the Intenational Media27/219952/27/2024 0:0049-52
Marcello Zago, OMIThe Mission of the Religious After the Synod on Consecrated Life27/219952/27/2024 0:0053-58
André WarkL'Islam lutte pour la suprématie: Indonésie27/219952/27/2024 0:0059-61
Cardinal LorscheiderCardinal Lorscheider: Questions on the Synod Procedure27/219952/27/2024 0:0062-63
James E. Hug, SJWorld Summit for Social Development - Copenhagen27/319953/27/2024 0:0067-73
Xabier Gorostiage, SFLa Géoculture comme clé d'interprétation d'Haiti?27/319953/27/2024 0:0074-79
Mgr. Peter K. SarpongHealth and Medicine in African Traditional Religion: (The Ashanti Model)27/319953/27/2024 0:0080-84
Gabriel MarcLe Magistère Catholique face a l'explosion démographique27/319953/27/2024 0:0085-90
José María VigilWhat Remains of the Option for the Poor?27/319953/27/2024 0:0091-95
Catholic University of Eastern Africa, NairobiEvangelisation as Dialogue with African Traditional Religions27/419954/27/2024 0:0099-105
José M. De MesaL'Église et l'état face à la réalité nationale des Philippines27/419954/27/2024 0:00106-111
Bishop Aloysius Jin LuxianA Small Boat on the Boundless Ocean27/419954/27/2024 0:00112-116
Eugène Juguet, MEPLe Libéralisme contre la liberté27/419954/27/2024 0:00117-122
Mgr. Jacques GaillotAn interview with Mgr. Jacques Gaillot27/419954/27/2024 0:00123
What's the Matter with President Aristide? - Port-au-Prince27/419954/27/2024 0:00126
Clodovis Boff, OSMThe Church in Latin America: Between Perplexity and Creativity27/519955/27/2024 0:00131-141
P.J. StamerL'Islam en Afrique27/519955/27/2024 0:00142-147
Anto Karokaran, CMIBuilding Blocks of an Incarnational Evangelisation27/519955/27/2024 0:00148-153
J.M. WaliggoLa Démocratie moderne en Afrique: facteur de développement intégral27/519955/27/2024 0:00154-159
Mary John Mananzan, OSBThe Philippine Church - Pastoral Options for the Year Two Thousand27/6-719956/27/2007164-176
Mary John Mananzan, OSBAsia: A Missionary Challenge to the Philippine Church27/6-719956/27/2007177-181
M. Sastrapratedja, SJThe Indonesian Missionary Church - Hopes and Problems27/6-719956/27/2007182-185
M. Sastrapratedja, SJThe Indonesian Church - The Challenge of Islam27/6-719956/27/2007186-192
Ennio Mantovani, SVDThe Transforming role of the Church27/6-719956/27/2007193-204
Ennio Mantovani, SVDWinds of Change and the Mission of the Church in the Pacific27/6-719956/27/2007205-215
Maryse DurrerDe Mexico à Pékin, le long chemin des femmes: La IVe conférence des NU sur les femmes27/8-919958/27/2009223-229
Maria Riley, OPUN - Fourth World Conference on Women: Whose Conference is it?27/8-919958/27/2009230-231
Olive D. LuenaCatholic Women Organisation of Tanzania: Joining Hands... On Road to Beijing27/8-919958/27/2009232-233
Betty Ann Maheu, MMThe Chinese Woman in Church and Society27/8-919958/27/2009234-236
Mary Motte, FMMDiversity and Truth: A Missiological Perspective27/8-919958/27/2009237-239
Edith et Tamas LazloPerspectives missionnaires dans la Hongrie actuelle27/8-919958/27/2009240-242
Mercy Amba OduyoyeChristianity and African Culture27/8-919958/27/2009243-249
Elsa TamazNew Horizons for Liberation Theology27/8-919958/27/2009250-251
Peter Henriot, SJWhat for ? The Structural Adjustment Programme in Africa27/10199510/27/2024 0:00255-262
Père René Tabard, CSSJÉvangile et Église en Afrique, face à la maladie et à la souffance27/10199510/27/2024 0:00263-268
Gustavo GutiérrezTheology, an Ecclesial Function27/10199510/27/2024 0:00269-272
André CouléeComment être missionnaire aujourd'hui?27/10199510/27/2024 0:00273-279
Non/Governmental OrganisationsThe Copenhagen Alternative Declaration27/10199510/27/2024 0:00280-282
Message du 5e Congres Missionnaire Latino-Américain27/11199511/27/2024 0:00286-287
Jose Maria Vigil and Pedro CasldaligaSolidarity in Crisis: A Reflection of the Spiritual Reality of Solidarity in Latin America27/11199511/27/2024 0:00288-291
Christian RudelL'Amérique Latine sous l'emprise de la volonté intégrationniste Nord-Américaine: l'ALENA ...27/11199511/27/2024 0:00292-298
Frei BettoDid Liberaton Theology Collapse with the Berlin Wall?27/11199511/27/2024 0:00299-301
Msgr. Lorenzo AlbaceteThe Hispanic Presence in the Church in the United States27/11199511/27/2024 0:00302-306
Aloysius PierisLes Pauvres et le règne de Dieu27/11199511/27/2024 0:00307-310
Sergio Ticozzi, PIMEPolitical-Religious Issue in China Today27/11199511/27/2024 0:00311-313
Renato Kizito Sesana, MCCJSuffering in Southern Sudan - Challenge to the Church27/12199512/27/2024 0:00319-322
Lucien LegrandRéflexion - l'action de l'Esprit en Asie27/12199512/27/2024 0:00323-325
Helen McLaughlin, RSCJThe Beijing Experience27/12199512/27/2024 0:00326-332
Rose Fernando, FMMMoving Beyond Beijing - Towards Equality, Development, Peace27/12199512/27/2024 0:00333-338
Walter von Holzen, SVDAnnual Report to the 1995 General Assembly of Sedos27/12199512/27/2024 0:00339-343
Veronica Openibo, SHCJEcclesia in Africa - Post/Synodal Exhortation by John Paul II: An African Woman's View28/119961/28/2024 0:009/3/2024 0:00
Pierre Schouver, CSSpEcclesia in Africa - Point du vue d'un missionnaire28/119961/28/2024 0:0010/20/2024 0:00
Eleonora Barbieri MasiniWomen on the threshold of the XXIst Century: Hopes and Fears28/119961/28/2024 0:0021-24
Michael L. Fitzgerald, MAfrModern Religious Fundamentalisms28/119961/28/2024 0:0025-30
Peter Henriot, SJThe Church's Mission to Heal - Reflection on Basic Theology and Ethical Principles28/219962/28/2024 0:0035-40
Noboru YoshiyamaConfucianisme et économie en Asie de l'est - Réflexion chrétienne28/219962/28/2024 0:0041-47
Michael Amaladoss, SJImage of Jesus in India28/219962/28/2024 0:0048-53
Victor CodinaUne théologie à partir du Sud28/219962/28/2024 0:0054-56
Bishop Federico E. PaguraThe Cost of Reconciliation28/219962/28/2024 0:0057-60
John Füllenbach, SVDThe Kingdom of God - The Central Message of Jesus seen in the challenges of Today Part I28/319963/28/2024 0:0067-73
John Füllenbach, SVDCalled to Mission: As the Father Has Sent Me, So I Am Sending You Part II28/319963/28/2024 0:0074-78
Joseph Ki-ZerboLes Droits de l'homme en Afrique: tradition et modernité28/319963/28/2024 0:0079-87
Xabier Gorostiaga, SJCitizens of the Planet and of the 21st Century28/319963/28/2024 0:0088-94
Lambert Nyeme KadiamonokoZaire - Nous liberer de la peur28/319963/28/2024 0:0095
Tharcisse GatwaEthnic Conflict and the Media: the Case of Rwanda28/419964/28/2024 0:0099-102
Georges M. Anderson, SJAprès 9 années d'emprisonnement Jésuites du Vietnam P. Joseph Nguyêen Công Doàn28/419964/28/2024 0:00103-107
Stephen B. Bevans, SVDWhat Catholics Can Learn from Evangelical Mission Theology28/419964/28/2024 0:00108-112
Cyprien Mbuka, CICMAnnonce et dialogue inter-religieux: une compréhension inclusive28/419964/28/2024 0:00113-118
Richard FalkAppraising the UN at 50: the Looming Challenge28/419964/28/2024 0:00119-124
Pastoral Letter...of Bishops in ChinaThe Dignity and Responsibility of Women28/419964/28/2024 0:00125-127
Cardinal Carlo Maria MartiniLes Médias, la violence et la paix28/519965/28/2024 0:00131-137
Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICMFrom "Mission in China" to "Inter-Church Exchange"28/519965/28/2024 0:00138-145
Sr Maria Ko Ha Fong, M. Aux.The Church of China: Facing the Challenge of Formation28/519965/28/2024 0:00146-150
Virgil ÉlizondoPassion du Christ: chez les peuples d'Amérique Latine28/519965/28/2024 0:00151-155
James Corboy, SJChurch as Communion and Family of God28/519965/28/2024 0:00156-159
Carlos Mesters, O. CarmThe Liberating Reading of the Bible28/6-719966/28/2007165-170
Carlos Mesters, O. CarmReligious Life and its Mission among the Poor, in the Light of the Word of God28/6-719966/28/2007171-179
Carlos Mesters, O. CarmExperience of Evangelisation with the Bible28/6-719966/28/2007180-186
Maura Cho, SOLPHReading the Bible in an Asian Context28/6-719966/28/2007187-201
Maura Cho, SOLPHThe Bible in Pastoral Work - Experiences from Korea -28/6-719966/28/2007202-214
Nuria Calduch-Benages, MNThe Challenge of Biblical Work in Europe: (SEDOS Research Seminar, May 1996)28/8-919968/28/2009219-225
Sept auteurs pour "Foi et Développement"Quel développement aujourd'hui?28/8-919968/28/2009226-234
Amaladoss, Michael, SJMission in a Post-Modern World: A Call to be Counter-cultural28/8-919968/28/2009235-241
Catholic Biblical FederationCatholic Biblical Federation V Plenary...: Final Statement of the HongKong Assembly28/8-919968/28/2009242-247
Une Interview du Cardinal Paulo ArnsÉcouter la clameur qui monte des pauvres28/10199610/28/2024 0:00251-254
Carole J.L. CollinsAround Africa - Reshaping Africa: Effects of Economic Globalisation28/10199610/28/2024 0:00255-264
René De Haes, SJEcclesia in Africa : Une invitation à passer à l'acte28/10199610/28/2024 0:00265-270
Manuel diaz MateosI Will Speak to their Hearts28/10199610/28/2024 0:00271-276
Jo Marie GriesgraberSowing Hope for the World's Poorest28/10199610/28/2024 0:00277-279
Ignatius Sandyawan Sumardi, SJIndonésie - un père accusé d'avoir donné asile...28/11199611/28/2024 0:00283-284
Mary Motte, FMMRe-Imaging Mission: A Feminine Perspective28/11199611/28/2024 0:00285-289
Claude TassinVous serez mes témoins - le message des Actes des Apôtres28/11199611/28/2024 0:00290-294
Laurenti MagesaChristology, African Women and Ministry28/11199611/28/2024 0:00295-304
Felix WilfredNo Salvation Outside Globalisation?28/11199611/28/2024 0:00305-310
Serge ArnoldLes "Enfants mères" de la tragÉdie28/11199611/28/2024 0:00311
Michael L. Fitzgerald, MAfrSome Notes on the Islamic View of Women28/12199612/28/2024 0:00315-322
Archbishop Henri TeissierEn Algérie - vivre les Béatitudes28/12199612/28/2024 0:00323-328
Jacques Dupuis, SJReligious Plurality and the Christological Debate28/12199612/28/2024 0:00329-333
Desmond McGillicuddy, MHMUnited Nations Food summit - Hope for the Hungry?29/119971/29/2024 0:0012/3/2024 0:00
Christian RudelLa longue marche des paysans sans terre: Réforme agraire en Amérique Latine29/119971/29/2024 0:0013-19
Walbert Bühlmann, OFM (Cap.)The New Ecclesiology of Vatican II: What Is the Reality after 30 Years?29/119971/29/2024 0:0020-24
Claudette La Verdière, MMTraditional Missionary Institutes: Facing New Challenges in Mission29/119971/29/2024 0:0025-31
Claude FlipoJonas à Ninive: Du bon usage de la ville29/219972/29/2024 0:0035-37
Mark Raper, SJThe Causes of Forced Displacement: The Breakdown of Sustainable Global Community29/219972/29/2024 0:0038-43
Alex GilletIl vous conduira dans la vérité tout entière" (Jn 16:13)29/219972/29/2024 0:0044-49
Bernard SabellaThe Vocation of Jerusalem: a Christian Perspective29/219972/29/2024 0:0050-55
P. ManunwijayaMsgr. Belo, la morale et la foi29/219972/29/2024 0:0056-57
Wisma CanossaPartners for Peace": Final Statement of Faith Encounters in Social Action (FEISA) III29/219972/29/2024 0:0058-62
SEJUPChildren's Issues - SEJUP (Servico Brasileiro de Justica e Paz)29/219972/29/2024 0:0063
Mgr. Thomas Menamparampil, SDBAsian Cultures and Evangelisation29/319973/29/2024 0:0067-74
Ernest D. Pyrins, CICMLa rencontre du Message de Jésus et la culture japonaise29/319973/29/2024 0:0075-84
Felipe ZegarraPoverty and Solidarity29/319973/29/2024 0:0085-89
Dr U.E. UmorenEnculturation and Inculturation: the Gospel of Liberation\...African womanhood29/319973/29/2024 0:0090-95
Ben SimmesCredit to the Poor: Ecumenical Development Co-Operative Society (EDCS)29/419974/29/2024 0:0099-102
Mgr Jean-Claude Bouchard, OMILa Mission de l'Église en Afrique aujourd'hui29/419974/29/2024 0:00103-110
Silvia Regina De Lima SilvaMission and Afro-Brazilian Cultural Reality29/419974/29/2024 0:00111-114
Felix NwatuThe Church's Prophetic Role in Africa's Search for Selfhood29/419974/29/2024 0:00115-121
Lucien LegrandRéflexion : l'écoute du Seigneur à travers les religions : un éclairage biblique29/419974/29/2024 0:00122-126
Archbishop Gabriel Gonsum GanakaMessage of the SECAM Bishops to the Churches of the Great Lake Region...and Madagascar29/519975/29/2024 0:00131-135
World Council of ChurchesL'Évangile interpelle les cultures; les cultures peuvent éclairer l'Évangile29/519975/29/2024 0:00136-139
Helen Mary Haigh, RJMThe Middle East - the Mission of the Churches in Lebanon Today29/519975/29/2024 0:00140-148
Eric SottasLa mondialisation aggrave la fracture sociale: Les ambiguïtés du modèle économique unique29/519975/29/2024 0:00149-156
His Holiness the Dalai LamaThe Tibetan Struggle for Freedom29/519975/29/2024 0:00157-158
Comboni PressSudan: Another Church Destroyed by the Police in Khartoum29/519975/29/2024 0:00159
Ian LindenIdols in Hyperspace: The Janus-face of Capitalism29/6-719976/29/2007165-170
Ian LindenLay spirituality in a Post-Modern World29/6-719976/29/2007171-177
Marie-Angèle Kitewo, SNDUne Spiritualité africaine: défi de la créativité29/6-719976/29/2007178-186
Marie-Angèle Kitewo, SNDLa Spiritualité de l'Église en Afrique et le ministère de guérison29/6-719976/29/2007187-193
Samuel Rayan, SJA Spirituality of Mission in an Asian Context29/6-719976/29/2007194-206
Samuel Rayan, SJLocal Cultures: instruments of Incarnated Christian Spirituality29/6-719976/29/2007207-213
Rogath Kimaryo, CSSpA Call to Africa to Shake off the Dependent Syndrome29/8-919978/29/2009219-222
Afif SafiehThe Peace Process: From Breakthrough to Breakdown?29/8-919978/29/2009223-226
Eugène Juguet, MEPPour une théologie de la libération du "monde libre"29/8-919978/29/2009227-235
James H. Kroeger, MMA GOSPEL Option for Asia29/8-919978/29/2009236-238
John Mansford Prior, SVDInculturation of Worship and Spirituality - a View from Indonesia29/8-919978/29/2009239-242
Joseph HanlonFree Nelson Mandela29/8-919978/29/2009243
Rel. Working Group on World Bank and IMFMoral Imperatives for Addressing Structural Adjustment and Economic Reform Measures29/8-919978/29/2009244-247
Cardinal Carlo Maria MartiniLa réconciliation fait partie de la foi que nous professons29/10199710/29/2024 0:00251-254
Stephen P. Judd, MMBuilding up the Body of Christ in Latin America...on the Eve of the Synod for the Americas29/10199710/29/2024 0:00255-258
Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga PláAnother Way of Being Church29/10199710/29/2024 0:00259-262
Diego IrarrazavalRe-Foundation of Mission - A Latin American Study29/10199710/29/2024 0:00263-267
Giulio GirardiPour un autre jubilé de l'an 2000 - se mobiliser pour la libération...indigènes et opprimés29/10199710/29/2024 0:00268-271
Sean P. Keally, CSSpReflections on Mission at the Close of the Second Millennium29/10199710/29/2024 0:00272-275
John R. And Priscilla Pope-LevisonJesus in Africa29/10199710/29/2024 0:00276-279
John O'Brien, CSSpPathways for the Church in Pakistan29/11199711/29/2024 0:00283-289
Gioacchino Campese, CSWalk Humbly with Your God! Notes on a Spirituality for Missionaries with Migrants29/11199711/29/2024 0:00290-296
Clement N. OdhiamboKenya - The Other Side of the Tourists 'Paradise'29/11199711/29/2024 0:00297-299
La Conférence nationale des évêques (CNBB)Les Évêques brésiliens ont proposé aux Catholiques un débat sur la "Mondialisation"29/11199711/29/2024 0:00300-301
Bruno Chenu AssomptionnisteLes Églises européennes à Graz (23-29 juin 1997)29/11199711/29/2024 0:00302-307
The Latin American Provincials - SJA Letter on Neo-Liberalism in Latin America29/11199711/29/2024 0:00308-311
José María VigilIs There a Change of Paradigm in Liberation Theology?29/12199712/29/2024 0:00315-321
Albert Longchamp, SJLa Communication planétaire - Stade suprême de la mondialisation29/12199712/29/2024 0:00322-331
Mark S. Langevin and Peter RossetLand Reform from Below: The Landless Workers Movement in Brazil29/12199712/29/2024 0:00332-334
Walter von Holzen, SVDAnnual Report to the 1997 Sedos Annual General Assembly29/12199712/29/2024 0:00335-339
Vincent Cosmao, OPPopulorum Progressio" 30 ans apres30/119981/30/2024 0:009/3/2024 0:00
Aylward Shorter, MAfrSecularism in Africa30/119981/30/2024 0:0010/14/2024 0:00
Michael Amaladoss, SJIntergral Evangalization: Pre-Synodal Reflections30/119981/30/2024 0:0015-20
Catholic Bishops'Conference of JapanAsian Realities Must Set Agenda for the Synod for Asia30/119981/30/2024 0:0021-23
Chrys Mc Vey, OPThe Asian Synod: What Is at Stake30/119981/30/2024 0:0024-27
Michel DujarierMarc l'Évangéliste - Itinéraire d'un jeune missionnaire30/119981/30/2024 0:0028-30
Teresa Mgangira, MSOLATanzania - Street Children in Mwanza30/119981/30/2024 0:0031
Card. Francis ArinzeChristian-Muslim Relations in the 21st Century30/2199830/235-40
Mike Hann, CICMÊtre en mission en Mongolie30/2199830/241-45
James Chukwuma Okoye, CSSpMutual Exchange of Energies". Mission in Cross-Cultural Perspective - an African Point ...30/2199830/246-54
Document de la Conférence Episcopale CubaineDonnons-nous fraternellement la paix30/2199830/255-57
Paul McCartin, SSCA Theology of the Environment30/2199830/258-63
Cardinal Roger EtchegarayA Jubilee on Poverty30/319983/30/2024 0:0067-69
Ann PettiforThe Jubilee 2000 Campaign30/319983/30/2024 0:0070-74
José María Vigil, CMFLa Situation religieuse cubaine en temps de crise30/319983/30/2024 0:0075-84
A.N.O. Ekwunife, CSSpIntegration of Traditional African Values in Priestly Formation30/319983/30/2024 0:0085-92
Michel RoncinLes Migrants en Asie - le cauchemar30/319983/30/2024 0:0093-95
Jean Charbonnier, MEPLe ferment chrétien en Asie30/419984/30/2024 0:0099-105
Edmund Chia, FSCA New Way of Being Church30/419984/30/2024 0:00106-112
Michael T. Seigel, SVDReligious Congregations and the Debt Issue30/419984/30/2024 0:00113-116
Monique Fabre, RSCJNos congrégations en face de la dette mondiale30/419984/30/2024 0:00117-119
Dawn McKeenBy Giving Small Loans to Women, a Bangladeshi Banker is Fighting Poverty...30/419984/30/2024 0:00120-121
Vigil, José María,Believe as Jesus Did: the Spirituality of the Kingdom30/419984/30/2024 0:00122-125
Final Statement - 29 January 19981998 Maputo Consultation for a More Co-ordinated Pastoral Res... to Refugee Crisis in Africa30/419984/30/2024 0:00126-128
Anselmo LeeLay Participation in Renewing and Rebuilding the Church in Asia for the Third Millennium30/519985/30/2024 0:00131-135
Luc Van LooyYouth Ministry in Asia30/519985/30/2024 0:00136-140
James H. Kroeger, MMIntroducing Asia's Mission Societies30/519985/30/2024 0:00141-144
Ernestina López BacQu'est-ce que la théologie indienne latino-américaine?30/519985/30/2024 0:00145-151
John P. KirbyThoughts about culture "The Politics of Religion in Northern Ghana"30/519985/30/2024 0:00152-156
Solange NavarroNe serait-il pas le Christ?" Femmes missionnaires dans l'Évangile30/519985/30/2024 0:00157-159
Msgr Michael Fitzgerald, MAfrThe Role of Dialogue in Mission30/6-719986/30/2007165-168
Msgr Michael Fitzgerald, MAfrDeveloping Dialogue - The Role of30/6-719986/30/2007169-174
Lucie Nzenzili Mboma, FMMDialogue dans une culture en transformation30/6-719986/30/2007175-186
Lucie Nzenzili Mboma, FMMLe courage d'une formation contextualisée30/6-719986/30/2007187-193
Edmund Chia, FSCDialogue with Religions of Asia: Part I : Challenges from Without30/6-719986/30/2007194-201
Edmund Chia, FSCDialogue with Religions of Asia: Part II: Challenges from Within30/6-719986/30/2007202-211
Bro. Philip Pinto, CFCResponse to the papers of Bro. Edmund Chia, FSC30/6-719986/30/2007212-213
John Mansford Prior, SVDA Tale of Two Synods: Observations on the Special Assembly for Asia30/8-919988/30/2009219-224
Peter Hans Kolvenbach, SJEurope: le rôle de l'Église30/8-919988/30/2009225-229
Peter K. SarpongThe Gospel as Good News for Africa Today30/8-919988/30/2009230-235
Francisco Chamberlain, SJWhat Remains to Be Done in Liberation Theology30/8-919988/30/2009236-240
Rubens RicuperoUne mondialisation à visage humaine30/8-919988/30/2009241-245
Marie DennisHuman Rights in Latin America: a Struggle of Faith and Justice30/8-919988/30/2009246-247
Musimbi KanyoroThinking Mission in Africa30/10199810/30/2024 0:00251-257
FABCWhat the Spirit says to the Churches30/10199810/30/2024 0:00258-263
Albert Longchamp, SJCuba : l'Église Catholique en rempart moral30/10199810/30/2024 0:00264-267
Michael L. Fitzgerald, MAfrChristians and Muslims in Europe : Perspectives for Dialogue30/10199810/30/2024 0:00268-275
Étienne Renaud, MAfrSens de la présence des Pères Blancs au Maghreb et dans les pays à risque30/10199810/30/2024 0:00276-279
Konrad RaiserJubilee Expectations30/11199811/30/2024 0:00283-285
J. Soedjati DjiwandonoDe l'idéal à la Réalité30/11199811/30/2024 0:00286-296
Samuel Rayan, SJDecolonization of Theology30/11199811/30/2024 0:00297-306
Isauro Covilli, OFMThe Poor Are my Teachers30/11199811/30/2024 0:00307-310
Pakistan: La loi islamique trouve opposition30/11199811/30/2024 0:00311
Jean Charbonnier, MEPEn Chine continentale, un Christianisme en mutation30/12199812/30/2024 0:00315-319
Joseph Oladejo FaniranEvangelizing the Media: A Challenge to the Church in Africa30/12199812/30/2024 0:00320-326
Cardinal Paul PoupardL'Église devant les nouvelles formes de religiosité et le néopaganisme30/12199812/30/2024 0:00327-332
Michael McCabe, SMATowards a New Vision: Mission as exploration and Transformation30/12199812/30/2024 0:00333-335
Walter von Holzen, SVDSedos Annual Report30/12199812/30/2024 0:00336-339
Ignacio, Harding, OFMFranciscans International... Advocacy...Possibilities and Limitations31/119991/31/2024 0:009/3/2024 0:00
Brigid Reynolds, SM/ Sean Healey, SMATransformation of Society and the Role of Advocacy - An Irish Case Study31/119991/31/2024 0:0010/19/2024 0:00
Forum de SéoulUne économie de justice et une Église engagée: le rôle de l'Église.. Crise économique asiatique31/119991/31/2024 0:0020-25
Pete Henriot, SJAdjusting in Africa: for Whose Benefit?31/119991/31/2024 0:0026-30
Chine: appel des églises protestantes31/119991/31/2024 0:0031
Ennio Mantovani, SVDKey Issues of a Dialogue Between Christianity and Culture in Melanesia31/2199931/235-41
Mrs Irene HancyCultural Transf. in Rural communities "The more Catholic I am the more deeply Maori I feel"31/2199931/242-44
Mgr Michel VisiL'Église en Océanie31/2199931/245-47
Bishop Michael PutneyEcumenism in Australia Today31/2199931/248-52
Arnold OrowaeA Universal Approach to Melanesian Theology31/2199931/253-63
Mary Mc AleeseMission - A Hand of Friendship across the Divide31/319993/31/2024 0:0067-72
Eugène Lapointe, OMIMission et rôle du laïcat dans l'Église - position d'une église d'Afrique31/319993/31/2024 0:0073-79
Eleonara Barbieri MasiniWomen Religious, Builders of an Alternative Future, New Solidarities31/319993/31/2024 0:0080-88
Michel RoncinAsie: Le continent du XXIe siècle31/319993/31/2024 0:0089-92
National Conference of Brazilian BishopsThe Challenges Facing Brazil Today31/319993/31/2024 0:0093-95
Dr Felix WilfredHuman Rights or the Rights of the Poor? Redeeming the Human Rights from ...Inversions31/4199931/499-107
Dr Xavier KochuparampilLa Tolérance-intolérance religieuse en Inde31/4199931/4108-111
Cardinal Carlo Maria MartiniHe Explained the Scripture to Us' (Luke 24:32)31/4199931/4112-117
Orlando Fals BordaMondialisation - des espaces pour les peuples31/4199931/4118-122
George Plathottam, SDBChristian Mission in the 3rd Millennium and the Information Superhighway: Challenges...31/4199931/4123-127
Christian Duquoc, OPDiscrétion du Dieu Trinitaire et mission chrétienne31/519995/31/2024 0:00131-135
Sr Maria Ko Ha-Fong, FMAThe Whole Bible is a Parable31/519995/31/2024 0:00136-146
Chu S.P. Okongwe, KBE PhDAfrica and the Emerging World Order in the 21st Century: Challenges and Prospects31/519995/31/2024 0:00147-153
Bernardo Mançano FernandesBrésil: quelle réforme agraire?31/519995/31/2024 0:00154-156
Michael Curran, MSCA Culture of Dialogue (address to the Synod for Oceania)31/519995/31/2024 0:00157-158
Jesuit Conference of South AsiaSouth Asian Jesuit Provincials Support Their Theologians31/519995/31/2024 0:00159
Dr Konrad Raiser, WCC...That the World May Believe'. The Missionary Vocation as the Necessary ... for Ecumenism31/6-7199931/6-7165-171
Dr Konrad Raiser, WCCOpening Space for a Culture of Dialogue and Solidarity -...Objectives of ...WCC...31/6-7199931/6-7172-177
Donna Geernaert, SCCouncils of Churches: New Possibilities for Catholic Participation?31/6-7199931/6-7178-186
Donna Geernaert, SCMission and Ecumenism: A Case Study Approach31/6-7199931/6-7187-195
Clodovis Boff, OSMThe Catholic Church and the New Churches in Latin America31/6-7199931/6-7196-201
Clodovis Boff, OSMThe Search for Justice and Solidarity: Meeting the "New Churches"31/6-7199931/6-7202-205
Jacques Dupuis, SJJesus with an Asian Face31/8-919998/31/2009211-216
Jan Van Bragt, CICMJapon: inculturation des valeurs évangéliques dans les pays Bouddhistes31/8-919998/31/2009217-225
John D'MelloParadigms for a Feminization of the Church31/8-919998/31/2009226-232
Serafina Ferreira de AlvarezMain basse sur les terres indigènes31/8-919998/31/2009233-234
Laurenti MagesaAfrica's Struggle for Self-Definition during a Time of Globalization31/8-919998/31/2009235-239
World Council of Churches, Draft PaperMission and Evangelism in Unity Today31/10199910/31/2024 0:00243-253
Pétronille Kayiba, OPEssai d'approche féminin du problème africain31/10199910/31/2024 0:00254-259
A. Gabriel, MSFSThe Bible and the Search for a New Society31/10199910/31/2024 0:00260-265
Antonio Diaz Pariagua, OPLe Défi de vivre dans une banlieue de Caracas31/10199910/31/2024 0:00266-269
Brazil SEJUPBrazil - 500 Years - a Celebration, Yes but Different31/10199910/31/2024 0:00270-271
Chrys McVey, OPPakistan: Being Christian Among Muslims31/11199931/11275-280
Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, OPLe Sud saura-t-il pardonner au Nord?31/11199931/11281-287
Michael Amaladoss, SJA Christian Vision of a New Society31/11199931/11288-294
Ivone Gebara, CNDLes femmes et la mondialisation - le droit à la différence31/11199931/11295-301
Jon Sobrino, SJThe Resurrection of Jesus from the Perspective of Victims31/11199931/11302-303
Cecel McGarry, SJFormation of the Agents of Evangelisation for the Realities of Africa Today...31/12199912/31/2024 0:00307-312
Patrick SimonninThéologie de la libération et modernité - Controverse et débat31/12199912/31/2024 0:00313-319
Lazar Stanislaus, SVDEcology- an Awareness for Mission31/12199912/31/2024 0:00320-327
Walter von Holzen, SVDSedos Annual Report -199931/12199912/31/2024 0:00328-331
Synode des évêques de l'EuropeNous témoignons avec joie de l'Évangile de l'espérance en Europe - Synode32/1200032/17/3/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMAsian Synod - Asian Pentecost: Introducing "Ecclesia in Asia"32/1200032/111/8/2024 0:00
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDThe Impact of Medellin and Puebla on Asian Theology32/1200032/112/17/2024 0:00
Dr Chen ZeminChine: relations entre christianisme et intellectuels depuis la "libération" (1949)32/1200032/118-22
Jeff Gross, FSCBonds of Communion: Authority - a Neuralgic Concern within the Churches32/1200032/123-29
Kathleen Bond, MM LayBlack Movement Searches for Justice in Brazil32/1200032/130-31
Andrés AubryDon Samuel Ruiz - Bilan des trente dernières années au service de la paix32/2200032/235-39
Thomas Michel, SJThe Roots of Muslim Anger and its Challenge for Christians32/2200032/240-44
Sean P. Kealy, CSSpJesus' Approach to Mission32/2200032/245-49
FABCCe que l'Esprit dit aux églises: "Orientation pastorale et théologiques... d'Asie"32/2200032/250-56
Cirilo Santamaria, OCDToward a Theology of Development32/2200032/257-59
Laurenti MagesaAgainst Compromising the Locality of the Local Church32/2200032/260-63
Jean Lefebvre, CICMMissionnaires et prophètes, frères et sœurs32/3200032/367-72
Joseph Kallanchira, SVDUsing the Stage to Communicate the Word, popular theatre ... in African Oral Cultures32/3200032/373-78
Andrew P. DaveyGlobalization as Challenge and Opportunity in Urban Mission - an outlook from London32/3200032/379-83
Robert Costet, MEPHistore de l'Évangélisation au Laos32/3200032/384-89
Pulinus Ikechukwu Odozor, CSSpEmerging African Alternatives to Globalization32/3200032/390-94
Okinawa Summit and the Debt Issue32/3200032/395
Ishvani-Kendra Research Seminar 2000A Vision of Mission for the New Millennium32/4200032/499-104
Lucien Legrand, MEPSois sans crainte, petit troupeau" (Lc 12, 32)32/4200032/4105-110
Bishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, MAfrChristian-Muslim Dialogue: A Survey of Recent Developments32/4200032/4111-116
Michael T. Seigel, SVDBeyond Mere Cancellation of Debt: The Moral Imperative of a Just Society32/4200032/4117-124
Gert Danielsen, CodecalColombia: The Importance of Communication in Transfoming a Culture of Violence32/4200032/4125-127
Armando LampeThe Globalization of Poverty32/5200032/5131-135
Feliz WilfredThe Margins - the Site of God's Visitation - a Meditation32/5200032/5136-139
Luiz de SenaTimor-Oriental -Naissance d'une nation32/5200032/5140-147
Jan Blom, OFMThe Synod of Bishops 200132/5200032/5148-150
Kurien Kunnumpuram, SJBeyond the Clergy-Laity Divide32/5200032/5151-159
Manolo Maqueira, SJMarginalized Youth in Need of Jubilee32/6200032/6163-165
Cardinal Francis George, OMIL'Église dans le Monde - L'Église Catholique unie pour relever les défis de la Mondialisation32/6200032/6166-172
Chrys McVey, OPMission Theology in the Pakistani Context32/6200032/6173-176
Teresa Okure, SHCJContemporary Perspectives on Women in the Bible32/6200032/6177-183
Anthony LamLes changements d'attitude du gouvernement chinois à l'égard de L'Église Catholique32/6200032/6184-186
Jacques MattheyLuke 4:16-30 - The Spirit's Mission Manifesto - Jesus' Hermeneutics - and Luke's Editorial32/6200032/6187-191
Aruj A. Roest Crollius, SJInterreligious Dialogue: Can It Be Sincere32/7200032/7195-199
Edmund Chia, FSCOf Fork and spoon or Fingers and Chopsticks: Interreligious Dialogue in "Ecclesia in Asia"32/7200032/7200-205
François KabaseleLes Cultures africaines et le christianisme: peuvent-elles s'enrichir mutuellement? ...32/7200032/7206-210
Hilaire Valiquette, OFMHanded Over to the Gentiles" - The Centrality of Persecution for Missiology32/7200032/7211-217
Christian Nispen tot Sevenaer, SJBetween Babel and the Pentecost -Service of Reconciliation in the Middle East Today32/7200032/7218-223
Rev. Dr Aquiline Tarimo , SJEthnicity, Common Good, and the Church in Contemporary Africa32/8-9200032/8-9227-234
Philip Gibbs, SVDMissionaries and Culture32/8-9200032/8-9235-240
FABCUne Église renouvelée en Asie: une mission d'amour et de service32/8-9200032/8-9241-249
Sister Sharon Euart, RSMWomen in the Church in the New Millennium32/8-9200032/8-9250-255
Kathleen Coyle, SSCMary, Proto-Disciple: A Lukan Perspective32/10200032/10259-265
Norman E. ThomasThe Future of Ecumenical Mission: An Assessment of the WCC's Harare Assembly32/10200032/10266-271
AnonymousShen Fu, Prisonnier pour le Christ- l'Évangile dans un camp de travaux en Chine32/10200032/10272-274
Mgr Albert RouetLa Mondialisation, problème spirituel - propositions théologiques32/10200032/10275-283
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Asian Face of the Good News32/10200032/10284-286
Kathleen Bond, MM Lay MissionaryBrazil - Missionary Helps Garbage Dump Workers Form Association32/10200032/10287
Laurenti MagesaChrist's Spirit as Empowerment of the Church-as-Family32/11200032/11291-297
Michael Mc Cabe, SMAMotivation missionnaire auourd'hui32/11200032/11298-304
Jeroom Heyndrickx, CICMThe Way of Dialogue32/11200032/11305-309
Cuban PriestsCuba, Its people and Its Church32/11200032/11310-314
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDChurch and Mission in Asia in the Light of "Ecclesia in Asia - A Critical Study -32/11200032/11315-319
John Mangkey, MSCThe Church in Indonesia: Facing New Challenges towards a New Indonesia32/12200032/12323-329
Raymond J. Finch, MMPreach Always, When Necessary Use Words32/12200032/12330-334
Michael AmaladossJésus Christ, le seul Sauveur et la Mission32/12200032/12335-339
Rafael Aragón, OPNicaragua - Experience of Religious Life32/12200032/12340-343
Timothy Radcliffe, OPMission to a Runaway World: Future Citizens of the Kingdom : SEDOS 200033/1200133/19/1/2024 0:00
Joan Chittister, OSBHeart of Flesh: A Feminist Spirituality for Women and Men33/1200133/110/15/2024 0:00
John L. EspositoLe Fondamentalisme islamique33/1200133/116-21
Shalini Mulackal, PBVMChristologie féministe asiatique33/1200133/122-25
Michael J. Kelly, SJChurch as Servant, Teacher and Prophet in Today's HIV/AIDA Crisis33/1200133/126-30
Aquiline Tarimo, SJCancellation of the African Debt Will Not Change Anything33/2200133/235-41
Zénon ManirakizaAccords de paix à tout prix et au profit de qui?33/2200133/242-47
Maurice BarthRéflexion sur le chiapas et l'Amérique Latine. Présentation du directeur de "Volcans"...33/2200133/248-51
Jorgen S. NielsenThe Contribution of the Interfaith Dialoque Towards a Culture of Peace33/2200133/252-54
Forte, Msgr BrunoDeclaration Dominus Iesus33/2200133/255-58
Camille CornuClin d'Oeil sur l'Inde 200033/2200133/259-61
Camille CornuLe Président appelle les chrétiens et le Musulmans à s'unir...contre leMatérialisme33/2200133/262
Jean-Marie Van Parys, SJRenouveler l'Église33/2200133/263
Claude Geffré, OPLa Prétention du christianisme à l'universel: Implications missiologiques33/3200133/367-76
Henry ParoiHow Do We Identify Melanesian Christians?33/3200133/377-88
Msgr. Anthony A. LoboCatechesis in the context of Pakistan33/3200133/389-92
Card. Francis ArinzeChrétiens et Hindous, un exemple d'harmonie et de paix33/3200133/393
Rigoberta MenchúLa terre, un problème à résoudre33/3200133/394-95
Gianni ColzaniTheology of Mission after Vatican II33/4200133/499-103
Michel Gourgues, OPDès l'origine de la mission chrétienne: Le courage de tout reprendre à neuf33/4200133/4104-105
Jacob ParappallyChurch's Dialogue with Cultures and Religious33/4200133/4106-114
P. Robert GuruswamyAsian Reflection on Violence33/4200133/4115-117
Prof. Venkatesh SeshamaniA Hindu View of the Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation33/4200133/4118-120
Père Jean-Claude Djereke, SJQue signifie, pour l'Église en Afrique, être garant de l'espérance?33/4200133/4121-126
Michael T. Seigel, SVDTowards Genoa: Continuing the Campaign for Debt Cancellation33/5200133/5131-135
Betty Ann Maheu, MMGender Preference in Culture and Tradition33/5200133/5136-140
Mgr. Leonardo Legaspi, OPLe Rôle des évêques philippins dans la transformation de la société33/5200133/5141-146
Francis Anekwe OborjiTrends in Third World Theologies - Missiological Perspective33/5200133/5147-154
Mgr. SchleckActivité et coopération missionnaires33/5200133/5155-159
Eugene Hillman, CSSpMinistry - Missionary and/ or Pastoral33/6200133/6163-165
Porfirio Méndez GarciaAprès 500 ans, demander pardon?33/6200133/6166-170
Franz Magnis-Suseno, SJReligious Freedom in Indonesia: Situation and Prospects33/6200133/6171-173
Éloi Messi Metogo, OPDialogue avec les religions traditionnelles et l'Islam en Afrique noire33/6200133/6174-177
Emmanuel, SJAsian Churches for a New Evangelization: Changes and Challenges33/6200133/6178-187
P.Neno Contran, MCCJEnfants de la rue33/6200133/6188-191
Various AuthorsChurch as Structure33/7-8200133/7-8196-199
Pierre Paul Walraet, OSCChurch as Movement33/7-8200133/7-8200-204
Various AuhorsChurch as People33/7-8200133/7-8205-208
Michl de Verteuil, CSSpLecto Divina33/7-8200133/7-8209-211
English Periodicals33/9200133/9215-226
Revues françaises33/9200133/9227-231
Reviste italiane33/9200133/9232-234
Publicatiónes español e portugueses33/9200133/9235-237
German - Deutsch -periodicals33/9200133/9238-239
Peter J. Herriot, SJDemocracy, Development, Debt and Disease in a Globalising Africa: What Is Our Future?33/10200133/10247-250
Mgr. Thomas MenamparampilJe cherche ta face, Seigneur33/10200133/10252-261
Aquiline Tarimo, SJPromotion of Human Rights and Democracy in Africa: The role of Non-Governmental Org33/10200133/10262-269
Robert SchreiterDéfis actuels à la mission "ad gentes"33/10200133/10270-275
H. E. Most Rev. John OnaiyekanMuslims and Christians in Nigeria : The Imperatives of Dialogue33/11200133/11279-283
Michael McCabe, SMAThe Frontiers of Mission "Ad Gentes"33/11200133/11284-285
Claude Geffré, OPPour une théologie de la différence: Identité, altérité, dialogue33/11200133/11286-296
Edmund Chia, FSCFABC's "Response" to Dominus Iesus33/11200133/11297-299
Peter C. PhanProclamation of the Reign of God as Mission of the Church: What for, to Whom, ...?33/11200133/11300-307
Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, OPLes Chrétiens d'Afrique dans la Tourmente de la Mondialisation33/12200133/12311-319
Jacques Dupuis, SJChristianity and Other Religions: from Confrontation to Encounter33/12200133/12320-325
Bernard Joinet, MAfrLa Pandémie du SIDA. Une catastrophe si discrète. Que pouvons-nous faire?...33/12200133/12326-330
Bernard East, OPRapport Annuel du Directeur Exécutif33/12200133/12331-336
Mark BrowderA Call for the Palestinian Gandhi34/1200234/14/3/2024 0:00
Diego Irarrazaval, CSCThreads of Faiths in a Texture of Life- Theological Issues in Inter-Faith Praxis34/1200234/16/5/2024 0:00
Martine FloretDéveloppement et Église: Contagion par le genre?34/1200234/111/7/2024 0:00
Giuseppe Scattolin, MCCJSpirituality in Interreligious Dialogue: Challenge and Promise34/1200234/112/18/2024 0:00
Peter C. PhanConversion and Discipleship as Goals of the Church's Mission34/1200234/119-28
Jean-Marie BoscPetit tour d'horizon de l'Église au Viêt-nam avec le Père Huynh Công Minh34/1200234/129-31
Yves Bériault, OPÉvangélisation et Internet34/2200234/235-38
Rekha Chennattu, RAWomen in the Mission of the Church - An Interpretation of John 434/2200234/239-45
David MurphyPékin est prêt à reconnaître aux religions un plus grand rôle...contrôle sur elles34/2200234/246-48
Edmund Chia, FSCMission, Dialogue and Missionary Congregations34/2200234/249-54
Micael Amaladoss, SJDouble Religious Belonging and Liminality.- An Anthropo-Theological Reflection34/2200234/255-61
Bernard East, OPTopics for Articles, Conferences, Seminars34/2200234/262-63
Donald, J. Goergen, OPThe Quest for the Christ of Africa34/3200234/367-82
JeanBouttierPrésence de l'Église auprès des Institutions européennes34/3200234/383-85
Edmund Chia, FSCThe Asian Church in dialogue With Dominus Iesus34/3200234/386-94
Jonathan J. Bonk, - Michèle SiggDictionary of African Christian Biography34/3200234/395
Susan Smith, RNDMThe Holy Spirit and Mission in Some Contemporary Theologies of Mission34/4200234/497-110
Jean PirotteAnnonce chrétienne et mondialisation - Réflexions d'un historien34/4200234/4111-115
Frans Bouwen, MAfrChristianisme palestinien et dialogue interreligieux34/4200234/4116-118
Maynor Clara ChengIntegrating Inner-Healing into Missions Education34/4200234/4119-126
Claude Geffré, OPL'avenir du dialogue interreligieux après Dominus Iesus34/5200234/5131-137
Frank Regan, SSCContemporary Mission34/5200234/5138-144
Frans Bouwen, MAfrChristianisme palestíníen et díalogue ínterreligieux34/520025/4/2024 0:00145-146
Msgr. Julio D. Botia AponteMissionary Formation in the Seminaries34/5200234/5147-154
Yvon C. Elenga, SJAfrican descriptive Christologies on Naming Jesus34/5200234/5155-159
Robert Schreiter, CPPSTowards the Missionary Church of 2025: The Past and the Future34/6-7200234/6-7169-175
Enrique Marroquín, CMFAño 2025:Macrotendencias34/6-7200234/6-7176-185
Robert Schreiter, CPPSThe Missionary Church of 202534/6-7200234/6-7186-192
Card. François-Xavier Nguyên Van ThuânUne Église missionnaire pour le troisième millénaire34/6-7200234/6-7193-197
Martin SirjuThe Role of Religion in a Multi-Ethnic Society34/8-9200234/8-9219-222
Mgr Henri TeissierEn Algérie, aujourd'hui, le dialogue34/8-9200234/8-9223-228
Christophe HéraudeauFoi, religiosité et engagement au Paraguay34/8-9200234/8-9229-231
Edmund Chia, FSCTowards an Interreligous Spirituality34/8-9200234/8-9232-239
Mary John Bosco Ebere Amakwe, HFSNThy Kingdom Come..." : Woman and Man as Equal Partners ...Africa: A Woman's Perspective34/8-9200234/8-9240-247
Michel Gourgues, OPLe Pater ou le souci prioritaire de la mission34/10200234/10251-252
Justin VettukallelThe Church's Mission in a Changing World34/10200234/10253-260
P.A. Kalilombe, MAfrA Call to Self-Reliance of the Church in Africa34/10200234/10261-266
Michael Amaladoss, SJLes Instituts missionnaires34/10200234/10267-270
Lazar Stanislaus, SVDGospel and Culture: Encounter in the Life of the People34/10200234/10271-279
Thomas Michel, SJToward a Dialogue of Liberation with Muslims34/11-12200234/11-12285-291
Olivier De BerrangerUne Église polyphonique, chance ou défi?34/11-12200234/11-12292-294
Martin Harun, OFMReaching out Across Religious and Cultural Boundaries - ...Acts of the Apostles34/11-12200234/11-12295-302
Ludger Feldkämper, SVDEncounter With the Word34/11-12200234/11-12311
Chrys McVey, OPBefriending: The Heart of Mission35/1-2200335/1-27/3/2024 0:00
Peter C. PhanCrossing the Borders: A Spirituality for Mission in Our Times from an Asian Perspective35/1-2200335/1-28/19/2024 0:00
Maurice PivotIntroduction et importance du dialogue dans la missiologie35/1-2200335/1-220-24
Ignacio Madera Vargas, SDSThe Mysticism of Evangelization35/1-2200335/1-225-28
Wilhelm K. Müller, SVDChina's Christians: Catalysts of Social Change - 19th National China Conference35/3-4200335/3-435-41
Anatole Ayissi, Catherine Maia, …Droits et misères de l'enfant en Afrique. Enquête au coeur d'une "invisible" tragédie35/3-4200335/3-442-47
Mary Bosco Ebere Amakwe, HFSNMarginalization of Women in the Globalized Society: The Impact of the information and Communication Technology (ICT)on women35/3-4200335/3-448-56
Peter Henriot, SJCatholic Social Teaching and Poverty Eradication - Key Concepts and Issues35/3-4200335/3-457-63
Felix WifredReligions Face to Face With Globalization ...Asian Background35/5-6200335/5-667-75
Maria Ko Ha-Fong, FMAL'évangélisation comme inculturation. Vie dar ECCLESIA in Asia35/5-6200335/5-676-84
Leopold Ratnasekera, OMITowards a Buddhist Christian Dialogue: some Bridges of Understanding35/5-6200335/5-685-88
Raimon PanikkarLe feu et le cristal. Dialogue humain et inter-indépendance religieuse35/5-6200335/5-689-92
Wilfrid J. Harrington, OPThe Mysteries of Light35/5-6200335/5-693-95
Claude Geffré, OPRéflexions thélogiques sur le pluralisme religieux35/7-8200335/7-8103-111
Leijla Demiri/Betül Avci/Adnane MokraniYoung Muslims Study Christian Theology in Rome - My Experience of Dialogue35/7-8200335/7-8112-116
Paul Lemarié/ Imam David Shaheed et al.Focolare Movement and American society of Muslims share Faith and Life35/7-8200335/7-8117-123
Cemal Usak/ Thomas Michel, SJChristians and Muslims Learn From One Another's Faith and Inner-Life35/7-8200335/7-8124-130
Anita Mir/Prof. Donna OrsutoMuslim and Christian Women in Dialogue: Challenges of Faith...35/7-8200335/7-8132-139
Lucie Pruvost, MSOLA/ Maître Yamina KebirMuslim and Christian Women in Dialogue: Growing Towards a Dialoque of life... An Algerian..35/7-8200335/7-8140-162
Lazar Stanislaus, SVDGlobalization and Inculturation35/9-10200335/9-10167-174
Sebastian M. Michael, SVDL'évangélisation comme dialoque - Vue dans Ecclesia in Asia35/9-10200335/9-10175-179
Leopold Ratnasekera, OMIThe Eight-Fold Path of Buddhist Liberation Seen in a Christian Perspective35/9-10200335/9-10180-187
Adel Theodore KhouryAbraham A Blessing for All Nations According to the Jewish, Christian and Islamic Traditions35/9-10200335/9-10188-195
Angelo Lazzarotto, PIMELa mission dans la faiblesse - - Le cas de la Chine35/11-12200335/11-12199-204
Ray Irudaya, SJAttitudes and Approaches...Samaritan woman...Interreligious Dialogue Today35/11-12200335/11-12205-214
Eugenia Bonetti, MCWhere is Your Sister? "The New Slave-Trade Challenges Religious Life...How Should we React?35/11-12200335/11-12215-220
Hugh MacMahon, SSCRethinking Mission36/1-2200436/1-25/3/2024 0:00
Jojo M. Fung, SJTowards a Paradigm Shift in Mission Amongst the Indigenous Peoples in Asia36/1-2200436/1-26/17/2024 0:00
Michel de Gigord, MEPL'Émigration des Philippins: Chance ou handicap pour le pays?36/1-2200436/1-218-27
Adolfo Nicolas, SJLes Étrangers au Japon frappent à la porte (et au coeur) de l'Église catholique36/1-2200436/1-228-31
Philip Gibbs, SVDPearls in the Deep: Inculturation and "Ecclesia in Oceania"36/1-2200436/1-232-40
Theo SundermeierMissio Dei" Today: On the Identity of Christian Mission36/3-4200436/3-451-61
Pierre RiouffraitLa Mission en Amérique latine à partir de l'expérience de CEB36/3-4200436/3-462-65
Frans Wijsen, SMAMission and Multiculturalism - Communication Between Europeans and Africans36/3-4200436/3-466-76
Bishop William FriendLeadership in the Church36/3-4200436/3-477-80
Emmanuel Bueya bu Makaya, SJL'Église sur les routes de l'exil en Afrique noire - Repenser la pastorale de la mobilité ...36/3-4200436/3-481-88
Thomas Michel, SJThe Ethics of Pardon and Peace36/3-4200436/3-489-94
Piero Trabuco, IMCStrategies for Building Reconciliation in Environments of Violence36/5-6200436/5-6100
Brian Starken, CSSpAbout Reconciliation36/5-6200436/5-6103-107
Leonel Narváez Gómez, IMCSin reconciliación no hay futuro36/5-6200436/5-6144-150
Leonel Narváez Gómez, IMCFrom the Irrationality of Violence to the Irrationality of Reconciliation...36/5-6200436/5-6158-167
Frans Wijsen, SMAIncultural Theology Instead of Missiology. New Wine in Old Wineskins?36/7-8200436/7-8171-180
Francis Anekwe OborjiAfrica: Rethinking the Mission-Charity Paradigm36/7-8200436/7-8181-189
Imam Mamadou DossoDébats: Quelle laïcité?36/7-8200436/7-8190-192
Jean Sinsin BayoLaïcité, dialogue des religions36/7-8200436/7-8193-196
Vasana ChinvarakornL'État du Bouddhisme Theravada en Thailandie36/7-8200436/7-8197-204
Michael Amaladoss, SJThe Mission Institutes in the New Millennium36/7-8200436/7-8205-211
Abbé Jean Yves BaziouMission: From Expansion To Encounter36/9-10200436/9-10209-212
Antonio Carlos de Meira, MSCDu désert est née la fleur36/9-10200436/9-10213-218
P. Hans Vöcking, MAfrHabiter le temps et l'espace36/9-10200436/9-10219-221
Frans Wijsen, SMAReligionism" in Tanzania36/9-10200436/9-10222-229
Toussaint Kafarhire Murhula, SJLove Your Enemies": A Challenge to Ethnic Conflicts in Contemporary Africa36/9-10200436/9-10230-234
S.M. Michael, SVDSocio-Political Analysis of the Phenomenon of Fundamentalism36/9-10200436/9-10235-243
Archbishop Hippolyte SimonSo, then, Where is the Kingdom?36/9-10200436/9-10244-247
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDMission of Harmony and Complementarity36/9-10200436/9-10248-253
Hugh MacMahonMission Institutes - Adapting to the New Reality36/11-12200436/11-12257-259
Piero Gheddo, PIMEThe Mission ' ad gentes' and Missionary Institutes36/11-12200436/11-12260-262
Maurice PivotLe défi missionnaire de la catholicité36/11-12200436/11-12263-264
Jean-Marie Bulumuna, OMIFormer - Se former aujourd'hui36/11-12200436/11-12265-270
Prof. Jan A.B. JongeneelMessianic Ecumenism: Missiological Reflections36/11-12200436/11-12271-279
Biju KollakombilViolence and Christian Mission36/11-12200436/11-12280-287
L'Église d'AsieL'Église catholique et les peuples autochtones des Philippines36/11-12200436/11-12288-289
Leopold Ratnasekera, OMIThe Bodhi and the Cross: Icons of the Two Spirit-Odysseys36/11-12200436/11-12290-295
Carlos Rodriguez Linera, OPSedos Executive Committee Annual Report 200436/11-12200436/11-12296-300
José Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMFMission: The Key to Understand Consecrated Life Today37/1-2200537/1-211/3/2024 0:00
Josefa Aldana, SFICFrom Service to Witness in Mission37/1-2200537/1-212/18/2024 0:00
Jean-Claude DjerekePour une Église prophétique37/1-2200537/1-219-24
John Kusumalayam, OPEthics of Evangelization: Bartolomé de Las Casas37/1-2200537/1-225-31
Jung Han KimChristianisme et culture coréenne: Les raisons du succès du protestantisme en Corée37/1-2200537/1-232-43
Sebastiano D'Ambra, PIMEMissionary Spirituality - Shaping the Formation Process37/3-4200537/3-451-59
Judette Gallares, RCSpirituality and the Culture's Understanding of Self in the Diverse Contexts of Mission37/3-4200537/3-460-67
Jean-Claude DjerekeMission et inculturation37/3-4200537/3-468-72
Ignace Berten, OPL'Europe, les chrétiens et la mondialisation37/3-4200537/3-473-75
Satoru Ohara, SJMentalité japonaise traditionnelle et christianisme: Rencontre de deux cultures37/3-4200537/3-476-80
Lazar Stanislaus, SVDDalits and the Mission of the Church37/3-4200537/3-481-90
Manolo Abella, ILOMigration in the World Today37/5-6200537/5-6102-107
Graziano Battistella, SIMIQuale protezione per i migranti: Politiche migratorie e diritti umani37/5-6200537/5-6109-117
Maruja M.B. AsiaWomen in Migration: The Other Half of the Journey37/5-6200537/5-6118-127
Vincenzo CesareoIntegrazione in un mondo interculturale: Proposta cristiana per una società coesa37/5-6200537/5-6128-135
Sergio LanzaProclaming the Good News: to Migrants, to the Gentiles...37/5-6200537/5-6136-144
Daniel Groody, CSCThe Mission of the Church with Migrants Today: Journey, Proclamation, and Communion37/5-6200537/5-6146-153
Michael McCabe, SMAA Pilgrim People en route to God's Future: Towards a Vision of the Church for the 21st Century37/5-6200537/5-6154-158
James Kroeger, MMMary, Mother of the Missionary Church37/7-8200537/7-879-86
Oscar Ante, OFMProclamation of Christ in Asia Today37/7-8200537/7-887-90
Bienvenido Baisas, OFMWitness, Our Service and Mission - Asian Perspective37/7-8200537/7-891-95
Mgr Olivier de BerrangerLa Mission actuelle de l'Église dans le contexte de la "mondialisation"37/7-8200537/7-896-100
Guy Theunis, MAfrLe Missionnaire et les situations de violence37/7-8200537/7-8101-105
Robert Schreiter, CPPSReconciliation as a New Paradigm of Mission37/7-8200537/7-8106-109
Stephen Bevans, SVDIssues in Mission Today: Challenges for Reflection at Edinburgh 201037/7-8200537/7-8110-116
Philip Gibbs, SVDIt's in the Blood": Dialogue with Primal Religion in Papua New Guinea37/7-8200537/7-8117-122
Michael McCabe, SMAMissionnaires de demain37/9-10200537/9-10127-132
Sidibé Semporé, OPDieu de la prospérité ou Dieu des Béatitudes?37/9-10200537/9-10133-137
Jean-Pierre Bodjoko Lilembu, SJLes Églises d'Afrique et le défi de promouvoir des médias responsables37/9-1020059/7/2010 0:00138-144
Judette Gallares, RCThe Formation Process as a Project of "Missionary Initiation"37/9-10200537/9-10145-150
Linda Lizadaq, RCCalled to be Mission of God in Our World - the Missionary and Affectivity37/9-10200537/9-10151-157
Oscar Ante, OFMPersonal Reflections on Mission Animation37/9-10200537/9-10158-160
Prof.Vincenzo CesareoIntegration into an Intercultural World: Christian Proposal for a United Society37/9-10200537/9-10161-167
Dr. Stefan SiberTheology of Liberation in the Dialogue of Religions - A New Development in Latin America37/9-10200537/9-10168-171
Domingo Moraleda, CMFSymbolic and Messianic Role of Consecrated Life in the Mission37/11-12200537/11-12175-179
Susan Smith, RNDMThe Story of Women in Christian Mission37/11-12200537/11-12180-185
Nathaniël Yaovi SoédéLa Violence occulte: L'indifférence - Impacts sur le développement en Afrique37/11-12200537/11-12186-191
Jeajn-Paul Marthoz, RCLa Violence dans les médias - Le refus de penser37/11-12200537/11-12192-194
Bishop Brian Farrell, LCWorld Mission and Evangelism37/11-12200537/11-12195-198
Graziano Battistella, SIMIWhat Protection for Migrants? Migration Policies and Human Rights37/11-12200537/11-12199-208
John Fuellenbach, SVDThe Kingdom of God: Jesus' Principle of Action in the World38/1-2200638/1-2223-231
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDThe Roman Catholic Perspective on Doing Mission38/1-2200638/1-2232-239
Susan Smith, RNDMCatholic Sisters and Mission: What About Matthew 28:19-20?38/1-2200638/1-2240-246
Camilla MartinDes femmes "actrices" à part entière38/1-2200638/1-2247-252
Julma Neo, DCAsian Religious Identity in the Context of the Building up of the Local Church38/1-2200638/1-2253-262
Jean-Paul MarthozLa Violence dans les médias - Le refus de penser -38/1-2200638/1-2263-265
Yvette ChabertOser une alliance pour la mission38/3-4200638/3-451-56
Antoinette Gutzier, MMJourneying o the Other Side: Beyond Previously Accepted Boundaries38/3-4200638/3-457-64
Mary John, SSpSMission: A Call to Reach Out in Relationship38/3-4200638/3-465-71
Juan F. GorskiLa transformation missionnaire de l'Église latino-américaine38/3-4200638/3-472-78
François de Béthuné, OSB (Pré de DIM)The Challenge of Interreligious Dialogue38/3-4200638/3-479-85
Penelope JohnstoneWomen in Dialogue: On the Straight Path - Women in Islam38/3-4200638/3-486-91
Rabiatu AmmahBuilding God's Peace and Justice Together38/3-4200638/3-491-95
John Fuellenbach, SVDYou Cannot Serve God and Money" (Mt 624) - Some Biblical and Theological Considerations Concerning Mission and Money38/5-6200638/5-6101-110
Helmut Rakowski, OFM CapMission and Money: "A Mission for Money" - An Interpretation of the Prohibition of Money by Francis of Assisi...38/5-6200638/5-6112-122
Alessandro Guarda, MCCJMission to the Poor in the Gospel : Mission dans l'Évangile38/5-6200638/5-6124-127
Fernando Domingues, MCCJMission of the Church : Poverty and Mission38/5-6200638/5-6129-136
Alessandro Guarda, MCCJSynthesis of the Work : Economy for Mission: Religious Life's Prospects38/5-6200638/5-6138-147
Joseph Mattam, SJEfficiency and Effectiveness in Mission38/5-6200638/5-6187-190
Helmut Rakowski, OFM CapOpus solidaritatis pax', Peace is the Fruit of Solidarity38/5-6200638/5-6191-196
Hermann Schalück, OFMDisciples of Jesus: Bearers of Compassion, Peace and Hope in Our World38/7-8200638/7-8203-213
Jean-Blaise KenmogneLes Églises dans la dynamique du développement: Qu'ont-elles fait et que peuvent-elles faire encore?38/7-8200638/7-8214-219
Soosai Arokiasamy, SJThe Charism and Role of Religious for Building the Local Church through the Ministry of ...38/7-8200638/7-8220-225
Hyacinthe Loua, SJLe dialogue islamo-chrétien en Afrique de l'Ouest38/7-8200638/7-8226-229
Philipp Gibbs, SVDPolitics and the Mission of the Church in Oceania38/7-8200638/7-8230-238
Theo Aerts, SVDThe Birth of a Religious Movement: A Comparision of Melanesian Cargo Cults and Early Christianity (Part II)38/7-8200638/7-8239-241
Jojo JosephMission of the Incarnate Word among the Israelites38/7-8200638/7-8242-247
Jojo JosephIndirect Presence of the "Word" in Other Religions38/9-10200638/9-10251-258
José Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, , CMFCreativity in Mission38/9-10200638/9-10259-269
Rose Uchem, MSHR, PhDGender Inequality as an Enduring Obstacle to Mission38/9-10200638/9-10270-278
Philomena D'Souza, FMALe traffic de femmes asiatiques, un esclavage des temps modernes38/9-10200638/9-10279-283
Theo Aerls, SVDThe Biirth of a Religious Movement: A Comparision of Melanesian Cargo Cults and Early Christianity (Part I)38/9-10200638/9-10284-295
Hugh McMahon, SSCCompleting the Missionary Task38/11-12200638/11-12299-300
John P. Mallare, CICMThe Significance of Missio ad Gentes for the Young Missionary in the Context of Globalization and Multiculturality38/11-12200638/11-12301-306
Alex Jebadu, SVDReligious Indifferentism: New Challenge for the Church's Mission Today38/11-12200638/11-12307-315
Amelia Vasquez, RSCJParadigm Shifts in Mission. Understanding and Praxis through the Centuries38/11-12200638/11-12316-321
Jacques MattheyRéflexions actuelles sur la relation entre mission and oecuménisme38/11-12200638/11-12322-324
Joy Prakash, OFMFriar Dayanand: Making Christianity Credible and Dialogical38/11-12200638/11-12325-327
Luc Crépy CICMLes principales sources de violence dans les communautés religieuses38/11-12200638/11-12328-332
Cao XueThe Living Bread in the Land of China38/11-12200638/11-12333-336
Maria Augusta Zandonadi, PIMEApproaching the Third Millennium39/1-2200739/1-23
G. Zanchi, PIMEWhere is the Mission 'Ad Gentes' Leading Us Today? (A View from Europe) Round Table39/1-2200739/1-210/4/2024 0:00
Tom Ascheman, SVDWhere is Mission 'Ad Gentes' Leading Us Today? (A view from the Americas)39/1-2200739/1-211/14/2024 0:00
Maria Ko Ha Fong, FMAMission as in an Asian Context39/1-2200739/1-215-23
Donal Dorr, SPSChristian Mission and the Millennium Development Goals39/1-2200739/1-224-31
James H. Kroeger, MMWalking With My Neighbour in Faith: Ten FABC Insights39/1-2200739/1-232-40
Lucien Legrand, MEPParole de Dieu et cultures: La Bible au risque de la rencontre des cultures39/1-2200739/1-241-45
Card, Ivan DiasLes tentatives de loi anti-conversion sont une intrusion injustifiée dans des domaines ...39/1-2200739/1-246-47
Quirico T. Pedregosa Jr., OPThe Love that is Mission39/3-4200739/3-451-53
Lourdes Ann Berbano, SSpSFormation for Mission in Today's Asia39/3-4200739/3-454-61
Gabriel Nissim, OPHuman Rights: What Responsabilities and commitments for International Catholic NGOs?39/3-4200739/3-462-73
Thomas Malipurathu, SVDOur Earth - Our Mission39/3-4200739/3-474-79
Église d'Asie (EDA)A Taiyuan, des catholique font l'expérience d'une prière en communauté et d'un partage de la foi39/3-4200739/3-480-81
Église d'Asie (EDA)Le chemin à parcourir est long, mais il y a des raisons d'espérer"...FABC39/3-4200739/3-482-84
René T Lagaya, SDB, MTDSharing Our Spirituality and Charism With the Laity39/3-4200739/3-485-91
Edouard Tsimba, CICMOpening speech of th SEDOS President39/5-6200739/5-6100-101
Pio Estepa, SVDAn Overview as Foreword39/5-6200739/5-6102-104
William R. BurrowsFormation for Mission - 'Missio Ad et Inter Gentes'39/5-6200739/5-6106-118
Chinyeaka Ezeani, MSHREssential Lines Regarding Multicultural Formation in Initial and Permanent Formation39/5-6200739/5-6123-131
Fernando Domingues, MCCJMulticultural Formation39/5-6200739/5-6134-141
Marie-Christine Bérenger, FMMPréparation à la Mission "ad Gentes" pendant la formation Permanente chez les FMM39/5-6200739/5-6146-150
Pero Vrebac, OFMMulticultural Formation for the Franciscan Missionaries39/5-6200739/5-6151-153
Pio Estepa, SVDCongregational Renewal through Intercultural Formation39/5-6200739/5-6173-178
Robert Schreiter, C.PP.SShort Term, Long Term, on Whose Terms?39/7-8200739/7-8187-194
Edgar, G. Javier, SVDMission in a Cross-Cultural Setting39/7-8200739/7-8195-204
Gloria WirbaMission in Africa Today: A Challenge39/7-8200739/7-8205-207
Gloria WirbaUnderstanding Salvation in the African Culture: A Key to Authentic Inculturation39/7-8200739/7-8208-213
Nicanor SarmientoThe Awareness of the Latin America Church to the Reality of the Indigenous Cultures (Part I)39/7-8200739/7-8214-219
Nicanor SarmientoThe Awareness of the Latin America Church to the Reality of the Indigenous Cultures (Part II)39/7-8200739/7-8220-227
Jean TongletRépondre à la violence de la misère: L'enseignement de Joseph Wresinski39/7-8200739/7-8228-231
Felix WilfredChristianisme asiatique et modernité - Quarante ans après 'Gaudium et Spes'39/9-10200739/9-10229-238
Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo, OMIWitnesses and Prophets Building Up the Local Church in Asia39/9-10200739/9-10239-243
Dan XierA Look at Religious Life in China39/9-10200739/9-10244-250
Judette Gallares, RCReport: China Mission (25 May - 12 June 2005)39/9-10200739/9-10251-254
Lazar Stanislaus, SVDMission of the Church: A Liberation Theology Perspective39/9-10200739/9-10255-266
Vicente G. Cajilig, OPTheology in Sri Lankan Context (A Case of Doing)39/9-10200739/9-10267-273
Frank MonksAccess to Health Provision: A question of Justice - Introduction39/11-12200739/11-12276-283
Frank MonksWhat We Might Bear in Mind in Any Response39/11-12200739/11-12284-288
Frank MonksCredibility Through Involvement39/11-12200739/11-12289-295
Maria MartinelliIn Loving Service: Findings of a Global Survey39/11-12200739/11-12296-298
Ursula Sharpe, MMMReflections on Challenges Facing Health Care Workers in Africa39/11-12200739/11-12299-301
Jean-Evangéliste Kazadi KatumbayLutte contre le SIDA; Illusions, désillusions et vision39/11-12200739/11-12302-310
Jean Simon Pierre Ngele EyeneFaire renaître l'espoir chez les veuves et orphelins du SIDA en Centrafrique39/11-12200739/11-12311-316
Hugh MacMahon, SSCHas Missionary Experience Anything to Offer?40/1-2200840/1-24/3/2024 0:00
Andrew G. Recepcion, S. TH. DThe Impact of Globalization on Integral Evagelization40/1-2200840/1-210/5/2024 0:00
José Cristo Rey Garcia, a Mutating World and in Front of a New Planerary Consciousness40/1-2200840/1-211/20/2024 0:00
Gearóid Francisco O'Conaire, OFMMission and Ecology: Christian Mission in the light of an Environment Under Threat40/1-2200840/1-221-32
Lucas CerviñoMission as Life Irrupting From Diversity - A Bet against Monocultural Globalization40/1-2200840/1-233-37
Nguyên Tân KhoaSous le nouveau régime, le catholicisme vietnamien a progressé en nombre et en qualité40/1-2200840/1-238-41
Endy M. BayuniIslam et démocratie: Le modèle malaisien face au modèle indonésien40/1-2200840/1-242-43
Thérèse Okure, SHCJLa mission 'Ad Gentes' aujourd'hui: Un point de vue biblique (1ème Partie)40/3-4200840/3-451-57
Thérèse Okure, SHCJLa mission 'Ad Gentes ? Aujourd'hui: Un point de vue biblique (2ème Partie)40/3-4200840/3-458-65
Archbishop Felix Anthony MachadoThe Word of God in dialoque With Hinduism and Buddhism40/3-4200840/3-466-71
Joseph PalakeelCommunicating Life - A Theological and Missionary Vision for Communication Ministry -40/3-4200840/3-472-75
George Gherukkattil, MCBSEthical Challenges From Ecology40/3-4200840/3-476-85
Mary Bosco EbereAmakwe, HFSNGlobalization and the African Woman:The Socio-Cultural Analysis of the Effect of the Inform40/3-4200840/3-486-95
Thomas Menamparampil, SDBThe Gospel in Asia - The Role of the Religious in the Evangelising Mission of the Church- 140/5-6200840/5-699-106
George EversLes défis des Églises d'Asie aujourd'hui40/5-6200840/5-6107-118
Chrys McVey, OPThe Land of Unlikeness: The Risk and Promise of Muslim-Christian Dialogue40/5-6200840/5-6119-128
Bernard NarokobiWhat is Religious Experience for a Melanesian?40/5-6200840/5-6129-132
Kawaguchi KaoruVers une communauté catholique multiculturelle40/5-6200840/5-6133-138
Ronan White, CSSpCollaborationg With Young People in the Fight against HIV/AIDS in Mozambique40/5-6200840/5-6139-143
Prof. Giuliana MartiraniSocio-politico-Economic Framework in Market's Globalization and Justice and Peace Universlism'40/7-8200840/7-8150-161
Robert Schreiter, CPPSMission in the Second Decade of Globalization40/7-8200840/7-8162-171
Anne Falola, NDS/OLAGlobalization: Points of Fracture in Our Human Sociey, New Social Fractures - New Presence for Mission40/7-8200840/7-8172-184
Daniel Groody, CSCGlobalization and the Gospel: The Challenge of Religious Life40/7-8200840/7-8185-197
Christian Mission in an Era of Globalization40/9-10200840/9-10227-238
Francis-Vincent Anthony, SDBCultural Globalization and Assertion of Identity - The Challenge of Nurturing Christian...40/9-10200840/9-10239-244
John Mansford Prior, SVDThe Church and the Challenge of Secularisation" - A Church Witnessing Faith and Charity in a Muslim Society.40/9-10200840/9-10245-248
Domenico Arena, OMIL'Évangile de la communion: Dynamisme pour une interculturalité africaine promotrice...40/9-10200840/9-10249-256
Kwanya Charles OdiraFrom Missionary Charity to the Mission of Charity40/9-10200840/9-10257-260
Eleazar López HernándezThe Guadalupan Paradigm: A Contribution to Universal Missiology40/9-10200840/9-10261-268
Son In SookZen Buddhism and Christianity - Affinities and Experiences, A Spiritual Journey -40/9-10200840/9-10269-271
MacMahon, Hugh, SSCSome Questions on Mission from the Field40/11-12200840/11-12275-277
Thomas Menamparampil, SDBThe Gospel in Asia ; The Role of the Religious in the Evangelising Mission of the Church-Part II40/11-12200840/11-12278-291
Judette Gallares, RCNon-Violence and Meekness40/11-12200840/11-12292-295
John Mallare, CICMThe Multifaceted Journey on Conversion - a Missionary in the Last Stage of Formation -40/11-12200840/11-12296-302
Martin Bayamba KasongaL'art de vivre ensemble à l'épreuve de la mondialisation40/11-12200840/11-12303-306
Pierre DiarraEau, air, terre, feu... D'une anthropologie à une quête de justice40/11-12200840/11-12307-310
Maria Theresia Hörnemann, SSpSMission as Holy Folly41/1-2200941/1-23
Nestor Inacio Schwerz, , OFMContemplatives in Mission - Panel Response41/1-2200941/1-27/4/2024 0:00
Arlindo Pereira Dias, SVDPanel Response to "Contemplative in Mission41/1-2200941/1-210/8/2024 0:00
Maria Burke, SSPS - Pio Estepa, SVDComedy and Compassion -Panel Response41/1-2200941/1-211/16/2024 0:00
Andonio M. Pernia, SVD- Judith Vallimont, SSpSComedy and Missionary Communion - Panel Response41/1-2200941/1-217-29
Michael Somers, SVDProfile of a Mission-Hearted Founder41/1-2200941/1-233-34
Pietro Irsara, SVDModel of Missionary Conversion41/1-2200941/1-235-36
Pio Estapa, SVDDrinking from Comic Wells of Cultural Others41/1-2200941/1-237-46
Michael McCabe, SMANew Perspectives on the Historical Jesus41/3-4200941/3-451-53
José Cristo Rey Garcia Paredes, CMFThe Energies of Love in Mission: Towards a Civilization of Love41/3-4200941/3-454-64
Lode L. Wostyn, CICMTrajectories of Renewal in Religous Life and Mission41/3-4200941/3-465-73
Albert-Désiré Ngelese NangaaL'Église active dans l'histoire des hommes: - communautés ecclésiales vivantes de base -41/3-4200941/3-474-81
Indunil Kodithuwakku (IACM Member)Mission, Dialogue and Conversion: Sri Lankan Case41/3-4200941/3-482-90
Hélène Mbuyamba, SMNDALa Femmes dans l'Église d'Afrique - A Missioner's Reflection-41/3-4200941/3-491-95
Van Thanh Nguyen, SVDEvangelizing Empire: the Gospel and Mission of St Paul41/5-6200941/5-699-105
Antonio Egiguren, OFMMission for All Times41/5-6200941/5-6106-116
Terence Farias, SJOur Ministry and Interreligious Dialogue41/5-6200941/5-6117-122
Henri de la HougueL'Estime de la foi des autres, comme témoignage du dynamisme de la foi Chrétienne41/5-6200941/5-6123-124
Piotr Krakowczyk, CMFThe World Seems to be Falling Apart: Violence, Injustice, and Ecological Degradation41/5-6200941/5-6125-133
Edgar Javier, SVDGod's Dream for Humanity and Creation: One Earth - One People41/5-6200941/5-6134-143
SEMINAR - ASSISICreation at the Heart of Mission41/7-8200941/7-8147-148
Séan Mcdonagh, SSCThe Story of the Universe: Our Story41/7-8200941/7-8150-158
Denis EdwardsEcological Commitment and the Following of Jesus41/7-8200941/7-8159-168
Denis EdwardsEucharist and Ecology41/7-8200941/7-8169-180
Denis EdwardsFinal Fulfilment: The Deification of Creation41/7-8200941/7-8181-195
James H. Kroeger, MMPaul's Dynamic Mission Principles - A Missioner Reflection-41/9-10200941/9-10227-232
Indunil Janaka KodithuwakkChristian Mission as Reconciliation41/9-10200941/9-10233-244
Tissa Balasuriya, OMIA Missing Dimension in Papal Encyclical41/9-10200941/9-10239-244
Munachi E. Ezeogu, CSSpFrom Evangelization to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace: ...shift in African Mission Priorities41/9-10200941/9-10245-251
Pierre DiarraAu coeur de la pauvreté, devenir tous humains - Misère intolérable ou pauvres gênants?41/9-10200941/9-10252-253
Bomki MathewQuand l'amour l'emporte...41/9-10200941/9-10255-257
P.M. Fernando, MAThe Earth is God's Temple: Ecological Spirituality41/9-10200941/9-10258-270
Rose Nkechi, Uchem, MSHR, Ph.D.Shifting Perceptions of Mission - Values for Missionary Religious Life Today:...41/11-12200941/11-12261-270
Ennin, Paul Saa.Dade, SMAThe Second Special Synod of Bishops for Africa and "The African Reconciliation Project":...41/11-12200941/11-12271-282
James H. Kroeger, MMEucharist and Evangelization41/11-12200941/11-12282-250
Tupayupanqui, Nicanor Sarmiento, OMIThe Human Experience in Hispanic/Latino Theologies41/11-12200941/11-12291-297
Jean-Pierre RakotosonMission dans les médias41/11-12200941/11-12298-305
Bomki MathewWho is Jesus for me?42/1-2201042/1-25/3/2024 0:00
Prof. Dr. Franz WeberEcclesia peregrinans natura sua missionaria est": Second Vatican Council (Part I)42/1-2201042/1-26/17/2024 0:00
Anne Béatrice Faye, NDICCL'homme de Tékoa: Un questionnement de la fonction prophétique de l'Eglise en Afrique42/1-2201042/1-219-25
Lucie Pruvost, MSOLAExposer sa foi à la différence à la recherche d'une convivialité ... Chrétiens et Musulmans42/1-2201042/1-226-34
Thomas Malipurathu, SVDGod's Word at Work: Nourishing Our Life, Inspiring Our Mission42/1-2201042/1-235-44
Prof. Dr. Franz WeberEcclesia pereginans natura sua missionaria est"The Mission of the Church...VaticanII42/3-4201042/3-451-63
Peter LokiruInculturation: A Dialogical Mission ...Reference to Africa42/3-4201042/3-464-76
S.M. Michael, SVDCultural Diversity and Inculturation in India42/3-4201042/3-477-84
Rosario Garrido GarciaLa missión en il conflicto interior de una sociedad entre la tradición y la modernidad42/3-4201042/3-485-95
Prof. Rita NoronhaEmpowerment of Women in the Church and Society (PART II)42/5-6201042/5-699-114
Sabine PlonzFeminist Theology and Overcoming Violence42/5-6201042/5-6115-119
Marcia R. MoyaLa mujeres y sus experiencia de Dios42/5-6201042/5-6120-123
Sabine DemelUnloved Children of God: Women in the Catholic Church42/5-6201042/5-6124-130
Peter Hongliang XingLeadership des femmes dans la communauté johannique42/5-6201042/5-6131-143
THE PROPHETIC CHALLENGE OF THE AFRICAN CHURCHES" Arriccia 18-22 May 201042/7-8201042/7-8147
Michael McCabe, SMAKey challenges for International Missionary Institutes in Africa Today in the light of the second synod for Africa42/7-8201042/7-8150-158
Jane Muguku, IMCDiakonia: Being Instruments of Reconciliation42/7-8201042/7-8159-167
Paul Enin, SMAThe prophetic challenge of the African Church" Diakonia: Missionary Institutes as Instruments of reconciliation42/7-8201042/7-8168-177
Of the Listeners… and of the secretaries..42/7-8201042/7-8179-194
Patience Mpayembe Ngankwey,Vers une conversion pastorale pour évangéliser en milieu urbain en Afrique42/9-10201042/9-10199-206
Indunil Janaka KodithuwakkuReligious Fundamentalisms and Christian Mission as Dialogue42/9-10201042/9-10207-214
Domenico Arena, OMIProclamation and Witness... Facing a Globalized World: New Life in Jesus42/9-10201042/9-10215-220
Caroline Mbonu, HHCJ, PhDA Retrieval of Women's Religious Experience... Towards a Liberative Spirituality42/9-10201042/9-10221-230
Prof. Rita NoronhaEmpowerment of Women in the Church and Society (PARTII)42/9-10201042/9-10231-242
Félicité Yogo, Sr of St Thérèse of LisalaMa prière pour les Prêtres à l'occasion de l'année sacerdotale42/9-10201042/9-10243
Vincent MuhindoThe Pastoral Challenges of Urbanization in Uganda - Response of the Church42/11-12201042/11-12247-257
S. KoilmaniPotentialities and Crises of Modern Youth and the Role of the Church42/11-12201042/11-12258-268
Lucien K.Kouadio - Rodrigue F. Kone,Jeunesse: Actrice du renouveau et de la renaissance africaine42/11-12201042/11-12269-271
Britto Gerald Dhinakaran,Modern Youth and the Church42/11-12201042/11-12272-279
Nzenzili Lucie Mboma, FMMSedos Annual Report 2010 - Annual General Assembly42/11-12201042/11-12280-283
Marie-Helene Robert, NDAL'avenir de la mission dans le prisme de l'espérace43/1-2201143/1-29/3/2024 0:00
Mrs. Cristina Liamzon ValenzuelaFilipino Youth in Rome, Italy - Issues and Concerns43/1-2201143/1-210/29/2024 0:00
Rebecca Kay ThiLa situación del trafico con mujeres y jóvenes in la región del Mekong43/1-2201143/1-230-32
Wojciech KowalewskiTowards an Integrative Approach in Post-Communist Missiological Thinking: A Polish Case study43/1-2201143/1-233-46
Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodriguea MaradiagaThe Continental Mission in the Light of APARECIDA43/3-4201143/3-451-60
John FeehanThe Garden God Walked in: Meditations on the Spirit of Trees43/3-4201143/3-461-66
Emmanuel BabissaganaLes migrations pour faire naître des sociétés nouvelles43/3-4201143/3-467-75
Paul B. Steffen, SVDMigrant Youth and the Mission of the Church: A Pastoral-theological reflection43/3-4201143/3-476-84
Victoria Lau, FMMReflections on the Formation of Religious Sisters in Today's China43/3-4201143/3-485-91
Maria Pilar Benavente, MSOLAAllocution D'Ouverture- SEDOS Residential seminar 201143/5-6201143/5-696-99
James H. Kroeger, M.M.Asia's Rich Diversity: Pathway into mission43/5-6201143/5-6100-114
Pio Estepa, SVDThe Asian Mission Landscape of the 21st Century43/5-6201143/5-6115-126
Carlos Rodriguez Linera, OPPanel Response to the Presentation on May ….." The Asian Mission Landscape of the 21st century43/5-6201143/5-6127-130
Peter C. PhanMission inter gentes asiae: Contemporary Theologies and Practices of Mission in Asia43/5-6201143/5-6131-144
Bonnie MendesMission Work among Continental Asians43/5-6201143/5-6145-148
Dr. Lea Ackermann, MSOLAMission Work among Asians Overseas43/5-6201143/5-6149-152
Mrs. Dr. Cristina Liamzon,Accompanying and journeying with Overseas Filipinos in Italy43/5-6201143/5-6153-159
Dr. Mary Motte, FMMA Pneumatological Framework for Mission43/7-8201143/7-8175-181
Indunil Janaka KodithuwakkuThe Definition of Evangelization43/7-8201143/7-8182-190
Dr. Charles A. Ebelebe, CSSpMission as a Continuous Engagement with Reality43/7-8201143/7-8191-198
Chelimo Richard KimosopThe Palaver: A Model to Reconcile Africa?43/7-8201143/7-8199-207
Seán McDonagh, SSCTrees And "God Talks"43/7-8201143/7-8208-221
R. Trisco, and J. KomonchakSecond Vatican Ecumenical Council (A Syntheic Overview)43/9-10201143/9-10227-241
Jacques Matthey¿En qué está la missión? 100 años después de la Conferencia mundial de Edimburgo.Un punto de vista protestante43/9-10201143/9-10242-250
Michel ChambonLES gui CHINOIS DANS LA FOI CATHOLIQUE43/9-10201143/9-10251-255
Janice McLaughlin, MMTurned upside- Down: Learning and challenges: A Missioner's Journey in S.Africa43/9-10201143/9-10256-267
Justi Tarimo, CSSpPsycho Spiritual Integration in the Formation Process43/11-12201143/11-12271-280
Chinyeaka C. Ezeani, MSHRReligious Formation and Psychosexual Integration43/11-12201143/11-12281-290
Susana BosuhGrandir dans sa foi et découvrir la signification de sa mission43/11-12201143/11-12291-292
Malgorzata PoplawskaLart au service de la Mission43/11-12201143/11-12293-294
Birgitta GremmCréer dans notre monde un merveilleux Tissage d'amour43/11-12201143/11-12295-296
Pascale-Dominique Nau, OPMadurez psicológica y madurez Espiritual: Una lectura de Doroteo de Gaza43/11-12201143/11-12300-311
FMM SHARINGS: Spring 2010Temporary Vowed Religious in Action43/11-12201143/11-12318-321
Paulo SuessMissio Dei and the Project of Jesus: The poor and the "Other" as the mediators of the Kingdom and Protagonists of the Churches44/1-2201244/1-29/3/2024 0:00
Alberto da Silva MoreiraUn nuevo Pentecostés. El concilio Vaticano II entre la memoria y el olvido44/1-2201244/1-210/16/2024 0:00
John Sankarathil, OSFSA call to Character Formation44/1-2201244/1-217-25
Nzenzili Lucie Mboma, FMMSedos Annual Report 2011 Annual General Assembly44/1-2201244/1-226-33
James H. Kroeger, MMVatican II: God's special gift compendium of resources.44/1-2201244/1-234-43
Teofilo Minga, FMSNeige Ma Soeur44/1-2201244/1-244
Marc Nsanzurwimo, MAfrThe African participation in the intercontinental Mission: Gradual Awareness44/3-4201244/3-447-59
Teresa R. Dag- Dag, MMJustice in the World" and Consecrated life an overview of Responses to the questionnaire44/3-4201244/3-460-69
Paul Steffen, SVDLieu de formation pour une pastorale de communion Gaba, l'institut pastoral d'Amecea44/3-4201244/3-470-88
Flor Maria Rigoni, CSRetos y desafíos de òa ;ogracíon a la Mision44/3-4201244/3-489-97
Brendan Cogavin, CSSp.Ecumenical Commitment as Mission: Spiritan Collaboration with Ethiopian Orthodox Church44/5-6201244/5-6104-120
Madrapile Tanzi DieudonnéÉglise en Afrique face au défi des médias44/5-6201244/5-6121-133
Mons. Thomas Menamparampil, SDBEntre secularización y fundamentalismo44/5-6201244/5-6134-146
Seyoum FransuaPeace-building through Reconciliation44/5-6201244/5-6147-161
Lucy Valookaren, FMMPremière religieuse catholique au Canada dans l'uniforme militaire44/5-6201244/5-6162-163
Luis Alberto Nahuelanca MuñozLa Iglesia Latinoamericana y Caribeña y sus conferencias generales44/7-8201244/7-8170-181
Dr. Maria Clara Lucchetti BingemerFrom Medellin to Apparecida: Some reflections on the role of lay people and women44/7-8201244/7-8182-194
Dr. Maria Clara Lucchetti BingemerTeologia, Mujer y derechos de los pobres44/7-8201244/7-8195-204
Ms. Emilia Robles BohórquezEl Papel de los Laicos en la Iglesia y la sociedad44/7-8201244/7-8205-213
Nicanor Sarmiento Tupayupanqui, OMIThe emergence of the Indigenous peoples in society and the church44/7-8201244/7-8214-227
Theresa Lowe Ching, RSM., Ph.DThe Role of Caribbean women in society and in the Church44/7-8201244/7-8228-242
Arulmary Durairaj, FMMMi Experiencia misionera de Mujer trabajando con Mujeres44/7-8201244/7-8243-246
Forum Abierto: Sugerencias para SEDOS44/7-8201244/7-8249-250
Geogeanne M. Donovan, SMSMClosing Message by the President44/7-8201244/7-8251-254
Gaetano Mazzoleni, IMCL'Opzione per gli Indigeni del documento di Aparecida44/7-8201244/7-8263-269
Antonio Egiguren, OFMVatican II and Mission: Some comments from the Periphery44/9-10201244/9-10276-291
Alexander Jebadu, SVDFar from Being Idolatrous - Ancestral Veneration in the rainbow of religous pluralism44/9-10201244/9-10292-307
Juan Gorski, MMDe la "Mission" a la "nueva evangelización". El origen latinoamericano de un nuevo deafío Pontificio44/9-10201244/9-10308-316
Hugues Louis, HaïtiL'Evangelisation en Amerique latine a la lumiere des cinq conferences Generales du Celam44/9-10201244/9-10317-322
Franz-Josef Eilers, SVDSocial communication and Theology - Communication Theology44/11-12201244/11-12327-338
Benedict C. Nwachukwu -UdakuBeyond bureaucratic Bioethics: A Paradigm for a construction of African Indgenous Bioethics44/11-12201244/11-12339-349
Charles Panackel, SDBMary: Model for Today's Youth44/11-12201244/11-12350-353
Pedro Fernandes, CSSpAcoger al Misionero Laico en la perspectiva del que lo recibe44/11-12201244/11-12354-364
Nzenzili Lucie Mboma, FMMSedos Annual Report 2012 Annual General Assembly -201244/11-12201244/11-12365-372
Paulo SuessPara una Iglesia versus populum: Memoria y proyecto la propuesta misionera del Vaticano II revisitarda...45/1-2201345/1-23/21/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMFABC: Asia urgently needs renewed evangelizers45/1-2201345/1-222-32
Jacques MattheyDébat actuel sur la nature missionnaire de l'Eglise point de vue protestant45/1-2201345/1-233-39
Paul Steffen, SVDThe Evangelizing power of migrant ministry towards a theology of migrant ministry45/3-4201345/3-444-49
Marie-Hélène Robert, NDA/OLALa grâce de Marie pour la mission de l'Eglise45/3-4201345/3-450-56
Ana Cristina Villa BetancourtLa Vocación y misión de los laicos en la Iglesia según el Concilio Vaticano II45/3-4201345/3-457-64
Nicodemus Simon MayalaJulius Kambarge Nyerere: Ujamaa, leadership and mission45/3-4201345/3-465-75
James H. Kroeger, MMFive Popes of Vatican II45/5-6201345/5-679
Laurenti MagesaThe Future of International missionary institutes in Africa45/5-6201345/5-680-90
Gerrit Noort and Mark C. NoortThe "Other" Contributes equally - some theological and psychological perspectives on contstructing ...45/5-6201345/5-691-100
Alber Quispe EscobarIlustración, fiesta y religiosidad indigenamestiza - Apuntes sobre las reformas de Francisco de viedama...1784-180945/5-6201345/5-6101-110
Odon Parick Mpoyi KandindiEucharistie, défi pour les communautés chrétiennes d'Afrique45/5-6201345/5-6111-118
Giulio Albanese, MCCJIdentikit del Missionario nel contesto della nuova evangelizzazione45/7-8201345/7-8124-127
Noel Connolly, SSCNew Evangelisation in Australia45/7-8201345/7-8128-139
Susan Smith, RNDMWhat needs to be "New" about the new evangelisation in New Zealand45/7-8201345/7-8140-149
Agnes Lanfermann, MMSNew Evanglization - A Journey of Mutual transformation45/7-8201345/7-8150-162
Guylain Prince, OFMLe Bonheur de connaître Dieu: La nouvelle évangélisation au québec fondée... Jesus de Nazareth45/7-8201345/7-8164-172
Mary Motte, FMMEvangelization in the United States: A journey forward from Vaican II45/7-8201345/7-8173-181
Enzo Biemmi, FSFPer una evngelizzazione davvero "nuova" Una rilettura del Sinodo45/7-8201345/7-8182-188
Jonathan Y TanMinistry meets social Networking - Connecting with the Digital Natives45/9-10201345/9-10204-210
Fr. Bede Ukwuije, CSSpFaith in Africa in the Context of the New Evangelization45/9-10201345/9-10211-221
Jean Farah“Jean Chrysostome et la mission en Phénicie - Etude de l’Epistola CXXIII�45/9-10201345/9-10222-229
Jacob Kavunkal, SVD“Interpreting Mission Today and into the Future The Impact of Culture�45/9-10201345/9-10230-239
Eric Manhaeghe, CICM“Venganos tu Reino� Un siglo y medio al servicio de la misión ad gentes Los misioneros de Scheut (1862-2012)45/9-10201345/9-10240-247
S. DevarajWitness Of Life: Our Mission Today45/11-12201345/11-12251-260
Suresh Matthew, OFM–CapEvangelii Gaudium: Pope Francis’ Magna Carta For Church Reform45/11-12201345/11-12261-264
Abbé Ignace NdongalaSocialisation Religieuse – et Engagement Politique des Chretiens ecclésiales vivantes de base de Kinshasa (RDC)1 –45/11-12201345/11-12265-277
Franz-Josef Eilers, SVD‘Inter Mirifica’ after 50 years Origin, Directions, Challenges45/11-12201345/11-12278-286
Thomas Malipurathu, SVDMission as Mediating God’s Healing Touch: The Polyvalent Symbol of a Cure Miracle46/1-2201446/1-23/13/2024 0:00
Daniel O. Ihunnia, MSPBreaking the Evil Yoke: Challenge for Mission Theology in Africa46/1-2201446/1-214-23
Chima Fredrick MbiereHealth and Healing in Igbo Worldview: Significance and Missiological Implications46/1-2201446/1-224-31
Pierre MénardUn compromise temporal, un resultado duradero: La clínica San Gregorio en Buduburam46/1-2201446/1-232
Contrib. from SUKA Gr. from CochabambaNotes For a New Missiology in a Trans-disciplinary Perspective46/3-4201446/3-443-60
Paul Steffen, SVDThe Asian Integral Pastoral Approach - A New Way of Being Church in Asia - A contextualized and Concrete Model...46/3-4201446/3-461-70
Marco Antonio de la Rosa Ruiz EsparzaLos agentes de la misión46/3-4201446/3-471-84
Showrillu Vatti, FMM (Winnipeg, Canada)Mon expérience missionnaire au Canada46/3-4201446/3-485
Fernande Rivard, SASVEt Jésus passait ...46/3-4201446/3-486-87
Alex Jebadu, SVDPolitical Dimension of the Church's Liberative Mission of the Poor and Creation46/5-6201446/5-691-106
Prof. Joseph B.O. OkelloThe Pastors, Politics and People of Kenya46/5-6201446/5-6107-112
Timothy M. NjoyaChurch and Politics: With Aspects Relating to Governance, Public Policy and Ethnicity46/5-6201446/5-6113-119
Bozena Stencel, FMMTeologia politica: La storia e l'attualità de un concetto.46/5-6201446/5-6120-127
Pio Estepa, SVDReview of Sedos Seminars 1990- 201446/7-8201446/7-8140-145
María Pilar Benavente Serrano, MSOLALa Mission et l'avenir de Sedos quelques réflexions sur son 50ème anniversaire46/7-8201446/7-8146-154
Gabriele Ferrari, SXRipensando ai miei anni del Sedos46/7-8201446/7-8155-157
Carlos Rodríguez Linera, OPFormation for Mission46/7-8201446/7-8158-162
Siro Stocchetti, MCCJVita contemplativa e profetica nella missione oggi46/7-8201446/7-8163-173
Angela Gabriella, PSGVivere il Vangelo con i Rom e Sinti46/7-8201446/7-8174-177
Giselle Gómez, STJViviendo el Evangelio en los márgenes - La compañia de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Sucumbíos, Ecuador46/7-8201446/7-8178-182
Marie Vaillé, FMMLa vie sous la tente avec les Nomades au Maroc46/7-8201446/7-8183-187
Mario and Anna Cappello, ICPE MissionFormation for Mission in the 21st Century: Engaging the Youth46/7-8201446/7-8188-195
Anusha George, CJPanelist's Reflections46/7-8201446/7-8196
Victor Sagayam Zackarias, SVDIntegral Formation of Priests and Religious: Some challenges and concerns of our times46/7-8201446/7-8197-200
Michelle Pereira de OliveiraInculturazione nel carisma del Movimento dei Focolari46/7-8201446/7-8201-203
Daniel O Ihunnia, MSPGuest's Experiences46/7-8201446/7-8204-205
Marie Claver Some, SABMater Christi: Une expérience de formation à la vie consacrée en Afriqie de l'ouest46/7-8201446/7-8207-211
James H. Kroeger, MM/ William J. Mc N.Personal Reflections on Vatican II by a Bishop-Participant46/9-10201446/9-10215-226
James H. Kroeger, MMExploring the Rich Treasures of Pope Paul VI’s Evangelii Nuntiandi46/9-10201446/9-10227-234
Abbé Janvier GahonzireLes défis de la Nouvelle Evangélisation au Rwanda46/9-10201446/9-10235-244
John Paul Pezzi, MCCJEcología y salvaguardia del planeta: a qué nos compromete la fe y la Palabra de Dios46/9-10201446/9-10245-252
Alexey MaksimovL'Esicasmo: fuga dal mondo o missione per eccellenza?46/9-10201446/9-10253-259
Roberto MarinaccioReligioni e salvezza: la prospettiva delle mediazioni partecipate46/9-10201446/9-10260-263
Jonathan Y. TanFrom “Ad Gentes� to “Active Integral Evangelization�: The Reception of Vatican II’s Mission Theology in Asia46/11-12201446/11-12267-284
Paul Steffen, SVDA Pastoral Network Emerges: Lively Exchanges Between Pastoral Institutes in Asia46/11-12201446/11-12285-289
Francis Perry AzaheJewish-Christian Dialogue and Educational Practice46/11-12201446/11-12290-295
Lois SemenyeSpiritual Formation of Christian Leaders46/11-12201446/11-12296-302
Asunción Codes, STJUn liderazgo con Espiritu46/11-12201446/11-12303-311
Paul B. Steffen, SVDLUMKO Institute: Towards Building a Participatory Church47/1-2201547/1-23/17/2024 0:00
Paul B. Steffen, SVDA New Way of Being Church: The Beginning and the Spread of Small Christian Communities and Bible-Sharing in Africa..47/1-2201547/1-218-20
Juan Manuel Hurtado LópezLos Desafíos Actuales: La Voz provocadora de Dios47/1-2201547/1-221-26
Abbé Theodore Nyamuhaja CimanukaUn paradis ou les anges meurent de faim. Pour une responsabilité chrétienne face à la misère... Congo aujourd'hui47/1-2201547/1-227-33
Dr. Francis Perry AzahPsycho-Spiritual Unfolding of the Identity of the Human Person47/1-220151/7/2002 0:0034-39
Antony D’Cruz, O. PraemThe Role of Charisms in the Church Some Contemporary Considerations47/3-4201547/3-444-50
Jeanne d’Arc KamikaziFondateur et origine de la congregation des Soeurs Servantes du Seigneur (bene-umukama) du Burundi47/3-4201547/3-451-61
Julián Andrés SalazarLas comunidades eclesiales de base (CEB’S)47/3-4201547/3-462-70
John Lian Cin PauSome Hindrance to Christian Mission from the Buddhists in Myanmar47/3-4201547/3-471-73
Subhash AnandWomen in the Old Testament - Part I -47/3-4201547/3-474-83
SEDOS, a timely and prophetic initiativeThe SEDOS annual report 2014 50 years in mission47/3-4201547/3-484-86
Jojo JosephCommon Priesthood and Spiritual Sacrifices Within the Heart: A Roadmap to Holiness Through Sacred Scripture47/5-6201547/5-691-102
Daniel O. Ihunnia, MSPUnderstanding the Concept of Worship in the African Cultural Context47/5-6201547/5-6103-110
Francis Perry AzahStopping Violence Against Women and Children: Evangelization in the 21st Century47/5-6201547/5-6111-123
Domenico Arena, OMI /Didier Mupaya, OMIL’Institut africain des Sciences de la Mission � Une pierre dans la construction du futur �47/5-6201547/5-6124-130
Felix Körner, SJPolitical Islam - Seeing the rasons - and opportunities47/7-8201547/7-8137
Noel MpatiLes Bilenge ya Mwinda (BYM)47/7-8201547/7-8138-139
Alfredo J. Gonçalves, CSÉlements Pour une pastorale des migrants47/7-8201547/7-8140-147
Pastor Dr. Jens-Martin KruseTalking about God in the World - The Missionary responsibility of the Church Today47/7-8201547/7-8148-152
Prof. Alexey MaksimovBolstering the Youths: Challenges and Opportunities47/7-8201547/7-8153-167
Emili Turu, FMSNuestra Visión de Futuro ( Secretario Laicos - Marist brothers)47/7-8201547/7-8168-169
Georgeanne M. Donovan, SMSMEmpowering the Young generation for a future full of Hope47/7-8201547/7-8170-175
Mary AcAleeseWomen in the Church and Society47/9-10201547/9-10185-192
AA.VVReport of Meeting of Women in Interfaith families47/9-10201547/9-10193-202
Michael Amaladoss, SJInterreligious Dialogue 50 years After Vatican II - Challenges and Opportunities47/9-10201547/9-10203-209
David Neuhaus, SJPope Francis in Israel: "Tear down the walls of Enmity"47/9-10201547/9-10210-218
James H. Kroeger, MMSaint John Paul II and Redemptoris Missio - Mission Insights47/9-10201547/9-10219-226
Shyny Joseph, SSèSTrinity Ispired Ecospirituality based on Biblical Sources47/9-10201547/9-10227-231
Lucas Tha Ling SumDialogue as a Path for Mutual Understanding and Peace between Christianity and Buddhism47/11-12201547/11-12236-243
Francis Anekwe OborjiMissiology in its Relation to Intercultural Theology and Religious studies47/11-12201547/11-12244-253
Sibi Brigitte Zongo, FMMLe vie fraternelle en communauté47/11-12201547/11-12254-261
Jeanne d'Arc KamikaziLa maturité humaine et spirituelle pour une efficacité voccationelle - L'importance de la psychogie dans la formation-47/11-12201547/11-12262-271
Nzenzili Lucie Mboma, FMMThe Journey of Sedos in 2015 - Annual Report47/11-12201547/11-12272-278
Christina KhengParadigm Shifts in Ministry: Insights From the Resurgence of Trinitarian Theology48/1-2201648/1-211/3/2024 0:00
Ernest JustinDialogue Between Creation and Evolution48/1-2201648/1-212/16/2024 0:00
Nicole Mayinga et Baudouin MubesalaLes enjeux de la réconciliation en milieu mbala48/1-2201648/1-217-22
Paul KalluveettilFormation in the Third Millennium48/1-2201648/1-223-26
Josefa Cordovilla PérezLa misión y la vida consagrada48/1-2201648/1-227-33
Fernando Domingues, MCCJW hat kind of ministry for tomorrow?48/3-4201648/3-48/2/2024 0:00
Jean Marie Van Parys, SJCommunion Interculturelle: inculturation et dialogue48/3-4201648/3-49/15/2024 0:00
Anthony Kalliath, CMISer Misionero Inter Gentes48/3-4201648/3-416-23
Julian Saldanha, SJInculturation in Moral Theology48/3-4201648/3-424-27
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDFresh Perspectives on Inter Religious Dialogue in Relation to Christian Mission48/3-4201648/3-428-35
Diana de Vallescar PalancaSeminar 2016 - Interculturality Living and Mission ... Contexto y preocupaciones de Interacciones Culturales.48/5-6201648/5-63/13/2024 0:00
Melchor Sanchez de TocaRiflessione teologica sull’interculturalità48/5-6201648/5-614-22
Jon P. Kirby, SVDIntercultural Competence for Religious Communities: Models, Gauges and Guides48/5-6201648/5-623-37
Martin Nkafu NkemnkiaInterculturality and Multiculturalism: social and anthropological perspective48/5-6201648/5-638-45
Elisabetta Flick, SANew Ways of Mission Today in an Intercultural Reality48/5-6201648/5-646-56
Maria J. Rey-Merodio, Jerosin K., Filo S. HirottaSharing of Experiences of Interaction with Cultures48/5-6201648/5-657-63
Mercedes Leticia Casas Sánchez, FSpSInterculturalidad y dinámicas de misión desde mi experiencia en la CLAR48/5-6201648/5-664-73
Some Participants’ thoughtsWhat are you taking with you from this Seminar?48/5-6201648/5-674-75
The Palestinian caseTHE CHRISTIANS OF THE MIDDLE EAST IN THE CURRENT TURMOILTrans202249/9-102/1/2024 0:00
Yves BerthelotEconomy in Laudato Si’Trans202249/3-47/1/2024 0:00
Luther, Pope Francis and the EcumenismPastor Dr. Jens-Martin Kruse's Profile Evangelical Lutheran Church Community of RomeTrans202249/7-811/1/2024 0:00
Damien EtshindoEmergence of the “Revival Churches� in the Congo, Kinshasa –Trans202249/7-89/1/2024 0:00
Egidio PicucciISTANBUL “a Franciscan City?�Trans202249/9-102/1/2024 0:00
The Jihad ... The Authentic Holy WarMartha Leticia Martinez de Léon (Intercontinental University)Trans202249/9-105/1/2024 0:00
Gabriele FerrariMISSION ACCORDING TO POPE FRANCISTrans202249/11-129/1/2024 0:00
THE PALABRA, AFRICAN WOMANTrans202250/1-21/15/2024 0:00
Ana Slivka, Franciscan Missionary of MaryYOUTH + MISSION = A FUTURE OF HOPETrans202250/5-62/1/2024 0:00
Samuel KOMLANVI AMAGLO, SDB.Educative Dialogue for a Mission Beyond ProselytismTrans202250/1-29/1/2024 0:00
Cornelius NgokaTrans202250/3-45/1/2024 0:00
Andrea LonardoIs Faith Beautiful?Trans202250/3-46/1/2024 0:00
Bruna ZaltronGenerated by Life to Correspond to Love By Sister Bruna Zaltron, OSCMTrans202250/5-66/1/2024 0:00
Catherine MarinThe mission of women: to convey the Gospel through the language of the presence, By Catherine Marin, Institute Catholique de ParisTrans202250/9-1011/1/2024 0:00
Vittorino Torino Girardi StellintMISSION ACCORDING TO POPE FRANCISTrans202250/1-21/16/2024 0:00
Juanjo Sánchez y Evaristo VillarSilvia Martínez CanoTrans202252/7-83/1/2024 0:00
LA CROIXTrans202252/7-85/1/2024 0:00
Jean-Marie and ÉméritaFlight without knowing where one will end up ...Trans202251/1-23/1/2024 0:00
Jean N. Druel, OPDialogue as an artTrans202251/1-26/1/2024 0:00
Jean Druel, OP.Why is there so much frustration about inter-religious dialogue?Trans202251/1-67/1/2024 0:00
Michel GERLIEROn the path of inter-religious dialogue Meeting the Mandjak people of Guinea-BissauTrans202251/3-46/1/2024 0:00
Emanuela BiniAccommodating families with disabled children in migratory contexts. Typical situations in BolognaTrans202251/1-29/1/2024 0:00
Cardinal Jean-Louis TauranIS IT STILL REASONABLE TO BELIEVE IN GOD?Trans202251/7-84/1/2024 0:00
Marco Cassuto MorselliSedeq sedeq tirdof justice, justice, you will pursueTrans202251/5-67/1/2024 0:00
Maria De Giorgi, MMXCharity, Karunà/Jihi Together on the path of dialogueTrans202251/5-69/1/2024 0:00
Pilar Avellaneda Ruiz, CCSBThe Mystagogical Beauty of God.The value of creative silenceTrans202251/7-85/1/2024 0:00
Jean M. Van Parys, SJI believe in God, Creator of Heaven and Earth Faith, its beginnings and its fruitsTrans202251/7-89/1/2024 0:00
Vincenzo BuonomoTo Believe in a Changing World: A Catholic PerspectiveTrans202251/7-86/1/2024 0:00
LA CROIXTrans202252/7-85/1/2024 0:00
Jean-Marie and ÉméritaFlight without knowing where one will end up ...Trans202252/7-83/1/2024 0:00
Elisabeth FLICK, SANew Ways of Mission Today in an Intercultural RealityTrans201648/5-612/1/2024 0:00
Diana de Vallescar SPContext and concerns of Cultural InteractionTrans201648/5-61/15/2024 0:00
Mercedes Sanchez Leticia Casas, SSpSMulticulturalism and dynamic mission from my experience in CLAR/HPLCTrans201648/5-610/1/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMGolden Anniversary of Vatican II's Ad Gentes48/7-8201648/7-85/2/2024 0:00
Eloy Bueno de la FuenteMisericordia es Misión: el Año Santo y su dimensión misionera48/7-8201648/7-86/16/2024 0:00
Gabriele Ferrari, SXLa missione secondo Papa Francesco48/7-8201648/7-817-25
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDExtensio Dei: A new paradigm of mission for contemporary times48/7-8201648/7-826-34
S. M. Michael, SVDDocuments: Conclusions of the national conference on the emerging challenges to christian mission today48/7-8201648/7-835-37
News TodayThe Miracles that made Mother Teresa a Saint48/7-8201648/7-838-39
Eloy Bueno de la FuenteMERCY IS MISSIONTrans201648/7-811/1/2024 0:00
Gabriele FerrariThe mission according to Pope FrancisTrans201648/7-87/1/2024 0:00
Michael Amaladoss, SJGospel-Culture encounter as intercultural and interreligious dialogue: an Indian experience48/9-10201648/9-107/2/2024 0:00
Augustin Arteche GorosteguiContornos del Islam en Europa48/9-10201648/9-108/17/2024 0:00
Egidio Picucci, OFM Cap.Antiochia, Isola felice del dialogo interreligioso48/9-10201648/9-1018-19
John O'Brien, CSSpMisreading Qur'ân 4:157 as denying Christian Belief48/9-10201648/9-1020-35
DocumentsChristian witness in a multi-religious world: recommendations for conduct48/9-10201648/9-1036-39
News TodayOne of the new Saints of the Church48/9-10201648/9-1040
By Agustin Arteche Gorostegui, PAContours of ISLAM in EUROPETrans201648/9-1011/1/2024 0:00
Egidio PicucciANTIOCH, HAPPY OASIS of INTER-RELIGIOUS DIALOGUETrans201648/9-102/1/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMPope Francis' dinamic vision of pristhood: Ten foundational themes48/11-12201648/11-123/13/2024 0:00
P. Lic. Jesús Moreno LedLas tres ramas troncales del árbol de la pastoral: sacerdote, profeta, rey48/11-12201648/11-1214-21
Frans J.S. WijsenForeign Priests in The Netherlands: Reversed Mission, Mutual Assistance and Internal Outsourcing48/11-12201648/11-1222-30
Daryll Gordon StantonDeveloping Good Church Leadership Habits48/11-12201648/11-1231-39
Raffaele LuiseNews Today - Un piccolo seme di dialogo48/11-12201648/11-1240
Raffaele LuiseTrans201648/11-121
Daniel O. Ihunnia, MSPHow Africa is changing the face of mission: the role of the Missionary Society of St. Paul Nigeria (MSP)49/1-2201749/1-210/2/2024 0:00
Flaminia EliaLa vita tra ontologia e aspirazione umana nella religiosità africana: i sentieri interpretativi degli studiosi e le implicazioni missionarie49/1-2201749/1-211/20/2024 0:00
Bernadette Clara Alvine Ayo Mbarga, SSMDLa mission de la femme dans le processus de la réconciliation à la lumière de l’Africae Munus: cas du peuple Béti49/1-2201749/1-221-26
Francis Perry AzahThe Impact of Widowhood Rite on the Ghanaian Woman in the New Millennium: A Call to Action in the Christian Milieu49/1-2201749/1-227-33
DocumentsApostolic Exhortation AFRICAE MUNUS (Part One)49/1-2201749/1-234-39
Rosemary Wahu MbogoFinancial Sustainability in Ministry49/3-4201749/3-43/13/2024 0:00
Yves BerthelotL’économie dans Laudato si’49/3-4201749/3-414-20
Egidio PicucciDonne fuori dalle regole: lottano per i diritti umani nello Zimbabwe49/3-4201749/3-421-22
Ramarason Benjamín MarcPor un reparto equitativo de las riquezas minerales de cada territorio, para un desarrollo duradero y estable49/3-4201749/3-423-24
Gulshan BarkatRelationship Between the East India Company and the Roman Catholic Church in India49/3-4201749/3-425-31
DocumentsPope Francis: Economy and Communion49/3-4201749/3-432-33
NewsPope Francis to proclaim Fatima visionaries saints49/3-4201749/3-434-35
Yves BerthelotEconomy in Laudato Si’Trans201749/3-47/1/2024 0:00
Andreas MachnikSedos Seminar - Influence of culture on financial management49/5-6201749/5-611/4/2024 0:00
Mgr Obiora IkeReflections on culture49/5-6201749/5-612/15/2024 0:00
Mgr Obiora Ike“Economy and Mission� as solidarity and stewardship in financial management: An African point of view49/5-6201749/5-616-19
Ursula Nothelle WildfeurEcology and sustainability in relation to finance: A Christian social point of view49/5-6201749/5-620-29
Luigino BruniEconomia e Comunione49/5-6201749/5-630-35
Willi KawohlCorruption risks and good practices in a sustained fight against corruption in ecclesiastical structures49/5-6201749/5-636-40
Participants' thoughtsWhat are you taking with you from this Seminar?49/5-6201749/5-641-42
Jens-Martin KruseLuther, Pope Francis and Ecumenism49/7-8201749/7-810/2/2024 0:00
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDThe Ministry of Jesus in the Light of the Reformation and Vatican II49/7-8201749/7-811/20/2024 0:00
Damien EtshindoEssor des “Églises de réveil� au Congo-Kinshas Quels défis pour l’Église catholique?49/7-8201749/7-821-28
Brother Alois, Pior of TaizéMonastic Life today. Communion enlightened by the Word of God49/7-8201749/7-829-35
Christian Tauchner, SVD/Peter Baekelmans, CICMNews Today -Silence – Notes on Scorsese’s new Film49/7-8201749/7-836-40
Damien EtshindoEmergence of the “Revival Churches� in the Congo, KinshasaTrans201749/7-89/1/2024 0:00
Dr. Jens-Martin Kruse'sEvangelical Lutheran Church Community of RomeTrans201749/7-811/1/2024 0:00
Andre De Bleeker, CICMDhikr and the Jesus Prayer: Unceasing recollection of God leading to peace49/9-10201749/9-1010/2/2024 0:00
Martha Leticia Martínez de LeónLa Yih�d... La verdadera guerra santa49/9-10201749/9-1011/14/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMFatima, Mary, and Muslims49/9-10201749/9-1015-19
Rafiq KhouryLes Chrétiens du Moyen-Orient dans la tourmente actuelle: Le cas Palestinien49/9-10201749/9-1020-26
Wajih KansoHow did religion assume a violent role in the Middle East?49/9-10201749/9-1027-29
Christine Amjad-AliChristian Identity in an Islamic Context49/9-10201749/9-1030-34
Egidio PicucciNEWS TODAY: Istanbul “Città Francescana�?49/9-10201749/9-1035-36
DocumentsApostolic journey of his Holiness Pope Francis to Egpyt (28-29 april 2017)49/9-10201749/9-1037-39
Egidio PicucciISTANBUL “a Franciscan City?�Trans201749/9-102/1/2024 0:00
The Jihad … The Authentic Holy War*Martha Leticia Martinez de LéonTrans201749/9-105/1/2024 0:00
Peter Baekelmans, CICMPEACE THROUGH STORIES49/11-12201749/11-122/1/2029 0:00
DocumentsEvangelical Lutheran Community of Rome XX Sunday after Trinitatis Reformation Day Commemoration 29 October 201749/11-12201749/11-1230-32
Gabriele FerrariLa missione secondo papa Francesco49/11-12201749/11-1233-40
SEDOS, a timely and prophetic initiativeANNUAL REPORT OF SEDOS GENERAL ASSEMBLY 201749/11-12201749/11-1241-43
Gabriele FerrariMISSION ACCORDING TO POPE FRANCISTrans201749/11-129/1/2024 0:00
Samuel Komlanvi Amaglo, SDBLe dialogue éducatif pour une mission au-delà du prosélytisme50/1-2201850/1-211/2/2024 0:00
Bernadette Clara Alvine Ayo Mbarga, CSSMDLa palabra africana un modello per una riforma inculturata delle strutture ecclesiali?50/1-2201850/1-212/23/2024 0:00
Mons. Vittorino Torino Girardi StellintLa Missión en tiempos del Papa Francisco50/1-2201850/1-224-38
Akinyemi Oluwafemi Alawode, Ernest N.N.Voices of the Missionaries: Can anyone hear us50/1-2201850/1-239-43
Ma. Antonetta Pereira, FMMMission Formation of Youth as Evangelizers: From Insights to Praxis50/3-4201850/3-42/17/2024 0:00
José FuentesNuevas formas de vida religiosa en Bolivia como instantes del Espíritu50/3-4201850/3-418-20
Andrea LonardoLa Fede è Bella?50/3-4201850/3-421-24
Cornelius Ngoka, OMILes vocations et la formation dans la Région oblate d’Afrique- Madagascar et les défis du changement démographique50/3-4201850/3-425-29
Pina del Core, FMAModelos formativos y formacion de lós formadores: Un problema que debe ser reinterpretado50/3-4201850/3-430-36
Joe Mannath, SDBFormation: The Essentials in a Nutshell50/3-4201850/3-437-43
Veronica Openibo, SHCJOpening Address50/5-6201850/5-63/2/2024 0:00
Emilia PalladinoMillenials: La cultura giovanile contemporanea, tra diritto e rovescio50/5-6201850/5-65/4/2024 0:00
Bruna Zaltron, OSCMGenerati dalla Vita per corrispondere all’Amore50/5-6201850/5-611/6/2024 0:00
Paul Raj, FSGThe Role and Challenges of Evangelization for the Youth in the Multicultural and Pluralistic World of Today50/5-6201850/5-612/22/2024 0:00
Michael PapenkordtThe Evangelized will Evangelize: the Role of Lay Missionaries today50/5-6201850/5-623-28
Br. Paul Bednarczyk, CSCLearnings from Vocation Ministry in the US50/5-6201850/5-629-36
Ana Slivka, FMMTÉMOIGNAGE: Jeunesse+Mission = Un avenir d’espoir50/5-6201850/5-637-38
Gabriele F. Bentoglio, CSDalla solidarietà alla comunione, itinerari di spiritualità per la pastorale delle migrazioni50/7-8201850/7-82/13/2024 0:00
Pascale-Dominique Nau, OPRenewing Our Political Life - A Commentary on Romans 13:1–750/7-8201850/7-814-23
Jorge Piedad SánchezEl sentido de la justicia en la legislación bíblica50/7-8201850/7-824-33
Clément Mulewu, OMIProche des pauvres. justice et paix en Angola50/7-8201850/7-834-39
Catherine MarinLe Langage de la Présence50/9-10201850/9-1010/2/2024 0:00
Marie-Hélène Robert, OLASpiritualité missionnaire biblique : la mission de Marie50/9-10201850/9-1011/19/2024 0:00
Anne Falola, OLARealities and Struggles of Women Religious in Mission50/9-10201850/9-1020-28
M. Theresia Hörnemann, SSpS; Daisuke Narui, SVDPanel Contribution50/9-10201850/9-1029-30
Francis Barnes, MAfr; Gisela Schreyer, MSOLAPanel Contribution50/9-10201850/9-1031-33
Charo dos Reis, FMVDLa importancia del aporte femenino a la luz de María de Nazaret, la madre de Dios, en la cultura y en la iglesia actual50/9-10201850/9-1034-42
Isaack Gaitani Mdindile, IMCAn Integral Ecology50/11-12201850/11-125/2/2024 0:00
Evariste Kabemba Nzengu, CJEt si la terre etait notre mere... Quelle sauvegarde ?50/11-12201850/11-126/15/2024 0:00
Rosa KoianSocial and Economic Impact of Climate Change in Papua New Guinea50/11-12201850/11-1216-22
Félix WilfredAlcance teológico de Laudato sì. Punto de vista asiático50/11-12201850/11-1223-32
Vincent Leclercq, AAL’air et l’eau: l’appel à prendre soin de nos vies, dans l’encyclique Laudato Si50/11-12201850/11-1233-40
Peter Baekelmans, CICMAnnual Report 201850/11-12201850/11-1241-42
Sedos Member Congregation 201950/11-12201850/11-1243-44
Jean-Marie et ÉméritaFuir sans savoir où l’on va…51/1-2201951/1-24/2/2024 0:00
M lle Marie-Laure DurandReligious, missionaries of hope51/1-2201951/1-29/5/2024 0:00
Alfredo J. Gonçalves, CSElementos para una pastoral de migrantes51/1-2201951/1-210/18/2024 0:00
Raniero Alessandrini, CSCompanion on a Journey: Pastoral guidance to Migrants51/1-2201951/1-219-31
Emanuela BiniAccogliere famiglie con bambini disabili in contesti migratori51/1-2201951/1-232-39
Cardinal Antonio Maria VegliòThe Future of Every Society: To become ‘community’ in order to integrate51/1-2201951/1-240-41
Program of Sedos Residential Seminar 201951/1-2201951/1-242-43
Shoten Minegishi1986-2016 Yesterday as Today51/3-4201951/3-44/2/2024 0:00
José María Vigil, CMF¿Pertenecer a varias religiones?51/3-4201951/3-410/5/2024 0:00
R. Daniel ShawBeyond Syncretism: A Dynamic Approach to Hybridity51/3-4201951/3-411/19/2024 0:00
Michel Gerlier, CSSpSur le chemin du dialogue interreligieux - À la rencontre des Manjaks de Guinée-Bissau51/3-4201951/3-420-24
John Mallare, CICMLa famille comme enjeu du dialogue interreligieux51/3-4201951/3-425-33
News TodayDocument on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together51/3-4201951/3-434-38
Gerald O’Collins, SJSaluting difference, staying faithful51/3-4201951/3-439-40
Peter Baekelmans, CICMNeed for Structural Changes in Mission51/3-4201951/3-441-47
Kathleen McGarvey, OLAMission as Interfaith Dialogue51/5-6201951/5-612/2/2024 0:00
Marco Cassuto MorselliSèdeq sèdeq tirdòf: giustizia, giustizia, persequirai51/5-6201951/5-613-18
Thérèse Fitzgerald, NDSDialogue and Justice: It's the relationship that matters51/5-6201951/5-619-31
Frank De Waele RoshiA Change of Heart: Fragments on compassion and engagement51/5-6201951/5-632-36
Jean Druel, OPPourquoi tant de frustrations autour du dialogue interreligieux?51/5-6201951/5-637-41
Maria de Giorgi, MMXCarità, Karuṇ�/慈悲Jihi: insieme sulle vie del dialogo51/5-6201951/5-642-50
Jean Druel, OPLe dialogue comme un art51/5-6201951/5-651-56
Indunil J. Kodithuwakku K.Christian Mission in a Pluralistic World: The Vision of Pope Francis51/5-6201951/5-657-63
Chris Chaplin, MSCFour Dimensions of Listening51/5-6201951/5-664
Peter Baekelmans, CICMInterreligious Dialogue: An Asian Perspective51/5-6201951/5-665-66
Cardinal Jean-Louis TauranÈ ancora ragionevole credere in Dio?51/7-8201951/7-85/2/2024 0:00
Vincenzo BuonomoEtre croyant dans un monde qui change: Une perspective catholique51/7-8201951/7-812/6/2024 0:00
Kevin J. BanBeing Church in the World today: From a Devotional Church to a Kingdom-Driven Church51/7-8201951/7-813-19
S.M. MichaelUnderstanding Revelation and Inculturation51/7-8201951/7-820-26
Pilar Avellaneda Ruiz, ccsbMistagogía de la belleza de Dios: El valor del silencio creativo51/7-8201951/7-827-31
Jean M. Van Parys, SJJe crois en Dieu, Createur du ciel et de la Terre: La Foi, ses débuts et ses fruits51/7-8201951/7-832-40
François-Marie PérierDocument: On the simultaneity of the Christian and Mahayanist revolutions in the first century51/7-8201951/7-841-43
Rachel Oommen, ICM and Geni Santos Camargo, SFBOpening Reflection53/5-6202153/5-62
Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, MCCJOpening Address53/5-6202153/5-64/3/2024 0:00
Jane MelletThe Call to Eco-Conversion53/5-6202153/5-611/5/2024 0:00
Helen Grealy, RCLoving Sister Earth53/5-6202153/5-612/17/2024 0:00
Brian Grogan, SJ Ecological Mourning: The Christian Response53/5-6202153/5-618-22
Richie Gomez, MSC Sustainable Living and Agriculture for Indigenous People of Mindanao, the Philippines53/5-6202153/5-623-27
Ezrah SchravenClimate Change & Sustainability, what can be done? Lessons from the corporate world53/5-6202153/5-628-33
Brian Grogan, SJChristian Hope for our Small Blue Planet53/5-6202153/5-634-43
Amado L. Picardal, CSsRDeep Relationality: Living in Communion53/5-6202153/5-644-52
Sheila Kinsey, FCJMSowing Seeds for the Future53/5-6202153/5-653-60
Mary Dasari, ICM and Yolanda Florentinoy, ICMSummary of the Seminar53/5-6202153/5-661-65
Markus Solo Kewuta, SVDIslam and Catholicism: Towards a Dialogical Mission53/3-4202153/03-042
John Mallare, CICMThe Concept of Mission in Islam (Da‘wa)53/3-4202153/3-410
Aan RukmanaHow do Muslims view Catholics? My Personal Experiences53/3-4202153/3-417
Joseph Victor Edwin, SJHow Can Christians And Muslims Work For Peace in India?53/3-4202153/3-419
Jeanne Kombe Lokalola, ICMQue tes Å“uvres sont belles53/3-4202153/3-424
Thomas Hendrikus, CICMCalled to Human Fraternity53/3-4202153/3-427
Zafar Daud, FSCThe Role of Catechists in the Dialogue with Muslims in Pakistan53/3-4202153/3-431
Diego Sarrió Cucarella, M.AfrIslam and Mission53/3-4202153/3-433
Christophe RoucouDialogue à une époque de violence: Une lecture de la Fraternité humaine depuis le sol53/3-4202153/3-437
Residential Seminar Program: Living Green Mission53/3-4202153/3-443
James H. Kroeger, MMA Beautiful Journey of Faith: Five Centuries of Philippine Catholicism53/1-2202153/1-22/16/2024 0:00
Santosh DigalModern-Day Missionaries to the World53/1-2202153/1-217-20
Gerolamo Fazzini50 YEARS of P.I.M.E.53/1-2202153/1-221-24
Margarida Santos LopesDuterte Contra Deus53/1-2202153/1-225-27
Prayer for the CICM Philippines Centennial Celebration53/1-2202153/1-228
Laudato Sì in the PhilippinesDOCUMENT53/1-2202153/1-229-35
James H. Kroeger, MMNEWS: Radio Veritas Asia53/1-2202153/1-236-37
Living Green MissionSEDOS Residential Seminar Program53/1-2202153/1-238-39
Jeanne Kombe Lokalola, ICMHow Beautiful Are Your Works53/3-4202153/3-4Trans-En
P. Christophe RoucouDialogue in a time of violence: a reading of Human Fraternity from the ground53/3-4202153/3-4Trans-En
Duterte Contra Deus53/1-2202153/1-2Trans-En
P. Christophe RoucouDialogue in a time of violence: a reading of Human Fraternity from the ground53/1-2202153/1-2Trans-En
Laudato Si’ in the PhilippinesDOCUMENT53/1-2202153/1-2Trans-En
Gerolamo Fazzini50 YEARS of P.I.M.E.53/1-2202153/1-2Trans-En
Jeanne Kombe Lokalola, ICMHow Beautiful Are Your Works53/1-2202153/1-2Trans-En
Luigino BruniGuide to Reading “Fratelli Tutti�52/11-12202152/11-12Trans-En
Fr Subash AnandWoman in the New Testament, II52/11-12202152/11-12Trans-En
Carles Such, Sch.PVida religiosa- entre el oso y las hormigas52/11-12202152/11-12Trans-En
P. Gabriel Witaszek, C.Ss.R.La Storia Di Rut E Noemi52/11-12202152/11-12Trans-En
Gauthier Malulu Lock, SJL’apparition Du Christ Ressuscite À Sa Mère !52/11-12202152/11-12Trans-En
Pier Giorgio Taneburgo, OFM CapConsecrated People in Albania Engage in Dialogue52/7-8202152/7-8Trans-En
Silvia Martínez CanoJuanjo Sánchez y Evaristo Villar52/7/8202152/7-8Trans-En
LA CROIXTen measures to combat clericalism52/7-8202152/7-8Trans-En
Fr. Joseph Scaria Palakeel, MST Journeying Together to Evangelize53/9-10202153/9-102/13/2024 0:00
Ignace NdongalaL’évêque a l’écoute, un Chemin de Synodalité53/9-10202153/9-1014-23
Fr. Samir García ValenciaLa Comunidad Eclesial en Camino de Transformación53/9-10202153/9-1024-33
Maria Teresa Ratti, SMC“Noi� siamo Missione53/9-10202153/9-1034-43
LA CROIXThe Emerging Future in Mission53/9-10202153/9-1044-48
Stephen Bevans, SVDLove Gives Everything: The Trinity as Ground of Mission, Interculturality, Inculturation, and JPIC 54/01-02202254/01-0210/2/2024 0:00
Henri TouaboyDieu et la transcendance dans la phénoménologie contemporaine54/01-02202254/01-0211/24/2024 0:00
Enrique Martínez LozanoPosteísmo y No-dualidad: Un Cambio de Paradigma54/01-02202254/01-0225-32
Peter Baekelmans, CICMBuddhism and the question of God54/01-02202254/01-0233-37
SEDOS Annual Report 202154/01-02202254/01-0240-41
SEDOS Residential Seminar 202254/01-02202254/01-0243
Marie-Hélène Robert, OLA (NDA)La Mission en Europe54/03-04202254/03-044/2/2024 0:00
Christian Tauchner, SVDMission in Secular Contexts54/03-04202254/03-045/14/2024 0:00
Timothy Radcliffe, OP Does Europe need Missionaries?54/03-04202254/03-0415-20
Lieven BoeveHow to Provide Catholic Education in a Post-Secular and Post-Christian Flanders?54/03-04202254/03-0421-31
Sr. Kristina Wolf, MMSEastern Spirituality as a Way of Mission54/03-04202254/03-0432-34
Fr. Jean-Marie, Taizé, et Sr. Agnès Granier, RSAUn œcuménisme vécu avec des jeunes: L’expérience réalisée sur la colline de Taizé54/03-04202254/03-0435-40
Fr. Charles Phukuta, CICM, and Sr. Lieve Stragier, ICMSharing on the Experience and Challenges of our Mission in Europe54/03-04202254/03-0441-45
Reaction from a Participant to the Spring Session54/03-04202254/03-0446
Sr. Mary Motte, FMMObituary: Sr. Mary Motte, FMM 54/03-04202254/03-0447
A Poem for Peace54/03-04202254/03-0448
Editorial54/07-08202254/07-083/4/2024 0:00
James Kroeger, MM Jesus: Message and Model of Mission, New Testament Perspectives54/07-08202254/07-085/10/2024 0:00
Richard Lopes, SJReligious Communities of and for the Kingdom of God:
George M. Soares-Prabhu's Vision
of Priesthood and Religious Life
54/07-08202254/07-0811/23/2024 0:00
Michael Amaladoss, SJ Mission in Asia Today: Perspectives and Challenges54/07-08202254/07-0824-28
Teresa Maya, CCVI A Vision for the Future of Religious Life54/07-08202254/07-0829-38
Jacob Kavunkal SVDA Re-Look at the Mission Concept and Missiology54/07-08202254/07-0839-43
Richard Angolio, SMACe n'est plus dans les peripheries:
Mission avec les victimes de violences
John Paul Herman, SVDEditorial54/09-10202254/09-101/2/2024 0:00
Geni Santos Camargo, SFBOraci?n54/09-10202254/09-103/4/2024 0:00
Mons. Camillus JohnpillaiJourney of Propaganda Fide (400 years)
Mission then and now
54/09-10202254/09-105/16/2024 0:00
Peter Baekelmans, CICMBook launching ?New Trends in Mission?54/09-10202254/09-1017-18
Alain Mayama, CSSpRevisiter les Charismes dans le Contexte D?aujourd?hui54/09-10202254/09-1019-31
AnnaMaria Geuna, FMAStrategie sulla Missione nel contesto contemporaneo
durante il nostro Capitolo Generale XXIV
Stanley Lubungo, M.AfrRediscovering the fresh richness
of our charism in the 2022 General Chapter
Cristiano Massimo Parisi, CP Strategia sulla Missione alla luce dei Capitoli in corso54/09-10202254/09-1038-39
SEDOS Annual General Assembly ? 202254/09-10202254/09-1040
Editorial54/11-12202254/11-124/3/2024 0:00
James H. Kroeger, MMAttentive to God?s Signs: Evangelii Gaudium and Mission Today54/11-12202254/11-1211/5/2024 0:00
Peter Baekelmans, CICMIntercultural Context and Mission54/11-12202254/11-1212/1/2022 0:00
Joseph Scaria Palakeel, MSTIdentities and Universalisms in the Missionary Context of India54/11-12202254/11-1223-29
Stanislaus T. Lazar, SVDMission in the African Church in the light
of Sex abuse and the
Covid-19 Pandemic
Chris Chaplin, MSCChristmas Message54/11-12202254/11-1242-43
SEDOS Annual ReportSEDOS Annual Report54/11-12202254/11-1244-45
Tesfaye Tadesse, MCCJFarewell Words from the outgoing President54/11-12202254/11-1246-47
Tesfaye Tadesse, MCCJFarewell Words from the outgoing President54/11-12202254/11-1246-47
Lloyd Cunningham, SVDCOVID-19: Our Collective Trauma:
Dialogue with Psychologically Affected People
Akinyemi O. Alawode & Samson O. AdebayoMissions in Seasons of Chaos: Lessons from
Yoruba Civil Wars for Contemporary Christian Missions
Selva Rathinam, SJLinking Ethics, Economy and Environment
For Global Justice and Planet Peace
Vidas Balc?iusPer Una Cultura Della Compassione
Prospettive Di Etica Cristiana
T. K. John‘Ahimsa’ in a Violent Society
“Ahimsa, Vegetarian Nutrition and Kindness for Global Peace�
Frances Fister-StogaVirtus and Peace
Synthesis in ‘The Moral Equivalent of War’
by William James
Mary Barron, OLACollaboration between Congregations in the field of Mission and Formation55/03-04202355/03-0445049
Darren CronshawMissio Dei Is MissioTrinitas: Theological and Biblical Foundations for Inter-Congregational Collaboration in Mission and Formation55/03-04202355/03-0443252
Nadia Coppa, ASC Cammini di comunione per la vita consacrata in missione collaborazione tra congregazioni nella missione e nella formazione55/03-04202355/03-0419-23
Adelson Araújo dos Santos SJLaici: Collaboratori nella missione e Coinvolgimento nella Chiesa locale55/03-04202355/03-0424-28
Francis Rozario, SMA and Juliana Karomba, MSOLA Intercongregational Partnership – ICOF55/03-04202355/03-0429-31
Jim Greene M. AfrCollaboration between Congregations for Mission55/03-04202355/03-0432-34
Alberto Lamana, MCCJ Tutti Fratelli55/03-04202355/03-0435-36
James H. Kroeger, MMSEDOS Book Review Mission: Our Continuing Journey55/03-04202355/03-0437-41
Anna Damas, SSpSOpening Prayer55/05-06202355/05-0644988
Mary T. Barron, OLA Welcome Address55/05-06202355/05-0645111
Mons. José Rodríguez Carballo, OFMIl Cambiamento del Paesaggio della Vita Religiosa Missionaria:
Con riferimento al cambiamento demografico
delle congregazioni religiose
Paulus Budi Kleden, SVDChanging Landscape of Religious Missionary Life:
Armin Luistro FSCChanging Landscape of Religious Life & Mission55/05-06202355/05-0632-34
Theodosia Baki, TSSFJoys and Challenges of Changing Landscape55/05-06202355/05-0635-36
Didier Lawson, SMA Gouvernance-Animation-Finance55/05-06202355/05-0637-38
Mary John, SSpSChanging Landscape of Religious Missionary Life:
From Women’s Perspective
Ayodele Ayeni, C.S.Sp The “Visit of God� (Ex 3:16) and Paul’s Missiology
as Identity formation in Galatians:
A Biblical Justice and Identity Recipes for
“The Changing Landscape of Religious Missionary Life�.
Marian Murcia, SFB “El cambiante panorama de la vida religiosa misionera� Reflexiones Y Preguntas en Torno a Las Finanzas Y la Gestion Economica en Tiempos de Disminucion - Desafíos y retos que tenemos que afrontar.55/07-08202355/07-0819-23
Josephine Enenmo, OLAChanging Landscape of Religious Missionary Life: Formation and Vowed Life55/07-08202355/07-0824-32
Mary Barron, OLASEDOS Closing Homily – 5 May 202355/07-08202355/07-0833-34
André-Léon Simonart, M.Afr Moving Forward Together55/07-08202355/07-0835
Group Sharing55/07-08202355/07-0836-39
Evaluation – Some Thoughts of Participants55/07-08202355/07-0840-43
René Stockman, FCHow can what we do become truly meaningful and fruitful?55/07-08202355/07-0844-46
James H. Kroeger, MMPope Francis and Missionary Pneumatology55/09-10202355/09-1005-11
René Stockman, FCLa mission comme défi pour les Religieux aujourd’hui55/09-10202355/09-1012-20
John Paul Herman, SVDThe Mission of the Church in India: New Challenges and Opportunities55/09-10202355/09-1021-24
Christian Tauchner, SVDMisión en un horizonte divino “Missio Dei� setenta años más tarde55/09-10202355/09-1025-31
Frans Wijsen, SMA“We did not come to demolish the church but to build it up� Foreign Missionaries in The Netherlands55/09-10202355/09-1032-38
Amedeo CenciniNuovi scenari dell’Evangelizzazione per la Vita Consacrata in un contesto sinodale-interculturale55/09-10202355/09-1039-46
René Stockman, FCVers Noël - la fête de l’humilité55/11-12202355/11-1205-07
Alain Mayama, CSSpAccueil et introduction55/11-12202355/11-1208-10
Mary T Barron, OLAThe Experience of The Synod on Synodality55/11-12202355/11-1211-15
Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, MCCJMission as Synodality55/11-12202355/11-1216-20
Mark Hilton, SCXVIth Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Implications for Religious Life
André-Leon Simonart, MA.frA Short Summary of the Afternoon Sharing55/11-12202355/11-1224-26
John Paul Herman, SVDSEDOS ANNUAL REPORT 202355/11-12202355/11-1227-28
James H. Kroeger, MMAn Urgent Call for Climate Action55/11-12202355/11-1229-31
Geni Santos Camargo, SFBParting Message for Chris Chaplin, MSC 55/11-12202355/11-1232
Geni Santos Camargo, SFBMensaje de Navidad – Celebración de SEDOS55/11-12202355/11-1233-36
René Stockman, FCMartyr or Crusader?56/1-2202456/1-25-7
Joseph Xavier, SJTHE POOR Embraced by God’s Plan for Justice
and Compassion - Part I
Joseph Xavier, SJTHE POOR Embraced by God’s Plan for Justice
and Compassion - Part II
Jerzy Kuzma, SVD Involvement of Divine Word Missionaries in the
Development of Health Services in Papua New Guinea
Jacob Kavunkal, SVDThe Challenge of Fratelli Tutti to the Indian Context56/1-2202456/1-228-34
René Stockman, FC Father Damien De Veuster (1840-1889):
A Missionary in and of the Periphery
Moreno Lendenila Enden, ICM Les Défis Missionnaires :
Dans Le Moments De Captivité
Geni Santos Camargo, SFBMorning Prayer56/3-5202456/3-46-7
Mary T Barron, OLAWelcome Address56/3-5202456/3-48
Stanley Lubungo, M.AfrMission of Hope56/3-5202456/3-49-13
Msgr. Graham BellJubilee 2025: Pilgrimage of Hope56/3-5202456/3-414-19
Mikaelin Bupu, SSpS Panel Discussion:
Missions amid Natural Calamities
Márcio Flávio Martins, CICMHope from a Latin American Perspective56/3-5202456/3-422-26
Giuliana Bolzan, OLASperanza Missione in Europa56/3-5202456/3-427-28
Virginie Habib, Rosary SistersMission of Hope -
Mission Gifts from each Continent Today Middle East
Anselme Tarpga, PBLa Fidélité à Jésus Christ et aux Algériens –
Présentation des Martyres de Tizi-Ouzou
René Stockman, FCFrom Palm Sunday on the way to Easter56/3-5202456/3-441-42