About Us

SEDOS Office

SEDOS: Service of Documentation and Research on Global Mission

Office Address: Via dei Verbiti, 1, 00154 Rome (Italy)

Phone Number: +39-06-5741350

Office Hours: Weekdays from 9.00 am to 10. 45 am, and from 11.15 am to 1 pm.

Office Email Address: redacsed@sedosmission.org

Secretary: Sr. Celine Kokkat, CJMJ

BODY OF CHRIST Documentary

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

Romans 12:4-5

Body of Christ is a short movie made by the Belgian artist Koen Van Loocke at the request of SEDOS to portray the inter-Congregational effort of SEDOS. The member Congregations form a collective body in the world, the Body of Christ, who promote His values, His Mission, in the world of today.


Fr. John Paul Herman, SVD Executive Director View Profile

Sr. Celine Kokkat, CJMJ Secretary
Sr. Christina, CJMJ Digital Assistent

SEDOS Executive Committee


Sr. Mary Barron, OLA
Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles


Fr. Alain Mayama, CSSp
Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)


Fr. André-Leon Simonart, MAfr
Missionaries of Africa

Fr. Márcio Flávio Martins, CICM
Congregation of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut Fathers)

Fr. Renè Stockman, FC
Brothers of Charity

Sr. Anna Damas, SSpS
Missionaries, Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit

Sr. Geni Santos Camargo, SFB
Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux

Sr. Oyidu Okwori, SHCJ
Society of the Holy Child Jesus


Fr. John Paul Herman, SVD
Society of the Divine Word


Sr. Maria Jerly, SSpS

Missionaries, Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit

SEDOS Members 2024

88 members

[CBS] Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris


[CFC] Congregation of Christian Brothers


[CICM] Congregation of Immaculate Heart of Mary (Scheut Fathers)


[CJMJ] Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph


[CMF] Sons of the Heart of Mary (Claretian Missionaries)


[CMM] Congregation of Missionaries of Marianhill


[CPS] Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood


[CSC] Congregation of Holy Cross (Congregazione di Sacro Cuore)


[CSJ] Suore di S. Giuseppe di Chambery


[CSSp] Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans)


[CSsR] Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists)


[DSH] Daughters of the Sacred Heart


[DMI] Daughters of Mary Immaculate


[FC] Brothers of Charity


[FCJ] Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus


[FDNSC] Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart


[FD(L)S] Filles de la Sagesse (Daughters of Wisdom)


[FMA] Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice


[FMM] Franciscan Missionaries of Mary


[FMS] Marist Brothers


[FSC] Brothers of the Christian Schools


[IBVM] Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Casa Loreto)


[ICM] Missionary Sisters Immaculate Heart of Mary

Site under construction/

IJ : Soeurs de l’Enfant Jésus (Nicolas-Barré)


[M.Afr] Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)

http://www.mafrome.org http://www.africamission-mafr.org

[MC/ISMC] Consolata Missionary Sisters


[MCCJ] Comboni Missionaries


[MEP] Paris Foreign Missions


[MG] Missionaries of Guadalupe


[MHM] Mill Hill Missionaries (St. Joseph’s Missionary Society)


[MM (M)] Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers


[MM (W)] Maryknoll Sisters


[MMB] Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz


[MMM] Medical Missionaries of Mary


[MMS] Medical Mission Sisters


[MSC(M)] Missionaries of the Sacred Heart


[MSC (W)] Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Hiltrup)


[MSHR] Missionary Sisters of the HoIy Rosary


[MSOLA] Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (White Sisters)


[NDA/OLA] Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles


[NDS] Our Lady of Sion


[O-CARM] Order of Carmelites


[OFM] Order of Friars Minor (Franciscan Friars)


[OMI] Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


[OP] Order of Preachers


[OP (P)] Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin


[OSU] Ursulines of the Roman Union


[PIME] Pontifical Foreign Missionary Institute


[PM] Presentation of Mary


[PSA] Little Sisters of the Assumption (Petites Soeurs de l’Assomption)


[RGS] Religious of the Good Shepherd


[RNDM] Religious of Our Lady of the Missions


[RSCJ] Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


[RSHM] Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary


[RSJ] Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart


[SA] Soeurs Auxiliatrices


[SAC] Societas Apostolatus Cattolici Società dell’Apostolato Cattolico(Pallotine Fathers)


[SCJ] Congregatio Sacerdotum a Sacro Corde Jesu (Dehoniani)


[SCJM] Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary


[SCMM] Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of Mercy


[SDB] Salesians of Don Bosco


[SDC] Society of Christian Doctrine


[SDC] – Female: Society of Christian Doctrine

[SFB] Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux


[SFM] Scarboro Foreign Mission Society


[SFMA] Franciscan Missionaries Sisters of Assisi


[SFP] Franciscan Sisters of the Poor


[SHCJ] Society of the Holy Child Jesus


SNDdeN: Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur


[SM] Society of Mary (Marianists)


[SM] Marist Sisters


[SM (F)] Society of Mary (Marist Fathers)


[SMA] Society of African Missions


[SMB] Bethlehem Mission Society (Societas missionaria de Bethlehem)


[SMC] Comboni Missionary Sisters (Pie Madri della Nigrizia)


[SME] Societé Mission Etrangères (du Québec)


[SMSM] Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary


[SND] Sisters of Notre Dame


[SP] Sisters of Providence


[SSC] Society of Saint Columban


[SSND] School Sisters of Notre Dame


[SSpS] Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit


[SUSC] Sisters of Holy Union

Site under construction

[SVD] Society of the Divine Word


[TSSF] Tertiary Sisters of Saint Francis

[UISG] International union of Superiors General


[USG] Union of Superiors General


SEDOS Goals and Identity

SEDOS (Service of Documentation and Study on Global Mission) is a forum open to Institutes of Consecrated Life, which commit themselves to deepening their understanding of global mission. It encourages research and disseminates information through its Bulletin and Homepage, the annual SEDOS Residential Seminar (beginning of May), public conferences, and workshops.

SEDOS began during the Second Vatican Council when nine missionary societies began to meet in an informal way in Rome to exchange information and opinions on mission in the Church. The guiding light was Father Hein Mondé, Superior General of the Society of African Missions (SMA), together with other eight Superiors General. The group made a significant contribution to Ad Gentes at the Second Vatican Council, which was greatly influenced by their discussions with members of the Roman Curia.

In 1964 the nine societies wished to have a permanent secretariat. Father Johan Schütte, Superior General of the Society of the Divine Word Missionaries, generously made available the spacious premises on the SVD College grounds, in Rome. Even today, these offices host the SEDOS secretariat and library.

In 1969, SEDOS was already made up of 30 member societies of sisters, brothers, and priests. In December 1995 the number reached 88. At the moment, 2017, we have about 80 members. Many of the members have their Mother House in Rome, others in Ireland, England, France, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico. Many of them are major religious missionary societies of the Catholic Church.

In 1981, SEDOS organized an international seminar on “WHY MISSION?”. The idea that immerged, in the words of Father Ferrari, Superior General of the Xaverian Missionaries, then President of SEDOS, are now recorded in the Statutes of many of our member institutions and others. He said that SEDOS is, and has been, an extraordinary catalyst of the missionary energy of its members. The reports of the seminar is reported in the book published by SEDOS, Mission in Dialogue (Orbis Books 1982), and they are still relevant to missiological thought today.

SEDOS published Trends in Mission (Orbis Books 1991), to celebrate its 25 years of Mission activity. It contains a selection of conferences given over the preceding eight years which illustrate the development of theology and mission practice during that period. This text was chosen by the International Bulletin of Missionary Research as one of the most meaningful texts on the study of mission published in 1991. In 1994, during the Special Synod of Bishops for Africa, SEDOS organized a special theological symposium with the bishops and the African theologians. This conference led to a new book on the Church in Africa, entitled: Africa – The Kairos of a Synod. To celebrate the 50 years of SEDOS a booklet on the history of SEDOS and its founders was published: The biographies of the nine Founders of SEDOS (1964-2014).

Interreligious dialogue and Ecumenism are important subjects for SEDOS.

The Commission on World Mission and Evangelization within the World Council of Churches (WCC) has already invited SEDOS several times to their International conferences (e.g. Melbourne 1980, San Antonio 1989, Greece, 2005, Tanzania 2018). For the Commemoration of the 500 Years of the Reformation this year, we are organizing an Ecumenical Celebration at the Lutheran Church in Rome.

Also for interreligious dialogue SEDOS has taken different initiatives, the last one was last year, 2016, with an Interreligious Pilgrimage through the Holy Door: https://vimeo.com/193203862

The place of women, an argument taken into little consideration at the initial meetings, now holds an important place. In fact, the Executive Committee of SEDOS is now made up of 50% men and 50% women. And in accord with SEDOS Statutes, a Superior General, man or woman, alternates in holding the position of President for a period of three years.

SEDOS’ primary prerogative is the deepening and understanding of world mission. To accomplish this, it organizes various seminars, conferences, workshops, every year which are open to the public. The speakers are chosen among those with a wide experience in the missionary field and with a sufficient knowledge on how to deal with missionary challenges.

In addition, SEDOS welcomes groups and facilitates meetings periodically at the Secretariat, to analyze and share particular experiences and situations in different missionary areas. For this reason, SEDOS also cooperates with other groups, such as Justice and Peace committee or IRD committee within the USG-UISG.

SEDOS library has an important collection of books and magazines. It publishes the bi-monthly SEDOS Bulletin with articles in four languages, and manages a Homepage which circulates interesting information, articles, books, and links on missionary experiences /studies from diverse parts of the world.

SEDOS welcomes all new members with an open heart and an open mind!

Biographies of nine founders of SEDOS

Biographies of the 9 Founders

Statutes of SEDOS

Statutes of SEDOS English

Statutes of SEDOS Spanish

Statutes of SEDOS French

Statutes of SEDOS Italy


SEDOS is a forum open to Roman-Catholic Institutes of Consecrated Life
which commit themselves to deepening their understanding of global mission.

The requirements to become a member are stipulated by our SEDOS Statutes:

Art. 5 – The Constitutive Members

In order to become a constitutive member of SEDOS, an institute must satisfy the following conditions:

  • It must be involved in missionary work;
  • It must make an official request to the President;
  • It must be accepted by the unanimous vote of the Executive Committee or the
    absolute majority of the General Assembly.
  • It must agree to pay the annual subscription.
  • It must agree to participate in the activities undertaken by SEDOS.

The constitutive members have the right:

  • To present to the Assembly specific proposals in relation to joint projects.
  • To participate in all SEDOS activities;
  • To receive all documents prepared by the Secretariat;
  • To request information from the Executive Director.

The Annual Subscription Fee has been decided by the General Assembly in the following way:

Institutes with less than 500 members contribute yearly 600 Euro;

Institutes with more than 500 members contribute yearly 1200 Euro.

If the Congregation/Society agrees to all this, your request can be send to the Executive Director of SEDOS, and it will be discussed at the next Executive Committee Meeting, and approved at the General Assembly by the end of the year. The payment of the Annual Subscription will start the following year.

You can find more concrete information, e.g. concerning the right for printed copies of the SEDOS Bulletin and the way to pay the membership fee, in the document “Application Form for Membership”.


We kindly need the following information about your Congregation / Society:

In becoming SEDOS member the Congregation acquires the right to receive three free copies of the bimonthly SEDOS Bulletin that publishes articles on Mission today. The three free copies of the bulletin can be sent anywhere in the world. Please write on a separate file the exact postal address and country where you want to receive them. If you prefer also to receive the Bulletin online please add a list of email addresses. There is also the possibility to get extra copies at the price (for 1 year) of 30 euro in Europe, 45 euro outside Europe.

Payment of SEDOS membership

The SEDOS fiscal year starts in beginning of November and ends in October the next year.
It is recommended to pay the membership in the month of January.

The membership fee is:
€ 600,00 (six hundred Euro) for Congregations with less than 500 members;
€ 1.200,00 (one thousand and two hundred Euro) for those with more than 500 members.

It is possible to pay:
1.) By Bank transfer to Banca Popolare di Sondrio:
IBAN: IT61 P056 9603 2140 0000 5484 X14 — SWIFT: POSOIT 22

(it is important to specify the name of the Congregation that is making the payment with its international abbreviation first, as well as the year for which is the subscription fee)

Please inform us by email once payment has been effected.

2.) By cash at the SEDOS office.

Thanks!    The SEDOS team