Essays in Honor of Stephen B. Bevans, SVD
Part of the Missiology series:
- Contemporary Mission Theology
- The Identity of the Christian Community in Africa - Doctoral Thesis
- Jesus and Kukai
- Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship
- The Risk of Hope
- Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Contexts
- Intercultural Living
- I Am Indeed Your Brother
- Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue
- Missione Extra Large
- Le Dialogue comme Mission de la famille Dominicaine
- Go Forth
- Breaking through the Boundaries
- Prophetic Dialogue
- Extensio Dei-Mission as Divine Reaching Out
- Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Contexts
- SEDOS - New Trends in Mission
- Becoming Missionary Disciples
- Bad Urach Statement
While honoring Steve Bevans, SVD, a towering figure in the field of missiology and a longtime author of Orbis books on missiology, this book is designed as a textbook for classroom use. It is organized around the three main foci of Bevans’ theology: mission, contextual theologies, and dialogical theory.
Contributors are a who’s who of contemporary mission studies in global context and represent various Christian traditions throughout the global church.