A Servant of Jesus among Allah’s Poor

Part of the Missiology series:
- Contemporary Mission Theology
- The Identity of the Christian Community in Africa - Doctoral Thesis
- Jesus and Kukai
- Traditional Ritual as Christian Worship
- The Risk of Hope
- Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Contexts
- Intercultural Living
- I Am Indeed Your Brother
- Christian Mission, Contextual Theology, Prophetic Dialogue
- Missione Extra Large
- Le Dialogue comme Mission de la famille Dominicaine
- Go Forth
- Breaking through the Boundaries
- Prophetic Dialogue
- Extensio Dei-Mission as Divine Reaching Out
- Missionary Discipleship in Glocal Contexts
- SEDOS - New Trends in Mission
- Becoming Missionary Disciples
- Bad Urach Statement
For over forty years, Bob McCahill, a Maryknoll priest, has pursued an unusual witness among the Muslim poor of Bangladesh. Rather than traditional pastoral work, McCahill simply tries to live as a friend and brother to his Muslim neighbors, offering a positive witness to the gospel ideals of service and love. In a series of small towns he has lived a life of utter simplicity, serving the sick, showing respect for Muslim piety, and explaining to all those who inquire the reasons for his way of life and good works.
This book is a collection of annual letters that Bob has sent home each year from Bangladesh over the last forty years. For many years these have appeared at Christmas time in The National Catholic Reporter.