The first course in the world on the ministry of the exorcism and prayer of liberation, it is organised in collaboration with the Group for Socio-religious Research and Information (GRIS) of Bologna and proposes an academic and interdisciplinary research on the ministry of exorcism and prayer of liberation. The course covers a wide range of issues: anthropological, phenomenological, social, theological, liturgical, canonical, pastoral, spiritual, medical, neuroscientific, pharmacological, symbolic, criminological, legal and juridical ones.
Our course is based in the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, “Auditorium John Paul II”.
Via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190
000163 – Rome
Tel: (+39)
The course is presented in Italian.
Simultaneous translation is offered into English, Spanish and French for an additional cost of € 300.00.
For more information and registration visit the site: