Contribution of Religious Women to Mission
SEDOS Autumn Seminar Contribution of Women Religious to Mission.
12-13 October 2018 At Brothers of Christian Schools, Rome
(Initiative of SEDOS, with the cooperation of JPIC of USG/UISG)
Focus: To raise awareness of the difficulties women religious encounter in doing mission, and to encourage congregations to co-operate more with female congregations.
Speakers and subthemes:
“Place” of Women Religious in history.
Ms. Catherine Marin
(Professor Church history at Catholic Institute of Paris, France)
Mother Mary and her sense of collaboration in mission, Biblical Perspective
Sr. Marie-Hélène Robert, OLA
(Professor Theology at Catholic University of Lyon, France)
Realities and Struggles of Women Religious in Mission
Sr.Anne Falola, OLA
Panel: Contribution of Religious Women in Joint Mission
(Different Congregations will take about their cooperation in the Mission)
10.00 to 10.15
prayer and intro;
10.15-11.00 talk;
11.30-12.30 sharing in group
Midday meal at the conference place.
2.15-3.30 talk;
4.00-5.00 sharing in group19