Lecture on recently published document “Mensuram Bonam” and Great economic challenges

Dear Sisters, Fathers and Brothers,

At the latest since the papal encyclical Laudato Si, the Church has also been called upon to do its part to limit climate change and its harmful social and environmental challenges, which particularly affect the global poor and future generations.

Impact investing can be a suitable instrument for this, as the recently published document “Mensuram Bonam” highlighted. In addition, the difficult energy situation throughout Europe also poses great economic challenges to the Church and forces it to save energy and thus costs.

We would like to bring these two levels together and therefore invite you to the following lectures:.

1. His Eminence
 Peter Cardinal Turkson, Chancellor of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences &
Prof. Dr. Peter Schallenberg
, Director of the Catholic Social Science Central Office Mönchengladbach (KSZ) and one of the authors of Mensuram Bonam:

“Mensuram Bonam: Genesis and outlook”

Dr. Fabio Gerosa, President of Fratello Sole:

“From energy consumers to energy producers: how to reduce energy consumption of a building managed by religious bodies in compliance with Laudato Si”

Fratello Sole is an Italian company from Milan experienced in working with religious orders (

Tuesday, January 24th, 2023
from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

(coffee is availabe at 2:30 p.m. already)

After, possibility for questions and conversations and refreshment.

Casa Bonus Pastor, Via Aurelia 208, Rome
internal parking place,
served by bus no. 46 and 49

Copies of the Mensuram Bonam, that we had printed especially for the occasion, will be distributed.

Kindly confirm your participation within January 13th, 2023 and indicate if you will participate accompanied. (See the attachment for the registration details)

2023_01_24 Pax-Bank_invitation

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