IWM Annual Conference 2024



Start: Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 13:30 pm

End: Friday, March 8, 2024, 13:00 pm

Place:  Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt am Main, Germany or online via Zoom


Institute of Global Church and Mission (IWM)

in cooperation with:
–  the Chair for Medieval and Modern Church History at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School
–  and the Chair of Church History in the Department of Catholic Theology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

Conference fee

On site Participation: 90 EUR/50 EUR reduced – Included are all presentations, workshops and network opportunities with presenters and participants, and cold drinks, coffee, and cake during breaks.

Online participation: free of charge – Included are all presentations. Not included are workshops and network opportunities with presenters and participants.

Conference language:

The main conference language is English. For day 2 is a simultaneous interpretation from German into English available.

The conference:

The event will focus on the missionary commitment of women, which has decisively shaped the development of the Catholic Church. Contrary to the traditionally Eurocentric male narrative anchored in mission history, the conference wants to open up spaces for a historical, mission-theological and contemporary examination of the work of women in the universal church. The contributions will focus on women as mission actors in different roles as members of religious communities, mothers, teachers, doctors, catechists, converts or candidates for baptism. Starting from the history of mission, the conference wants to make a contribution to “becoming visible” of women by letting different reference sciences enter into dialogue about the mentioned questions. Reflections on current developments, such as the Synodal Process, will provide a link to the present-day church.

Contributions from current international research and insights into practical contexts illuminate the topic from different perspectives:

  • How are women in mission portrayed in historical documents and what significance is attributed to them in mission history?
  • What traces of women in the movement of Christianity through space and time can be discerned and how do these shape theological questions about a reflected understanding of mission?
  • In what ways can mission history be adequately discussed today in light of postcolonial critiques regarding the intertwining of colonialism and mission?
  • How do women religious from different countries reflect on their role in mission in the Catholic Church?

Further information:
Further Information about the conference, the speakers and registration you find on our website: https://iwm.sankt-georgen.de/en/conference/annual-conference-2024-untold-stories-women-in-mission/

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