Extraordinary Mission Month (2019, Vol. 51 Num. 09/10)
Vol. 51 Num. 09/10
By Peter Baekelmans, CICM
Peter Baekelmans, CICM Dear Readers, On the occasion of this year’s extra-ordinary mission month we have collected a series of articles on mission. We…
La Figura y el Pensamiento del Papa Francisco – Una Interpelación Misionera
By Fausto Franco Martínez Antonio González-Mohíno Espinosa
Fausto Franco Martínez Antonio González-Mohíno Espinosa La Figura y el Pensamiento del Papa Francisco Una Interpelación Misionera “Nadie cose un remiendo de paño nuevo…
Exploring the “Missionary Disciple” Spiral – Insights of Recent Popes
By James H. Kroeger, M.M.
James H. Kroeger, M.M. Exploring the “Missionary Disciple” Spiral Insights of Recent Popes Energy, dynamism, and growth are common images evoked by the simple…
Anthropological Grounding of Evangelization – From Ad Gentes to New Evangelization
By Joseph Palakeel, MST
Joseph Palakeel, MST Anthropological Grounding of Evangelization From Ad Gentes to New Evangelization Introduction In his introduction to the book A Century of Catholic…
Oltre il Teismo – Verso Nuovo Immagini di Dio
By Mgr. John Shelby Spong
Mgr. John Shelby Spong Oltre il Teismo Verso Nuovo Immagini di Dio Fu per me un momento piuttosto insolito. Mentre sbrigavo i miei compiti…
How can we cultivate an interior missionary spirit and zeal?
By Peter Baekelmans, CICM
Peter Baekelmans, CICM How can we cultivate an interior missionary spirit and zeal? Lecture given to the Members of the Society of Christian Doctrine…
La Mission dans un Monde Pluraliste
By Sense Moses Simukonde, M.Afr.
Sense Moses Simukonde, M.Afr. La Mission dans un Monde Pluraliste Le dialogue est un chemin d’or qu’on désir pour le bien vivre dans toute…