Interreligious Encounters

Opportunities and Challenges

This selection of essays by Jesuit theologian Michael Amaladoss brings together important insights on religious diversity in an increasingly globalized world, where religion and religious differences influence individuals and societies in profound ways. Drawing on a particular context in India, the prime example of a multi-religious milieu, Amaladoss’s writings here are structured around his contention that interreligious dialogue or religious pluralism are not abstracts but can only be discerned in the context of a lived reality of a world of many faiths.

Interreligious Encounters considers a broad range of topics, including the challenges of crossing religious borders; the enriching practice of reading the sacred scriptures of religions other than one’s own; exploring secular criteria by which to assess the truth claims of religions; approaches to finding good in evil; and achieving true human liberation through interreligious encounter and collaboration.

Publisher: Orbis Books

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