This report consolidates two reports received. One concerns the answers given by 25 people and the other with the answers of 12 people. / Ce rapport a mis ensemble deux rapports, celui des réponses d’un groupe de 25 et celui des réponses d’un groupe de 12 personnes.
- Do you feel sufficiently informed about SEDOS and its activities? / Vous sentez-vous suffisamment informé(e) de SEDOS et de ses activités ?
(1) Yes / oui : 84%= 21/25 + 100%=12/12. Total : 33/37 (90%).
(2) Somewhat yes / un peu : 08%= 02/25 + … . Total: 02/37 (05%).
(3) Not really / par vraiment : 08%= 02/25 + … . Total: 02/37 (05%).
- SEDOS offers 2 one-day seminars per year (in spring and in autumn). / SEDOS organise 2 séminaires d’un jour par, au printemps et en automne.
(1) The topics are relevant for my congregation. / Je trouve les matières pertinentes pour ma
80%= 20/25 + 91.7%= 11/12 Total : 31/37 (90%).
(2) Somewhat relevant. / Un peu.
08%= 02/25 + …. Total : 03/37 (05%).
(3) The topics are not really relevant. / Les matières ne sont pas vraiment pertinentes.
08%= 02/25 + 08.3%= 01/12 Total : 03/37 (05%)
– Frequency and length of time of these seminars. Que pensez-vous de la fréquence et de la durée de ces séminaires.
- 2 seminars/year : 52%=13/25 + 75%=09/12 Total : 22/37 (60%)
- 1 seminar/year : 24%= 06/25 + 25%= 03/12
- 2 full days/year : 08%=02/24
- 2 half a day/year : …. = 01/24 + ……
- 1 full day/year : 08%= 02/24 + … .
- 1 half a day/year : … = 01/24 + … .
- The SEDOS Residential Seminar is held once a year (usually in May or June) with a duration of 5 days (Monday to Friday), in a venue outside Rome (Ariccia or Nemi). / Le séminaire résidentiel de SEDOS a lieu une fois par an (généralement en mai ou en juin) et dure 5 jours (du lundi au vendredi) dans un lieu situé hors de Rome (Ariccia ou Nemi).
- Your opinion about the duration. / Votre avis à propos de sa durée.
(1) 5 days are adequate, 5 jours sont suffisants.
56%= 14/25 + 66.7%= 08/12 Total : 14 + 8 = 22/37 (60%)
(2) To be shortened and to last 2 or 3 days. / Le séminaire résidentiel pourrait être plus court et
durer 2 ou 3 jours.
44%= 11/25 + 33.3%= 04/12 Total: 11 + 4 = 15/37 (40%)
– Your opinion about the venue. / Votre opinion à propos du lieu.
(1) Within Rome (allowing day time participation and making the fee more affordable. / C’est bien que le séminaire se tienne à Rome, ce qui permettrait une participation en journée, ce qui rendrait les frais d’inscription plus abordables.
64% = 16/25 + 66% = 08/12 Total : 16 + 8 = 24/37 (65%)
(2) Outside Rome (creating atmosphere of learning, sharing and total involvement). / C’est bien que le séminaire se tienne en dehors de Rome, créant ainsi une atmosphère d’étude, de partage et de totale participation.
36% = 09/25 + 33% = 04/12 Total : 9 + 4 = 13/37 (35%)
– Your opinion about the topics of the Residential Seminars. / Votre opinion à propos des sujets/thèmes des séminaires résidentiels.
(1) The topics are relevant for my congregation. / Les sujets/thèmes intéressent ma congrégation.
100% = 25/25 + 100% = 12/12 Total : 25 + 12 = 37/37 (100%)
(2) The topics are not relevant for my congregation. / Les sujets/thèmes n’intéressent pas ma congrégation.
- SEDOS Bulletin publishes the talks and reflections of the SEDOS Seminars and makes them available to all its members. Moreover it publishes other timely topics. / Le Bulletin SEDOS publie les conferences et réflexions données des séminaires de SEDOS et les met à la disposition de tous ses membres. De plus il publie d’autres sujets d’actualité. What is your opinion of the SEDOS bulletin ? / Comment trouvez-vous le bulletin de SEDOS ?
(1) The Bulletin is well received and widely read in our congregation. / Le bulletin est bien reçu et largement lu dans notre congrégation.
44% = 11/25 + 33% = 04/12 Total: 11 + 4 = 15/37 (40%)
(2) The Bulletin is of some interest to us. / Le bulletin nous intéresse un peu.
44% = 11/25 + 50% = 06/12 Total: 11 + 6 = 17/37 (45%)
(3) Our Congregation does not make much use of the Bulletin. / Notre congregation n’utilise pas beaucoup le bulletin.
12% = 03/25 + 16.7% = 02/12 Total: 3 + 2 = 5/37 (15%)
SEDOS Bulletin is published six times a year. Le bulletin SEDOS paraît six fois par an.
(1) Keep the current number of six issues per year. / Garder le nombre de six numéros par an.
40% = 10/25 + 25% = 03/12 Total: 10 + 3 = 13/37 (35%)
(2) 3 or 4 issues per year would be sufficient. / 3 ou 4 numéros par a serait suffisant.
60% = 15/25 + 75% = 09/12 Total :15 + 9 = 24/37 (65%)
- The SEDOS Website www.sedosmission.orgis a forum and source of information for the membership and everyone interested in the mission of SEDOS / Le site Web SEDOS est un forum et une source d’informations pour les membres et pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent à la mission de SEDOS.
How effective is the SEDOS Website? / Le site Web de SEDOS est-il efficace?
(1) I find the website informative and user-friendly. / Je trouve le site web informatif et convivial.
84% = 21/25 + 66.7% = 08/12 Total : 21 + 8 = 29/37 (78%)
(2) The website lacks relevant content. / Le site Web manque de contenu.
12% = 03/25 + 16.7% = 02/12 Total : 3 + 2 = 5/37 (15%)
(3) At times the website and its function are not easily accessible. Parfois, le site web et sa function ne sont pas facilement accessibles.
04% = 01/25 + 16.7% = 02/12 Total : 1 + 2 = 3/37 (7%)
- How can SEDOS fulfill its mission, serve you better, and involve your congregation more? Comment SEDOS peut-il remplir sa mission, mieux vous server et engager davantage votre congrégation ? We welcome any further comments and suggestions you would like to make. Nous accueillons avec Plaisir tous les commentaires et suggestions que vous souhaiteriez faire.
I am not sure if the topics discussed either in the seminars or printed in the bulletin are burning issues that are specific enough, contemporary and of interest to other congregations. Maybe it is important to check if other centers or universities in Rome offer similar conferences or programs. Could we collaborate with them? Should we review our vision/mission based on the current landscape?
I appreciate the seminars but we have not benefited because the information is often communicated late. It would be better that dates are given at the start of the year for better planning and participation. Thank you.
Highlighting reflections from different contexts, opening up missionary reflection on the contemporary world, offering qualified situational analyses, and emphasizing the option for the poor and for other in their otherness (dialogue).
Consider webinars on pertinent topics for Congregational members.
So many conferences and sessions are organized in Rome by UISG and JPIC. It would be good if SEDOS coordinates with UISG/USG and JPIC Rome while organizing SEDOS two one-day seminars.
BE CAREFUL. Question about the Venue, I think it is not well made. French and English do not correspond well.
Since we are new as members of SEDOS we need to have more experience to be able to give constructive comments. However, I congratulate you for your perseverance of 60 years in this important mission.
We congratulate SEDOS with its 60 years. More years to come!
I am satisfied.
Nothing more to suggest.
Nothing to propose for now.
Thank you.
I am happy with SEDOS work.
I want to thank you for what you have done by the Committee.
I believe I had signed up with my email to receive communications from SEDOS. I have not been receiving any. The other general council members have alerted me about communications they have received. An example is this survey and upcoming Christmas gathering.
I find its mission is very much relevant to the current scenario of the World and Church. It’s very active and effective.
If possible, send to me personally. Thank you for all you do.
Merci pour les formations données et le partage de certaines réflexions. Bonne préparation aux différentes célébrations.
I am new to SEDOS so it’s difficult for me to make any comments.
SEDOS is in the right direction. We have sought to keep up with the changes and challenges of our time. We have a prophetic, renewed and bold perspective. We seek to follow the spirit of the Papacy of Francis. There is hope for the growth and improvement of SEDOS;
SEDOS is a good source of information for the members of the Congregation.
Other points about seminars and the website.
Since our Generalate is not in Rome, it will not be possible to participate in a one-day seminar.
Le site Web manque de contenu pertinent.
Je trouve le site Web informatif and convivial.
I don’t use the website, life moving too quickly!
Parfois le site Web et sa fonction ne sont pas facilement accessibles.
The information shared in the Website could be updated regularly. Information on various courses and scholarship provisions could be communicated to the congregations.
- SEDOS welcomes contributions to the Bulletin from its members. We would be very glad to receive the names of some of your members who could contribute articles and reflections. / SEDOS accueille favorablement les contributions de ses membres au Bulletin. Nous serions très heureux de recevoir les noms de certains de vos membres qui voudraient contribuer des articles et des réflexions.
I will communicate with the sisters and in case I give names.
I could nominate possible contributors if themes and/or topics are sent out at least six months if not one year before the deadline of submission of the article.
- We will ask the members.
Sr. Kathleem McGarvey; Sr. Anne Marie Kouassi; Sr. Marie Hélène Robert;
We do not have a name to share, but we will keep your request into consideration.
I will think more about this and get back to you.
Je n’ai pas d’idée pour le moment.
Fr. Peter Baekelmans, CICM ( and Fr. John Mallare, CICM ( ).