SEDOS Annual Report 2024

SEDOS is a forum open to Institutes of Consecrated Life dedicated to deepening their understanding of global mission. It promotes research and facilitates the sharing of information through its Bulletin, website, public conferences, working groups, and its Annual Residential Seminar.

At present, SEDOS has 85 Member Congregations, including the Union of Superiors General (USG) and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG). This year, the Soeurs de l’Enfant Jésus (Nicolas-Barré), IJ, joined SEDOS as a new member. However, two congregations – Little Sisters of the Assumption (PSA) and Religious of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) – have decided to withdraw from the forum.


SEDOS Spring Seminar

The SEDOS Spring Seminar was held on Thursday, 21 March 2024, at the UISG, Piazza di Ponte Sant’Angelo, 28, 00186, Rome. The theme for this year’s seminar was “Mission of Hope: Mission Gifts from Each Continent.”

The Keynote Address was delivered by Msgr. Graham Bell, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Evangelisation, Section for Fundamental Questions of Evangelisation in the World. He spoke on the “Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope” and shared details about the programs and activities planned for the global celebration.

The second talk was given by Fr. Stan Lubungo, M.Afr., who shared his insights and experiences on the Mission of Hope, particularly from the African perspective.

The Seminar also featured four distinguished panelists representing different continents, who reflections on the Mission of Hope:

  • Sr. Mikaelin Bupu, SSpS, Vice Superior General (Asia)
  • Fr. Márcio Flávio Martins, CICM, General Councillor (Latin America)
  • Sr. Giuliana Bolzan, OLA, (Europe)
  • Sr. Virginie Habib, Secretary General, Rosary Sisters (Middle East)

50 participants attended the Seminar in person, which was highly appreciated for its Attractive approach and insightful discussions. In particular, the contributions by Msgr. Graham Bell and Sr. Giuliana Bolzan received high praise for offering profound insights on the Mission of Hope and the Jubilee Year 2025.

The lunch arrangement was also appreciated, although some food was wasted due to last-minute cancellations by a few registrants.

Overall, the Seminar was a success, providing a platform for meaningful dialogue and fostering a deeper understanding of the Mission of Hope across continents.

SEDOS Autumn Seminar

The SEDOS Autumn Seminar took place on 7 November 2024 at the UISG, in collaboration with the International Association of Catholic Missiologists (IACM). The seminar focused on two key themes: “Intergenerational Living for Mission” and “From Synodality to Mission: The Way of the Church for Today’s World.”

The first session featured Sr. Judith Carmel Lynch, FMM, who shared her experiences on intergenerational living, followed by Dr. Joseph Jeyaraj Swaminathan, SDB, who explored the psychological perspective of intergenerational living.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to synodality. Prof. Paolo Trianni delivered a talk on “Synodality and Interculturality: Cultures and Mission in the Future of the Church,” while Linda Pocher, FMA, presented on “Listening to Women: The Journey with the Pope and the Council of Cardinals.”

The seminar garnered significant interest, with over 84 participants in attendance. The first part of the event was organized by SEDOS, while the second part was managed by IACM.

SEDOS Residential Seminar

The SEDOS Residential Seminar was held from May 6–10, 2024, in Ariccia, with the theme: “Prophetic Witness for Universal Communion – Mission in Conflict Zones and Healing.” The opening address was delivered by His Eminence Dieudonné Cardinal Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp.

The theme was explored from various perspectives, including Biblical, psychological, and spiritual. Insightful and thought-provoking talks were delivered by Eric Akue, SJ, Mrs. Katharina Jelissjeva, and Mrs. Amaya Valcarcel from the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). Heartfelt testimonies were shared by Guy Theunis, MAfr., and Pier Luigi Maccalli, SMA, who recounted their personal experiences of hardship. Additionally, presentations were given by individuals actively working in these fields, including Mrs. Marie Dennis, James Kulwa Shimbala, SMA, and Sheila Kinsey, FCJM.

The seminar was attended by 40 participants who deepened their understanding of mission in conflict situations around the world. Participants expressed that the seminar was highly beneficial for missionaries, providing relevant insights and inspiration for their ministries, especially in light of the current global challenges.

SEDOS General Assembly and Christmas Party

The SEDOS General Assembly and Christmas Party were held on 14 December 2023 at the SVD Generalate. Both events received very positive feedback from the participants. A total of 23 congregations attended the General Assembly, during which the election of a new executive member was conducted smoothly.

While the venue was well-suited for the Christmas Party, it proved less ideal for the Assembly as the translators faced significant challenges in communicating effectively. The Executive Members suggested that the UISG venue might be a better option for future assemblies, though it is only available during the day until 4:30 p.m.

The combination of the General Assembly and the Christmas Party was much appreciated by all participants. As a result, it was decided to continue this format in the future.


SEDOS Workshop

This year, SEDOS organized a three-day online workshop on Artificial Intelligence, held on 10, 17, and 20 October 2024. The theme was: “Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Religious Missions and Social Good.” Nearly 102 participants registered for the workshop, which aroused significant interest and enthusiasm. The Sessions were practical and insightful, covering foundational AI concepts, ethical considerations, creative AI tools, and their practical applications for religious missions and social initiatives.

 SEDOS Cooperation with Other Institutes

SEDOS continues to strengthen its collaborations with other Institutes to further its objectives:

  • EBSCO Agency (Search Engine): The SEDOS Bulletin is now available on the EBSCO search engine, providing access to academic researchers and students.
  • JPIC, Rome: SEDOS has partnered with JPIC in Rome to organise seminars.
  • IACM: The Autumn Seminar was co-organized with the International Association of Catholic Missiologists.
  • Society of the Divine Word (SVD): SEDOS is working with the SVD to organize a Seminar on mission as part of their 150-Year Jubilee Celebrations.
  • World Council of Churches (WCC): Efforts are underway to cooperate with the WCC on publishing and sharing inputs for Seminars.

European Catholic China Colloquium

The Director represented SEDOS at the European Catholic China Colloquium, held in Siegburg, Germany from 22–25 August 2024. The theme of the Colloquium was “Mission in China.” It proved to be an eye-opening experience, offering deeper insights into the challenges and opportunities for mission in China. Most of the Speakers were either from mainland China or actively involved in mission work there.

Visits to SEDOS Members

The Director undertook to visit and interact with Member Houses, particularly those that extended an invitation. These included:

  • Congregation of Holy Cross (CSC)
  • Society of Christian Doctrine (SDC – female)
  • Daughters of Sacred Heart (DSH)

The administration of SEDOS continues to run smoothly, thanks to the dedicated work of its staff. The Director has been actively reaching out to new places and members, while also striving to enhance SEDOS’ various activities.

  • Finance Department: Sr. Maria Jerly, SSpS, the Bursar, efficiently manages the banking section, receipts, and payments. All expenses are well-documented and remain within the Budget estimate, ensuring the financial stability of SEDOS.
  • Secretariat: Sr. Celine, the Secretary, serves as the backbone of SEDOS. She excels in organizing seminars and workshops, handling the layout of the SEDOS Bulletin, documenting publications from member congregations, and managing all office-related tasks.
  • Digital Assistance: Sr. Christina, the Digital Assistant, keeps the website up-to-date and efficiently designs logos for events and Bulletins. She also supports various on-line and digital programs. Together with the Director, she works to improve the website and other digital platforms.
  • Translation Services: Ms. Philippa Wooldridge consistently delivers prompt translations of articles and other essential documents.

The biggest strength of SEDOS lies in its Executive Committee. The ten Members meet regularly to share insights and contribute to the success of seminars and activities. The Committee is well-balanced, ensuring gender and continental representation. This year, Fr. André-Léon Simonart, M.Afr. and Sr. Geni dos Santos Camargo, SFB, completed their terms in October. SEDOS is deeply grateful to them for their dedicated service and valuable contributions. To fill their roles, two new Members will be elected from a pool of seven nominees.

SEDOS Bulletin

The SEDOS Bulletin is highly regarded for its well-researched content and is widely sought after by scholars and students. Through its cooperation with the EBSCO agency, the Bulletin is now accessible to research scholars and university students.

  • Distribution: Each month, 210 printed copies are produced, as requested by Members. Digital copies are sent directly to registered e-mails and are available on the website.
  • Editing and Publication: These processes continue as usual, maintaining the high standard expected by readers.

Website and Social Media

The SEDOS website ( is regularly updated to ensure it remains relevant and useful. Recent improvements include:

  • Daily Reflections: A Scripture passage with a short reflection is posted daily.
  • Information Column: Updated regularly with new announcements.
  • Facebook Page: The SEDOS Facebook page (SEDOS Roma) is well managed from the Office, extending its reach and engagement.


The SEDOS library is consistently updated with new books and publications, including contributions from Member Congregations. New books are also featured on the website, making them easily accessible to members.

The combined efforts of the SEDOS staff, Executive Committee, and collaborators ensure the institute continues to grow and fulfil its mission effectively.


The financial situation of SEDOS remains stable and well within the set limit of €100,000. As you are aware, SEDOS relies primarily on the annual membership fees to cover most of its expenses, and all activities are planned accordingly.

This year, we successfully reduced expenses from €99,764.00 to €83,855.99. The reduction in the number of printed Bulletins has greatly lowered printing and postage costs. Additionally, compared to last year, we were able to encourage greater member participation at seminars, resulting in a smaller deficit. We continue to encourage more members to join our Seminars to further improve financial sustainability.

A few congregations have yet to pay their membership fees despite reminders, but we are hopeful that these payments will be received. Overall, our financial position is strong. We have managed to cover all the expenses for this year and are optimistic about maintaining this stability in 2025.

SEDOS ensures that financial agreements for its workers comply with State requirements:

  • Religious staff are compensated through donations made to their respective congregations.
  • The cleaning staff submits fiscal invoices every three months.
  • Translators provide fiscal invoices for their services and are paid €250 for half a day and €400 for a full day (taxes included).
  • Ms. Philippa, who assists with translations on a semi-volunteer basis, receives a monthly payment of €250.
  • Spring Seminar: In collaboration with the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), 27, 28, 29
    March, 2025 at Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome.
  • Residential Seminar: 16–20 June 2025, at Nemi. The Theme: “Missionary Institutes and Synodality: Carism, Prophesy and Witness.”
  • Autumn Seminar: 23 October 2025, at UISG.
  • Annual General Assembly and Christmas Gathering: Date to be announced.

“I am pleased to say that SEDOS is performing exceptionally well, with positive feedback pouring in from various quarters regarding its activities. The commitment of SEDOS Members is evident during the seminars, where they actively engage in sharing and offering creative insights. Participants consistently find these Seminars valuable, as they encounter fresh perspectives, gain new insights, and take meaningful steps forward.

I encourage all SEDOS Members to invite more participants to the Seminars. These gatherings provide an excellent opportunity to share experiences and innovative ideas, enriching each one’s missionary journey in the context of today’s challenges.

Let us continue our fervent dedication to the missionary life, striving for even greater zeal and commitment.”

Thank you.

John Paul Herman, SVD

Director of SEDOS, Rome