Opening Address SEDOS Annual General Assembly

Dear Members of SEDOS,

It is with great pleasure and a deep sense of gratitude that I welcome you all to the 2024 Annual General Assembly. This year is particularly special as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of SEDOS, a milestone that marks six decades of dedication, collaboration, and unwavering commitment to mission.

As we gather here today, to hear reports of what has been happening in SEDOS in 2024, our minds will be drawn back to the early days of this organization. We will be reminded of the visionary leaders who founded SEDOS in the spirit of Vatican II.


Let me present them to you:

Hein Monde, SMA (1909-1985)

Léo Deschâtelets, OMI (1899—1974)

Omer Degrijse, CICM (1913-2002)

Johann Schütte, SVD (1913-1971)

Clementinus da Vlissingen, OFM-Cap. (1909-1988)

Paul Hoffer, SM (1907-1976)

Leo Volker, MAFR (1906-1970)

Joseph Van Kerckhoven, MSC (1909- 1974)

Wilfrid-Joseph Dufault, A.A. (1907- 2004)

The vision and dedication of these men brought to birth the SEDOS Organization to help the Church reflect on Mission in the contemporary World. At that moment in time, the world and the Church was experiencing unprecedented changes. Not too different from our context of today.

As our Church moves forward in a more synodal key, awakening the missionary spirit in every Christian, perhaps now more than ever, there is a call to SEDOS to deepen these reflections and dialogue to help the Church and all ‘professional’ missionaries to discern the more specific missionary calls in our day. Is there still a specific missionary call from God in or day? What does it look like? These are some of the questions we continue to face as missionaries and we thank God for SEDOS which offers us a Forum to consider them together?

The legacy of these visionary founders of SEDOS lives on in our continued efforts to foster dialogue, understanding, and action among missionary congregations worldwide. Over the past sixty years, SEDOS has grown into a vibrant and impactful organization, thanks to the dedication and hard work of its membership.

This assembly is an opportunity for us to reflect on our journey, to give thanks to God for all the graces and blessings received in the past year, to note the particular achievements of the year, and look forward to the future with hope and determination. It is particularly important to again highlight the importance of being hope infused missionaries, as the Church will soon officially open the Jubilee Year where we are all invited to be Pilgrims of Hope.

During our short time together this morning, we will aim to Build on Our Legacy and Shape the Future in a meaningful way that challenges us to be alert to the signs of the times while at the same time shaping our organization to respond more effectively to our member’s needs. Having heard the reports of the past year, we will engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and develop strategies that will guide us in addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We will consider the results of the brief survey we sent to members to help us plan not only for today’s Assembly but for the future activities of SEDOS.

As missionaries, we are called to be beacons of hope, agents of change, and voices for justice and peace and the care of our common home. As members of SEDOS we must be proactive in promoting inter-congregational reflections and actions which help us to better discern God’s call to all missionaries in or day. What events and what activities can SEDOS coordinate that might be helpful for all of us to respond to this challenge for deeper reflection and discernment?

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for your dedication and commitment to our mission. SEDOS is a vibrant and dynamic organization and always portrays a very relational and welcoming quality. This makes it very attractive and helps our events to be enjoyable as well as challenging and informative. This is the synodal way; enjoying being together, getting to know each other, sharing our wisdom so that together, we continue to build on the foundation laid by our predecessors and work towards a future filled with hope, compassion, and justice.

Later today we will hear more about the other two dimensions of today’s celebration: our party to celebrate SEDOS@60 and our Christmas Party. But as we begin, a word of thanks in anticipation to all our translators who will make it possible for us to communicate seamlessly today and to our technological support here in the UISG office today – by Sr. Florence.

May our gathering today be enjoyable and fruitful!