Welcome Words for SEDOS Autumn Seminar

Dear Participants,

It is my great pleasure as SEDOS president and on behalf of the SEDOS Board to welcome you to this Autumn Seminar on the theme Intergenerational Living for Mission. As you are aware, this seminar is combined today with a seminar offered by IACM, the International Association for Catholic Missiologists who in the afternoon will explore the theme “From Synodality to Mission: The Way of the Church for Today’s World”, a very topical theme as we just ended the Synod on Synodality some 10 days ago. A sincere welcome to all who have joined us today through the IACM networks: we are very happy to collaborate with you today for this event. It may be the beginning of future collaborative efforts.

This morning, in the SEDOS seminar, we gather to explore a theme that is both timeless and timely: the synergy of different generations working together to fulfil our shared mission.

As we delve into the topic of intergenerational living for Mission, we recognize the immense value that each generation brings to the table. Our elders offer wisdom, experience, and a deep-rooted understanding of our faith and mission, while the younger generations bring fresh perspectives, energy, and innovative ideas. Together, we form a vibrant and dynamic community, united by our commitment to serve and to spread the message of love and compassion.

This seminar is an opportunity for us to engage in meaningful dialogue, share our experiences, and learn from one another. It will offer us both the challenge and the opportunity to learn how to build bridges between generations, to foster mutual respect and understanding, and to create a collaborative environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.

We will hear from our two esteemed speakers who will share their insights on the benefits and challenges of intergenerational living for mission. We will explore practical strategies for fostering collaboration and unity within our communities, and we will reflect on how we can harness the strengths of all generations, creating that inter-generational synergy, to further the mission God entrust to us.

As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that our shared mission transcends age and experience. It is a call to live out our faith, our missionary calling, in tangible ways, to support and uplift one another, and to work together to create a more just and compassionate world where the love of God is made visible.

Let us use this shared time today to learn, to grow, and to strengthen the bonds that unite us as a SEDOS community.

Thank you for being here and for your commitment to our shared mission. Thank you to all who make it possible for us to be here today: to UISG who are hosting us here today and a special word of thanks to our technicians and our translators.

Let us make the most of this opportunity and leave here inspired and equipped to continue our missionary endeavours.

Welcome, and let us begin this seminar with open hearts and minds.