Friday, December 2, 2022
From 15:30–18:00
Venue: International Union of Superiors General (Women) (UISG)
(Online for those unable to attend)
15:00 – 15:30 Registration & Tea/Coffee
16.00 Annual Assembly
1. Prayer
2. Welcome Address
Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie, MCCJ, President of SEDOS
3. Presentation of executive Committee Members
Outgoing Members
Incoming Members
Actual Members
4. Presentation of Annual Report 2022
Fr. John Paul Herman SVD, Discussion
5. Presentation of Financial Report 2022 and Budget 2023
Sr. Maria Jerly SSpS
6. Group Discussion: Possible themes for SEDOS Events
7. Vote of Thanks from Sr. Mary Barron, OLA (New President)
SEDOS Christmas Gathering: on December 16, 2022,
Time 18:00 at Collegio dei Verbiti 1, Roma
SEDOS Spring Session: March/April 2023 (Time, theme and venue)
SEDOS Residential Seminar:
May 2023, Venue: Nemi, from May 01-05 (Time and theme)
SEDOS Autumn Seminar: October/November 2023 (Time, theme and venue)
Workshops: On Fund Raising, Virtual Mission, Appreciative Inquiry
(Time, theme and venue)