As we begin our seminar, we turn to you, o Christ, who risen from the dead brought into the world reconciliation and peace. You call us to be your witnesses.
We bless and thank you for bringing us together this week in Ariccia from so many continents and countries, so different in cultural backgrounds and languages, belonging to a variety of congregations and societies, but all members of the one Church, all one in you, O risen Lord, called to be for our world a prophetic sign of universal Communion.
May your life-giving Spirit enlighten our minds and fan into flames of divine love our hearts
As we seek this week to deepen our missionary vocation to work for reconciliation, peace and harmony as well as to accompany sisters and brothers who because of violence and war, famine and drought, are fleeing home and country, and are seeking shelter and refuge;
As we seek this week to face some of the realities of violence and injustice in ourselves, our communities, Church and countries, near and far, and as we share experiences of nonviolent approaches which are key to the survival of life on earth and to the healing of the planet;
As we listen to your life-giving Word in the Gospel and celebrate your risen Presence among us and in us, thus enabling us to be prophetic signs of universal Communion.
We ask you all this, O God, our Father, Giver of Life, whose Spirit is in all things, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, one God forever and ever.