Gregorian Interreligious Studies Center
Il Centro Studi Interreligiosi della Gregoriana è lieto di annunciare il prossimo Forum aperto al pubblico previsto per lunedì 3 marzo alle ore 17.00 nell’aula F007, che verterà sul tema del Buddhismo. Interverrà il Dott. Filippo Lunardo. Coloro che desiderano partecipare in presenza all’incontro, sono pregati di registrare il proprio nominativo cliccando sul tasto “registrazione all’evento” al seguente link, …
Join the Global Movement for Digital Media Education!
The Catholic Media Council (CAMECO) is a consultancy specialising in media and communications in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific. 🌍 Join the Global Movement for Digital Media Education!🌍 Participate in our multilingual (FR, EN, ES) Digital Media Education & Policy Development Online Training! This training empowers …
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Short Renewal Program 2025
17-31 MARCH 2025 RENEWAL PROGRAM FOR MEMBERS OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS Transformation, Healing, Vulnerability, Search for meaning, Culture, The Inner self… At the service of God’s Mission. UNCOVERING THE INNER SELF IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNITY LIVING: A PATH TO TRANSFORMATION 6-DAY WORKSHOP FOLLOWED BY 7-DAY CONTEMPLATIVE RETREAT Total cost of Workshop & Retreat: 1.300€ OBS: The number …
Lent, Catholic Prayers & Reflections
Help in your journey of personal conversion! You view daily prayers, reflections and books which might be helpful as you seek to make the most out of this Lenten season. God can and will do glorious things in your life if you let Him! To know more view the webiste
Centro Ad Gentes (CAG), Nemi (Retreats and Seminars)
Centro Ad Gentes, a Conference & Retreat Center, is owned and operated by the Society of the Divine Word, an order of 6,000 Catholic missionary priests and Brothers who serve in 67 countries