Sacred Sources for Interreligious Engagement

Part of the Scripture series:
- Voices from the Margin
- Liturgy + Power
- The Transformed Heart
- The Bible and Catholic Theological Ethics
- Morning Homilies IV
- The Source of All Love
- Jesus and His Enemies
- The Depth of God’s Reach
- What Is the Mission of the Church
- Words to Live By
- A Stranger and You Welcomed Me
- Morning Homilies V
- God's Quad
- Unsettling the Word
- The Liberating Path of the Hebrew Prophets
- La Bibbia dell'Amicizia
- Seeds of Justice
- Jesus Wasn’t Killed by the Jews
- Pope Francis: The Gospel of Matthew
- Mystery and Hermeneutics
- Putting on the Mind of Christ
- The Promise of Deliverance
- Facing Apocalypse
- Dancing in God's Earthquake
- The Gospel of Mark
- To Love this Earthly Life
- Walking with Pope Francis
- My Dear Far-Nearness
- Exploring the Priesthood with Pope Francis
- Priestly Ministry and the People of God
In Words to Live By religious scholars representing many faith traditions present a sacred text they have found transformative in their work as Interreligious bridge-builders. Accompanying each text are reflections about its context, its message, and how it inspires or informs their own work in the field. Despite their diverse perspectives, the contributors all believe that such textual study plays an essential part in constructing a “new interreligious ethos.”