The Pope Speaks to the Youth of the World

Part of the Dialogue series:
- Interreligious Encounters
- Dialogue of the Heart
- The Courage to Be Happy
- Cultures and Religions in Dialogue
- Vangelo e Culture - per nuovi incontri
- Islamophobia
- Spirituality of communion and Interreligious Dialogue
- Transforming Interreligious Relations
- L'Accordo tra Santa Sede e Cina
- Witnessing to the God of Love and Mercy
- Trinitarian and Cosmo Theandric Vision - Vol. III
- Philosophy and Theology Part One
- Philosophy and Theology - Part Two
- Sacred Scularity - Opera Omnia Vol.XI
- Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World
Nowhere does Pope Francis's exuberance and outgoing personality seem to come more alive than in the company of young people. That vitality, tenderness, and love is on display in this comprehensive collection of his talks with young people around the world.
Included here are his talks with young people in Rome and in his travels throughout the world, including World Youth Day gatherings in Rio and Krakow, his annual Youth Day messages, and preparations for the upcoming Synod on Youth. But there are also spontaneous encounters and intimate conversations, in which he shares personal reflections on prayer and faith. Here is the essential Pope Francis—rooted in the Gospel, looking to the future with hope and love.