Motherhood in the Christian Tradition

Part of the Woman series:
- Joan Chittister
- Brand New Theology
- Four Women Doctors of the Church
- Ecowomanism
- Women Leaders in the Student Christian Movement
- On Being Unfinished
- African, Christian, Feminist
- Mothers of Faith
- The Tao of Asian American Belonging
- Beyond the Crossroads
- Marked for Life
- Birth of a Dancing Star
- More Hidden Women of the Gospels
- To Speak the Truth in Love
- Sister Wisdom
- Rising - Learning from Women's Leadership in Catholic Ministries
- On Pilgrimage - The Seventies
A Malawi-born Jesuit priest, Sumani approaches a broad definition of motherhood in the Christian faith tradition. Through both his own personal context as well as scholarly exegesis he focuses on many mother figures throughout the long narrative of Christianity including Mary, Elizabeth, Saints Felicitas and Perpetua, and even contemporary figures like Dorothy Day and Mother Teresa. Sumani stresses that through the insights culled from the experiences of motherhood, one can deepen one’s understanding of the workings of God in the world.
Wilfred M. Sumani, SJ, holds a doctorate in sacred liturgy from the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, Sant’Anselmo, Rome, and teaches at Hekima University College in Nairobi, Kenya.