Christian–Muslim Stories of Encounter

- Interreligious Encounters
- Dialogue of the Heart
- The Courage to Be Happy
- Cultures and Religions in Dialogue
- Vangelo e Culture - per nuovi incontri
- Islamophobia
- Spirituality of communion and Interreligious Dialogue
- Transforming Interreligious Relations
- L'Accordo tra Santa Sede e Cina
- Witnessing to the God of Love and Mercy
- Trinitarian and Cosmo Theandric Vision - Vol. III
- Philosophy and Theology Part One
- Philosophy and Theology - Part Two
- Sacred Scularity - Opera Omnia Vol.XI
- Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World
In Dialogue of the Heart, Benedictine Fr. Martin McGee presents a timely and heartfelt plea encouraging Christians everywhere to cultivate harmonious relationships with their Muslim neighbors.
With a touching account of the martyred Trappist monks of Tibhirine, Algeria, Fr. Martin reveals how this particular order provides an inspiring example by reaching out to their Muslim fellow-believers in modern-day North Africa. The monks’ story, recounted in the award-winning 2010 film Of Gods and Men, forms the backbone of this deeply affecting and thoughtful celebration of interreligious friendship.
By drawing on the inspiring witness of the Catholic Church in Algeria and Morocco, Fr. Martin sensitively illuminates the way in which Christians can connect sincerely in everyday life with their Muslim neighbors.