A Spirituality of Catholicity

Part of the Spirituality series:
- Mystery and Hermeneutics- Part Two
- James Martin: Essential writings
- The Way of Gratitude - Readings for a Joyful Life
- The Cross in Contexts
- Vesper Time
- Joyce Rupp
- Be Still and Know
- The Works of Mercy
- Spiritual Direction
- Richard Rohr
- And God Created Wholeness
- A New Way to Be Church
- Rejoice and Be Glad
- Blessed Are the Refugees
- Soul Seeing
- Jon Sobrino
- Culture over Christ
- Loving Water across Religion
- Ruth Burrows
- The Way of Forgiveness
- Love Prevails
- A Living Gospel
- Becoming New
- Catholicity and Emerging Personhood
- Vesper Time - The Spiritual Practice of Growing Older
- Ellen Birx: Embracing the Inconceivable
- When Tears Sing
- The Radical Gospel of Bishop Thomas Gumbleton
- Saints Celebrated and Unsung
- The Diary of Jesus Christ
- Catholic Social Teaching
- 99 Names of God
- Eyes of Compassion
- Hunger for Hope
- Belonging
- The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Sí
- Letters of Tribulation
- O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
- Mystics in Action
- Walter Rauschenbusch
- Creation's Wisdom
- Unlearning white Supremacy
- The Way of Love
- The Crucible of Racism
- Comprometernos con la diversidad
- Journey of Mother Mother Teresa Nuzzo in the footsteps of Jesus
- Matthew Fox
- The Mystics who came to Dinner
- Telling the San Jose Story
- Awakenings
Do the natural sciences support a supreme Consciousness at work in the universe? Is there a dynamic principle moving all things toward spiritual wholeness? A response to these “big questions,” this book will resonate with readers who put primacy in the material basis of science as well as religious readers for whom the essence of reality is Spirit. Rather than attempting to change minds, it offers a new idea of “catholicity” that makes sense to both.