Evaluation – Some Thoughts of Participants

  1. What ideas are you taking with you from this Seminar?

Keep the fire of missionary zeal burning.

The key insights each group shared on the final day of the presentation, need to be pondered and acted upon.

God is intervening at every moment of our lives. He continues to visit his people. We need to search for Him together in order to find Him.

Sharing in the group was enriching with happy memories of meeting many, companions on the journey, with time to share our stories.

We are called to be servant leaders and help our members to be prophetic witnesses by their intercultural life.

A greater awareness of the changing landscape of religious missionary life and the need for creative reactions to be relevant.

Justice is the heart of mission today, more than ever before.

There is change in the world, we need to shape the change.

Honouring the past, embracing the present and inspiring the future.

Connect ideas, models, examples related with the prevailing sensitivity, mentality and behaviour patterns in the world today, in society.

The idea of increasing cooperation with other congregations in the areas of:

Formation, ongoing formation, Interculturality, the age of justice, Dialogue, Justice – VUCA and BANI and many other new insights.

Acculturation and inculturation – Every culture can unveil the richness of the Gospel.

Synodality in mission is asked of us at different levels.

Understanding authority and leadership as dialogue.

A greater awareness of the changing landscape of Religious missionary life and the urgency for creative responses to be relevant.

Charisms are a gift of God to the world, Church.

Change our focus from quantity to quality of religious life. The dedicated religious can become leaven and bring transformation.

We have to learn the ‘secular language’ to comprehend the modern world.

Create a new human identity based on communion, not on race.

The idea of the “communion of sharing” as understood from Pope Francis’ Economy is really needed in our world.

Mutual listening to perceive what is said and what is not said – voice of the invisible.

Strong movement from Global South to Global North. A need for evangelization and re-evangelization on all continents.

Deepen the listening capacity in the intensive use of the social media.

  1. Some valuable insights for your ministry?

Maintain a balance between the vision of the Founder and that of those who want to be different.

It is God’s mission. We are called to withdraw when the mission is accomplished.

The role of leadership is to promote unity and communion among members.

Need to change our mindset to create new opportunities.

Ministry to the peripheries – prophetic witness.

Encouragement to be creative in Christ’s demanding mission, bringing healing, reconciliation, justice and hope.

Finding new ways of transmitting the Gospel, charism and spirituality to people through their own culture and language with respect for every person, culture, and religion.

Making our situation of admonishment an opportunity for transformation.

Accompany the young in formation with love and care and listen to the elders as well.

Authentic prophetic witnessing and compassion; the ministry of joy and happiness are inspiring insights.

Find ways to merge the diminishing Provinces.

  1. Any suggestions that could improve the Seminar?

The inputs were good and diverse, multicultural. Topics were well balanced. Very educative, informative, inspiring and insightful. Very good organization and participation. Food and accommodation – everything was very good.

Should the hybrid formula continue? If needed, please make sure you have the necessary tools. It might be better to separate the online from the in-person.

Prepare the technical and liturgical part in advance.

Spiritual/psychological advice on how to approach the diminishing number of members in our communities. How should we personally/ community face this situation? Perhaps by good example and good practice.

Need to choose and explore the theme for the Seminar early.

The cultural night should be organized in advance and be guided by a member of the team. There could be more animation.

The “live” contribution of those that intervened was invaluable. Need to have more time for questions.

A session on “how to be a missionary in the Digital World” could be continued add another SEDOS meeting or seminar.

Not have the same Speaker for the whole day.

Encourage more USG (Male) members to attend. Missed their side of the story in groups.

A Shorter Morning Prayer.

The participants need to make more effort to attend the socializing time.

Some Thoughts of Online Participants

  1. What ideas are you taking with you from this Seminar?

It was a blessing to be able to participate Online. I enjoyed all the Sessions I could attend. I was impressed by the organisation of the Seminar and by the in-put of all the Speakers. Thanks for the opportunity to take part online. The shared experiences in the panel were very enriching. The topic was well chosen and Mary Barron’s assessment in her opening Address with the geographical landscaping, was very good.

Mission is not about us. It is GOD’S MISSION. we are just the YEAST in God’s hands – we are the instruments. It is anywhere and everywhere. It has no frontiers. There is greater need to work together. Living in harmony community is also part of mission and it is very important to give a living witness.

Gratitude to the past and to the present, the challenge to look to the future with hope, and dare to make a creative commitment.

We are called to be servant leaders like Jesus, our Master.

Training involves conversion and ongoing transformation. Ongoing formation is very important as it is a daily call to be open and receptive.

We need to form and prepare young people to know, to respect and appreciate the values of other cultures and not to be afraid of those who have a different culture. Difference should not be a barrier, but an opportunity to evangelise. We also need to be more attentive to what the young ones are projecting.

God always visits us to lead us to what is positive. We each need to consider if one’s presence testifies to God’s visit and transmits hope to those around one.

Similarly, I must appreciate, listen to and understand the other languages in order to be listened to and understood in turn.

We are challenged to share our vulnerability, improve advocacy and deal with issues related to racism.

The ideas that emerged about Synodality were also very helpful.

We need to rethink Formation and on-going Formation in the light of the “Age of Justice”, as a global concept.

We need to continue on-going dialogue and our efforts to cooperate participate and support each other.

  1. Some valuable insights for your ministry?

We need to work on, embrace and develop the constructive changes. We need not be discouraged by decreasing numbers, but appreciate the fact that those who remain have a sense of creativity and adaptability.

Maintain a balance between the vision of the Founder and that of those who have a right to be different but want to lead this kind of life.

The need to give more space to open dialogue.

Identify a common approach (commonalities) and address disagreement through discussion. Focus on the question: What can we offer? AND What we need?

Compliance does not necessarily mean commitment.

Work on restructuring and preparing members for change

Formation: the need for formative communities in the field of ongoing formation

Interculturality: a call of the moment, dare to look at the differences, respect, integrate

Missionary: being a Christian is being a missionary, I am always called to go out to the other, make the other the centre. This is the first step of being a missionary, the rest is secondary!

Mission is God’s mission. Like the Apostles, we are called to withdraw once the mission is accomplished.

The role of leadership is to promote unity and communion among members.

Take the VUCA and the BANI evaluation into account when making decisions.

To think about the quality of formation and not always the quantity.

To be shepherds through our pastoral approach and be able to privilege dialogue.

Knowing that changing the process takes time, we must be patient, ready to listen to the Spirit, knowing that all things change but God does not change.

The six points that Father Paulus Budi brought up within the theme of “Governance and Leadership” were very interesting. I really liked it when he said that we should be “guardians of unity”. I would add “guardians of hope”.

The comments on Formation were very good, both from the female and male perspective.

We need to invest a lot in the education of members of Consecrated Religious Life and future priests; provide an updated formation adapted to the current time.

The explanation of Acculturation and Inculturation was invaluable and clearly presented. In all we do, we have to be sensitive to the others in our encounters.

To be relevant, we need to review our structures, work with each other and involve more and more lay participation.

  1. Any suggestions to improve the Seminar

The Online Seminar worked really well. I could hear all the speakers clearly. A few times when the moderator didn’t speak directly into the microphone, it was rather difficult to understand. Therefore, the quality of the Online Seminar (through Zoom meeting) could be improved.

Short breaks were really helpful. Spending a long time in front of a screen is stressful.

Spiritual/psychological perspectives on the aspect of the diminishing numbers in our communities and how to face this situation personally/in community would be more helpful, perhaps with examples and good practice

Thanks for sharing the recordings of the talks and the prayer for the day.

I was on-line from South Africa. We are having load shedding, so one day we were 23 hours without electricity so I couldn’t recharge but when I could I was happy with what I received.

Quelques idées des participants Italiens, Français et Espagnols.

  1. Quali idee stai portando via da questo seminario?

¿Qué ideas te llevas de este seminario?

Quelles idées emportez-vous lors de ce séminaire ?

Una idea dava que HAY QUE HACER UN CAMBIO en la vida personal, comunitaria, congregacional.

Il seminario era molto ricco di spunti per continuare ad approfondire all’interno delle nostre congregazioni, ottima la scelta dei relatori, certamente il fatto che le maggior parte forse in presenza è stato molto positivo, comme anche lo scambio in gruppo.

« Chaque temps est le temps de Dieu » donner une réponse créative à la vie religieuse missionnaire = vie de foi, de conviction de conversion permanente, d’accueil, de respect, de dialogue et d’Espérance…

Changement du paysage de la vie religieuse missionnaire implique la conversion et le dialogue, l’ouverture, l’acculturation, l’inculturation, la confiance et l’espérance.

Estar abrierto al panorama del cambio en la vida religiosa, porque este es un tiempo de cambio y de posibilidades.

La figura del lider como mdeiador de conflctos y promotor de la unidad em tiempos de cambio.

Investir en missiones a otros continentes, buscar alianzar, si non unimos seremos más furetes.

Ser evangelizador es dejarse evangelizar (docibilitas).

Dinámica de la fromación: adaptabilidad, identificación.

  1. Hai trovato degli spunti utili per il tuo ministero?

¿Encontró algunas ideas importante para su ministerio?

Avez-vous reçu des informations utiles pour votre ministère ?

Sí, Várias – era de justicia crescer en la capacidad de aduiranse. De la présencia de Dios en nuestro mundo roto.

La Formation continue toute la vie, aussi dans la communauté qui est un laboratoire de vie, de conversion, de discernement et d’obéissance. Ouvert aux autres, envers les évènements et à Dieu.

Nouvelles définitions d’acculturation et d’inculturation.

Misión como Dialogo Profetico.

Metodo: Sinodalidad.

Contenidos: Leidos conel lenguaje de la secolarizaccíon cambio da VUCA al BANI.

Estrategias: Liderazgo que promueve la diversidad y guardián de la unidad. La formación como aculturación. Vive con  mentalidad empresarial carismatica.

Los descritos anteriormente en la pregunta numero1, esecepto el tercer punto.

Me parece que deveria haver una dinamica más animatrice de los momentos encuentro y fiesta.

Propongo que haya un grupo animador, que ayude a la organización y a la animacion.

Effectivement comme religieuse beaucoup d’informations perceuse ont été évoquées tant au niveau personnel, que communautaire et apostolique.

  1. Hai suggerimenti per migliorare il


¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar el


 Avez-vous des suggestions pour améliorer le

 séminaire ?

Seguir profundizando este tema, con otros posibles puntos de vista o de acercaminhits.

La misión un medio por oponer la violencia, Promotores de paz.

Pensar en un equipo o alginen para animator con cantos o danzas, en los intervator.

Mejorar la tecnologia. Todavia no está bien.

D’abord un grand remerciement aux organisateurs du Séminaire.

La prochaine fois en pourrait respecter et renouveler le programme si c’est possible. Les soirées récréatives n’ont pas plu à tout le monde.

Merci pour toutes les interventions de qualité, et pour ce thème d’actualité. J’ai apprécié les travaux de groupes – enrichissant.

Je préfère la messe tous ensemble que dans les petits groupes.

Le partage biblique est bon en groupes de langues.

Pour moi je préfère les soirées libres.

Bonne animation partagée – Merci aux sœurs à la technique, aux Traductrices. Merci à l’équipe SEDOS.

Me parece que debería hacer una dinamica más animativa de los moments  de fraternidad y los moments de encuentro y fiesta.

Propongo que haya un grupo animador, que ayude a la  organización y a la animacion.

Tante grazie agli organizzatori; Molto bene. Forse per la prossima volta si potrebbe pensare un po’ ad organizzare meglio le serate – per esempio qualche visita a Nemi e gli intorni, oppure la presentazione de diversi corsi.

La messa è bella celebrare tutti insieme non soltanto in Inglese, anche in Italiano.

Que los ponentes hablen más despacio, porque era muy complicado con las traducciones. Perdimos muchas cosas preciosas, no era posible seguirlo todo.

Tener un grupo de animación, con una hoja en todos los idiomas, para los intervalos de las reuniones, también para dinamizar la noche de la integración.

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